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"Alright, the rules to this is no quirks. So even those with physical manifestations such as Ojiro and Asui or I suppose Hagakure as well, no using that. No tail, no tongue, no complete invisibility, no quirk," Shadows told us, "you'll be going in pairs, a good amount of friendly competition so let's start with..."

Shadows looked around before stopping at myself and Shad.

"How about the young l/n siblings?" he asked, we both nodded and stepped forward, "Alright everyone else follow me to the spectators spot. You two wait here for the signal."

"Yes, sir," we both replied as everyone else walked away.

"Looks complex," I commented as I looked around the arena.

There were ledges and ponds and giant holes, rope walks and monkey bar kinds of things.

"Indeed it does," Shad nodded, "so is this a race or teamwork?"

"Teamwork," Shadows voice echoed through the speakers, we looked up to the glass screen high up above us as the TVs around the arena flashed onto images of us, "you both have as long as you need to get around the course. Please try get around as quick as you can."

We nodded and got ready.

3rd Person PoV

A loud horn like sound echoed throughout the room and y/n and Shad went flying forward.

They sprinted quickly through the level land of the obstacle course before Shad ran further ahead and crouched down.

Y/n reached him moments later and used his back as a trampoline and propelled herself up into the air, hooking her legs on a monkey bar and hanging down, her arms hanging down and her hands reached to catch Shad.

"Come on," she nodded to him, he sprinted forward and leapt up at the edge of the platform. His hands stretched up and a slight clap sounded around them as y/n caught him and begun to swing him before letting him go.

He caught another monkey bar, four bars away.

"Your turn," he told his partner as he adjusted his grip on the metal bar holding him up.

Y/n hummed and swung herself before letting go of the bar and catching the one next to it before swinging again and catching Shad's feet.

He grunted slightly before swinging his legs and launching y/n to the over ledge before swinging himself after her as she stepped to the side, stretching her arms out and caught Shad before he fell backwards into the pool of mud under the monkey bars.

"Good catch," he laughed a little as they caught their breath before shaking their heads and continuing through the course.

"Their team work skills are impeccable," Momo commented as everyone watched the two conquer obstacle after obstacle, using each other as support.

"They are siblings," Midoriya reminded her, "maybe they train a lot together."

"Most likely," Iida nodded, "there's no way they're barely communicating but still knowing exactly what they're going to do as easily as they are."

"You're doing good l/ns. Keep on going," Shadows spoke through the mic as he watched the h/c haired girl and blonde boy run towards the final obstacle.

"What... The heck?" y/n questioned as she and Shad looked at the tree with a rope hanging over a giant casm, "it's not even close..."

"No," Shad agreed, "I could launch you over there..."

Y/n coughed a laugh.

"And risk me falling to my death?" she asked, "no way."

Shad looked around for something he could use.

"Fine," he replied, sighing and giving up, "you launch me."

Y/n nodded.

"I can get down with that," she crouched down at the edge of the cliff and Shad jogged further away.

Hopping from foot to foot, he began his sprint, speed gradually building up until he jumped onto y/n's back.

She rose quickly and jumped herself as he pushed off her and went flying forward.

"Oh go---" he shouted as he frantically reached forward and grabbed the rope. He swung for a bit, adjusting to the sudden change in surface.

"You going to hang there all day?" y/n called over to Shad. He let out a sigh and shook his head.

"I was getting used to my bearings," he called back before climbing up to the branch of the tree and perching on it before swinging the rope over in y/n's direction.

She caught it and jumped off the cliff, using the momentum to swing her to the other side and land safely over the finish line.

"Come on!" she shouted to him, "we're not the only ones doing this you know!"

"Quiet you!" Shad shouted before back flipping off the branch and catching the rope before swinging his legs back and forth until he had enough momentum to swing himself to where y/n was stood.

"Took your time," she joked before looking up to where their classmates and teacher were stood, "we're finished!"

"Alright! Come on up here young l/ns," Shadows voice returned, the two nodded and began walking to where their classmates and teacher were waiting.

Your PoV

"That is not easy," I joked, "almost made me break a sweat."

"If it almost made you break a sweat then you haven't been training hard enough recently," Shad retorted, I glared at him.

"I do more than you," I reminded him, to the others that may seem like I'm the more active training one but actually it means that I've been doing way much more than he has recently in training and in hero killing and he knew that. We both did.

"I haven't been getting the requests lately," came his reply before we looked to our teacher who was looking pretty annoyed.

"When you're both finished," he frowned, we nodded, "right. You two are an excellent duo. I'm quite curious whether when you're fighting against each other you end up crumbling. Who knows... Anyway, to be honest the only thing I can say is don't take risky actions such as the tree at the end of the course. You could've just walked over the bridge to the right of it."

There was a bridge?

I looked on the monitor to see there was a bridge. It looked like it was half a day to breaking, but still.

How did we miss that?

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now