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I arrived at the large open area of field to see everyone else were looking around confused.

"You guys too?" I asked, they all turned and nodded, showing their phones had a message from Shad with the location. A weird disgusting smell hit my nose, my eyes widened and I looked around.

"I smell blood," I announced, "Quick! Spread out and look for Shad!"

Everyone nodded and sprinted off in different directions, shouting 'shad' as they moved.

A bird soared over me, looking back and forth as it moved. That's either Maya (Nine) or Damien (Six).

A small growl came from my feet, I looked down to see a wolf. Ok... They've both changed, smart. One in the sky, one on the ground.


We searched for 30 minutes when we finally found him.

"Shad," I skidded to his side and placed my fingers on his neck, a slow beating allowed me to let out a sigh of relief, "he's alive."

Everyone celebrated silently before I noticed something. Lifting up the sleeve of Shad's shirt I see a number 05079 literally carved into his wrist and then notice along his collar bone was a strange black mark that seemed to pulsate slightly. What the hell is that?

"Guys," Elias (Three) called, "we have a problem."

We all stood up to see a person we thought was dead, standing in front of us like nothing happened, very alive.

"Shit," I cursed to myself.


Shadows' PoV

I looked to the clock on the wall.

"They're late," I mumbled. I looked to Aizawa who was giving me a weird look before we looked to both sighed.

"I'll call one of them," I pulled out my phone just in time to see a message from Nemuri pop up.

'Turn on the news now.'

I frowned and grabbed the remote and turned the TV on before changing the channel to the news.

"Former villains, Numéros, have been found bleeding out in a farmers field. Investigation to follow."

"Crap," Aizawa grabbed his coat and I grabbed mine before we sprinted out of my house and ran to the location. It took about ten minutes but we got there just as the last kid was loaded into an ambulance.

"What the hell happened?" I asked, looking to a friend of mine on the police force, Takahashi.

"We don't know," he replied, "it's all really weird. It seems like they were drawn out here. Look, this is a message Shad got on his phone about 50 minutes ago."

I read the message: 'We need to talk Ten. You will recognise me when we meet. Come to the location of your first kill. Come alone.'

"And then this is the message everyone else of Numéros got ten minutes later," he lifted up another phone.

It was a location to here sent from Shad's phone.

"Someone wanted to kill them," Takahashi told me, "who? We don't know. But I have a feeling it's someone they used to know. So we're going to ask them about it when they are well enough. I understand you're their guardian so feel free to go to the hospital and wait along side them."

I nodded and looked to Aizawa.

"I'll go to Nezu," Aizawa announced, "he did a lot of research on Numéros so he may know who it is, and I'll call Ken Houser as well. He may know who it may be if Nezu doesn't."

"And I'll go to the hospital," I told him, "I'll call if any of them wake up."

Aizawa nodded and I got into the ambulance that had Sky (One) in.


I sighed as I looked over to the clock hanging up on the wall of the hospital room that had all of the children in.

"I need a coffee," I mumbled to myself before standing up, I was about to turn and walk away when a hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, I turned to see Klaus (Eight).

"Houser..." he forced out before losing consciousness again.

"Klaus," I shook him slightly, "hey--"

I noticed a mark on his wrist. It was a number literally carved into it. 05073. Quickly I rushed to each person, lifting their wrists to see the numbers. 05066 (Zero), 05068 (One) 05055 (Two) 05001 (Three) 05042 (Five) 05063 (Six) 05780 (Seven) 05032 (Nine) 05079 (Ten). I reached the last one, 05003 (Four).

"What is this?" I whispered, outraged as I pulled my phone out and called Aizawa.


"Shota, there's something wrong."

"What is it? Did they wake up?"

"Kind of? Klaus woke up for a moment to mutter out 'Houser' before he lost consciousness again."

"As in the doctor? Or Ken? Do you think he was talking about their attacker?"

"If it's the doctor then that's not possible, he died after y/n injected him with that formula."

"That is true... Ken Houser is on his way over here now. He's flying from Europe so no matter how we look at it, he did not attempt to kill any of these children. Is there anything else?"


"What is it?"

"Everyone of them have a number carved into their wrists. It's so deep that even their regeneration quirk won't be able to heal it up completely, they're going to be left with scars."

"The League of Villains and this... this year is just too stressful and filled with pain. The least we can do is attempt to solve this quickly, we know that the league situation will continue for a long time. After all, Shigaraki seems to like teaming up with people."

"You're right. What does Nezu say about all of this?"

"He thinks this is either a warning to stop Numéros from hunting down villains, or someone really wants them all dead. I do believe the words that he thinks someone would be pressing is 'they're an abomination'."


"Indeed. Anyway, keep watch over them. I'll keep in touch."

"Alright. Be careful, we don't know what meddling in this will do to us."

Aizawa agreed and then hung up as I retook my seat. The coffee can wait.

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