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Four months later_

"Oh no you don't," I shouted before creating my scythe and threw it forward, it forced the villain I was chasing to stop and turn to face me with wide eyes.

See, Ken Houser managed to save us, I guess.

"So do we have a deal?" Ken asked. The people all were silent for a moment before they began whispering, some were harsh and irritated others were calm and normal. It took longer than when they were deciding my fate previously.

"You have a deal, but," someone spoke up, "they need guardians or a guardian so we have someone to blame if something goes wrong."

Yeesh-- so blunt and straight to the point...

"Of course," Ken nodded, "and I'm sure Enki Vast wouldn't mind taking that role considering he went through such lengths to save two of his students."

"Er-- what? This isn't where I thought this was going..." Shadows spoke up, choking slightly out of surprise.

I turned and smiled at Shadows.

"Well, Mr Vast?" someone asked impatiently. I really don't like the idea that the people deciding our fate are cloaked in darkness...

Shadows looked up and down the line slightly panicked.

"Don't worry, the government will give you support. We'll have to keep an eye on them at all time to assure they don't return to the way they were," another voice called out, they had this reassuring tone to their voice that made even me relax.

"Sure," Shadows nodded, his face wearing an expression of undiluted unsureness and worry.

"The deal has been made," someone's voice, a new one, boomed around the room, "the members of Numéros will adopt new names. Real names. You will become registered citizens of Japan and you will become the go to villain trackers and organisation destroyers."

Sounds weird with the way it was worded...

"Your guardian will be Enki Vast, hero Shadows, he will watch over you all until he dies," the voice continued, "you will follow the rules laid out for you and follow all orders you receive. Work hard and don't make us regret our decision."

We all nodded and bowed to them.

"Thank you for your kindness," we all said in sympathy before turning and leaving with Shadows.

After that we became a new team with new names.

Zero -
F/n (l/n / Vast)

One -
Sky (l/n / Vast)

Two -
Kristopher (l/n / Vast)

Three -
Elias (l/n / Vast)

Four -
Landon (l/n / Vast)

Five -
Paris (l/n / Vast)

Six -
Damien (l/n / Vast)

Seven -
Rose (l/n / Vast)

Eight -
Klaus (l/n / Vast)

Nine -
Maya (l/n / Vast)

Ten -
Shad (l/n / Vast)

We spent the first two months tracking down as many families of people we hurt or killed and apologised for everything, we did whatever they wanted us to do for about half an hour and then moved along. So it wasn't many people but it was enough for the public to accept that we were no longer 'evil' or villains. So that made me feel a tiny bit better.

"Thanks for your help, l/n," a police man nodded to me as he took the villain and locked him with the others I'd caught today. I nodded and turned around and began walking away.

"Afternoon," a mess of green walked over to me.

"Afternoon, Izuku," I nodded to him, "is it alright you're out here? You know... The league of villains?"

"I got permission," he nodded, "also Kirishima was with me, he saw Shad and dashed."

I laughed.

"Of course he did," I nodded as we walked into a café, everyone watched me closely as I walked in. People obviously still don't like me, four months of good deeds isn't going to put much confidence in people.

"How's UA?" I asked, "other than the fact you're being hunted down and hated on by the villains who will probably path out your future..."

Izuku smiled as we ordered something to drink and then took a seat by the window.

"Aizawa is putting as much stress on is as he always has," he replied, "but it's still as fun as it usually is."

"Fun?" I repeated, "what part of UA was ever fun?"

"Oh you know, the life and death situations," he joked, I rolled my eyes, "I just love everything. It's thrilling."

"You are such a hero nerd," I laughed.

"No I'm not," he laughed.

"Yes you are," I laughed, my voice going slightly higher, "You're such a big hero nerd. It's kind of sad."

"Says the girl who hunts villains for a living," he smiled, I shook my head and pulled out my phone.

"Speaking of, I got another guy today," I told him, "it's getting harder, they're hiding. Getting smarter. Not going to lie, it's quite entertaining. Like a game  that I'm not winning. But it's work, work that's really hard, but work."

"Seriously?" he looked at me unsure.

I cringed and sighed.

"I can't believe I just said that," I shook my head, "I guess my villain subconscious is still kind of there. Sorry."

He shook his head.

"It's alright," Izuku smiled, "it's hard to kill old habits."

I nodded.

"It's a pain," I grumbled before my phone buzzed, I pulled it out to see a message from Shad, "well that's weird..."

"What?" Izuku asked, leaning forward.

"Shad just sent me his location," I replied, "no message. Nothing. Just a location."

I stood up and looked to Izuku.

"You're OK getting back to UA, right?" I asked him, he nodded, "I've got to go, figure out what this is about. I will text you later and if I see Kirishima, I'm going to send him back."

He nodded.

"See you later," he waved as I left the café and began walking to where Shad's location was.

I recognised it.

It was the place of our first kill.

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now