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3rd Person PoV

"Who are you?!" a disturbed voice shouted as a masked figure stepped from the shadows.

"Good question," the figure chuckled, "some people call me hero killer, some call me a member of Numéros. But most call me Zero."

Zero's h/l h/c hair seemed to glow slightly under the rising moons light.

"Stay away from me!" the man she was going after shouted. He was Bullet Roulette. A pro hero, rising in rank and becoming a sore pain in the ass for All for One.

"Sorry, no can do," Zero shook her head before raising her hands up to show her crossed fingers ready to click them, "you know too much."

Her fingers clicked and her eyes behind the hole deprived mask flashed blue as Bullet Roulette's arms and legs exploded.

Blood flew everywhere as his body dropped to the floor with a loud thud.

Zero sighed as she looked to her hands, somehow blood had managed to splash on them. In a swift motion, she had a white cloth drowsed in the blood from her hands, pinched between her thumb and middle finger.

She went to drop it when a groan caught her attention.

"Wow," she laughed as she approached the body lying on the floor, "it's rather rare that people survive that one. I'm quite impressed."

"You...wont...get away...with this," Bullet Roulette's voice was strained as Zero just sighed.

"Shame, you might've been quite the ally in the future," she shook her head before pushing her hands out, her scythe appeared not a moment later, "I'll make this as painless as I can. Though... You are still naturally in pain. Or have you already gone numb? No. It doesn't matter, you're going to die. Good night."

She spun the scythe around before swinging it effortlessly down into the pro heros skull. A small sickening squelch became audiable as she twisted the blade a bit before pulling it out and making it disappear again.

"You heros will always be a serious pain in my ass," she shook her head as she wiped off the blood once again, this time she did drop the cloth. It coincidentally dropped over Bullet Roulette's face and seemed to stick there as she turned away.

"All that running and all those people," Zero mumbled, "it was an unnecessary amount of blood to shed."

She stepped over the numerous sidekicks she had to kill just to get to her target. A sigh rolled from her lips as she tapped the face of a sidekick who wasn't much older than her with her foot.

"What a shame," she shook her head before leaving the heros base, "time to go back 'home' and report in."


Your PoV

"You're back?" Shad jolted away at my movements in his room. I pulled my mask off and made the case again, I carefully placed my mask inside and then made the case merge into my body again as I looked to Shad.

"How was the job?" he asked, I pulled my work phone up and sent the reply:


"Irritating," I replied, "he had dozens of sidekicks that kept popping out of no where."

"How many did you kill?" he asked.

"Too many necessary," I replied, "I fancy a coffee now."

"Well you aren't getting one, just go to bed," he ordered, "have you seen the time?"

I looked to the clock sitting on the shelf above Shad's bed.


"I didn't until now," I laughed slightly, "I guess I will."

"You don't guess," he looked at me unamused, "you will."

"Jeez-- OK," I nodded, putting my hands up in mock surrender before turning the work phone off and going to my room as silently as I could.


"Sleep well?" Mrs Ambié, the woman 'hosting' us, gave myself and Shad a slice of toast and a bag of food once we walked down the stairs.

"Well enough," I nodded, "it's a new bed, it's still strange, second night or not."

She smiled and nodded.

"Completely understandable. Now both of you hurry along," she ushered us, "or you'll be late for school."

"Yes, thank you," Shad turned and began walking, "see you tonight, Ymira. Have a good day at work Mr Ambié."

"And you at school," Mr Ambié nodded his head to us.

"Have a good day!" Ymira jumped up on her chair and waved at us energetically as we left the house.

She's only 5 but her shoulder length blonde hair is just as bright as her personality. And that shit is bright.

"Did you bring the correct phone today?" I asked, Shad nodded and gave me a 'what about you' look, "I have as well."

"You smell like blood," Shad commented, I pinched his ear.

"No I do not!" I exclaimed, "I showered this morning."

"No it's faint, not too noticeable but still there," he told me, "only those with a really strong sense of smell will pick it up so make an excuse just in case."

I hummed and brushed it off before noticing a mess of green in front of us.

"Look it's Midoriya," I pointed out.

"Izuku Midoriya!" Shad shouted, the green haired boy whipped around and waved awkwardly as we jogged over to him, "Good morning."

"Morning," I greeted him.

"G-good morning," he greeted us, "I didn't know you lived around here..."

"It would be rather strange if you did," I joked.

"O-oh--y-yes it would! I-I'm so-sorry," he frantically waved his hands around at us as his face flushed a deep red of embarrassment.

"You really are a timid one, aren't you?" Shad teased, leaning down to Midoriya's height so he could poke some fun, "I'm quite amused."

"S-sorry!" Midoriya burst out before speed walking away.

"He could've walked with us..." I mumbled, "what the heck?"

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now