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"Man that was exhausting, Shadows really pulled us through the ringer!" Mina exclaimed as we began getting changed.

"Yeah," I heard Hagakure agree, I chuckled from my hiding behind the door of my locker. I didn't want them to see my body, it's littered in surgery scars. No stitches, but scars yes. It'll just create some questions and--

"Whoa, y/n, where'd you get those scars from?" Uraraka asked as she traced the largest one on my back. I jumped away and swatted her hand away from me, revealing the other scars on my front.

Where'd she come from?

I didn't even sense her coming over...

"Please don't touch me," I requested before hurrying and pulling my shirt on, "they're not memories I wish to remember."

"Seems like they hold a lot of memories for you," Tsu commented as I pulled my skirt on and tucked my shirt in before retying my tie and pulling my blazer.

"I grew up in a rough place," I told them as I packed my pe kit away.

Sure, I'm not really lying but I'm not telling the whole truth either. The fact that they've seen my scars is enough to make me more cautious. If All for One finds out about this... Damn. I have to make sure he doesn't find out.

I left the changing rooms and met Shad.

"Yo," he greeted me, I gave him a bored look before stretching and looking at my phone.

"Is that the end of the day?" I asked, he nodded and I slipped my phone into my pocket again, "Let's get back home then."


"Coffee," Mrs Ambié offered me a cup, I nodded and took it.

"Thank you," I smiled, "how was your day?"

"I got a new case," she replied, "I'm defending a wrongly arrested police officer who got caught at the most recent hero killing location and was arrested under suspicion of being part of the attack that killed the whole team."

But he wasn't.

That was me.

I didn't even know he was there.

"He claims that he saw the killer," she told me before winking, "this is confidential so keep it quiet but apparently it was a girl, she was wearing a mask with a single symbol on it."

She paused, obviously for effect.

"An orange zero," she told me, "what're the odds? Numéros in our area now. Watch out y/n, Shad, the world's becoming a dangerous place with these Villain organisations popping up everywhere. Though I doubt they're really any threat. They just seem like real push overs."

Oh really?

"You shouldn't say such things, Lois," Mr Ambié piped up, "Numéros are the most dangerous villains out there, beside Stain of course. Some of my colleagues who've been dealing with the bodies say that they're brutal. Especially two of them, Zero and Six. Apparently they're both, what we'd call, the butchers. The hero before the last one was apparently turned into bait. You know those giant loading hooks? Apparently he was somehow thrown up onto one high up in a locked position and impaled him. When he finally died, his head was impaled as well as his body couldn't hold a straight up position anymore."

I recall something like that happening.

I guess.

"How many people did that?" Mrs Ambié asked as she sat down across from her husband, curiosity shimmering in her eyes.

"Just the one person," he replied, "Zero."

"Sounds like she's becoming a real problem," she concluded, "the police have it out for her. So much so that they've been trying to make predictions of where she'll attack next and send some of the stronger pros like All Might, Endeavour and Shadows to fight and take them down."

"But it didn't work," Mr Ambié replied, "the impaled hero was also the day that the top three pros worked together. They fought Zero and Ten but failed to take them down. Apparently they escaped with barely a scratch."

It's so weird hearing people talk about us. Wow. I didn't know we were so popular.

"If not even the top three can take them down, then who can?" I asked, playing along with the conversation.

"Only god knows now," he replied grimly, "we may never be able to take them down."

"That's terrible," I gasped, internally cringing at my horrific acting before standing, "anyway, thanks for the coffee. I think I'm going to turn in now. Good night."

"Good night," they both replied as I walked away.

"That was quite the conversation," Shad dropped down the attic stairs to the landing where I was stood, I nodded and continued up the stairs, "I'm starting to think we may become a threat to this little family..."

I sighed and nodded again.

"It's the truth but we can't stop. We have to do our job no matter what," I replied as I opened my bedroom door and stepped in, Shad followed behind, "oh Ymira, hello."

"Hello!" Ymira shouted, jumping up on my bed, "can you do my hair please?"

I smiled and nodded. She's like my own little sister, it's crazy.

"What do you want doing?" both myself and Shad asked, we looked at each other and laughed before sitting on the bed beside her.

"Twin scalp braids!" she shouted, we smiled and sat beside her. I split her hair in half and passed one half to Shad and started braiding the other half as he did his half.

After about five minutes we finished and she jumped up and ran to the mirror to see our handy work.

"I love it!" she shouted, "thank you!"

Ymira jumped on us and gave us both a hug before running out, most likely to go show her parents.

Suddenly Shad's work phone buzzed, we both looked to it.

"Seems I've got a job," he announces, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye," I waved as he jumped out my window, I heard clattering in his room before the door clicked locked and then the clattering resumed before nothing at all.

He's finally being called, huh?

For a moment there, I was worried that I'd be the only one working while we're out here. Thank god for that.

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now