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From now on Ten will be known as Shad :)


"This will be your class," All Might tells myself and Shad as we reached a large red door with the sign '1-A' printed on a red background sticking out from the top, "your teacher is Shota Aizawa. He's a strange and hard to please guy, but he truly loves his class and is really protective over them. You two will do well here. I'm sure of it. Good luck."

With that, he left us standing out in the middle of the hall.

"I'm nervous," Shad mumbled, "this is all so new. Being able to make...friends..? Actually working for something different..."

"We're not here for that," I reminded him before knocking on the door, "now let's go see our new class."

He nodded and pulled on a serious face as I slid the door open.

"Good afternoon, I apologise for the interruption, however, I must introduce myself and my brother here," I stepped into the classroom, Shad followed in behind, "my name is f/n l/n."

"And I am Shad l/n," Shad bowed his head slightly, "if we're correct, you're Shota Aizawa, yes?"

"Indeed," Aizawa nodded, "take the spare seats at the back. You can introduce yourself to your classmates in an hour."

"Of course," I nodded before walking to the closest empty seat, it was behind a black haired girl and Shad sat at the empty desk beside mine.

The whole class was murmuring and whispering but were quickly shut up by an angry looking Aizawa who then continued to talk about random things until about half an hour passed and he gave up. Proclaiming he was going to have a nap before disappearing behind his desk in a yellow sleeping bag.

As soon as he did the whole class erupted in chatter and everyone started to introduce themselves to myself and Shad.

It was hard to comprehend but I think I managed to get everyone, or at least come up with some sufficient filler nicknames for if I forget or didn't actually catch their names.

"What's your quirk?" a green haired boy (I think was called Izuku Midoriya) asked us, tapping a worn down pen against an incredibly burned and shrivelled up note book.

"My quirk is called Nightmare," I told him, "I'm sure you can imagine what it entails."

"And mine is Prediction," Shad added on.

"What a shit quirk... What're you going to do with that? Side step your way to justice?" the explosive blonde known as Katsuki Bakugo scoffed from his seat.

"Why not?" Shad asked, "I quite like dancing."

"Are you mocking me?" Bakugo growled.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, I'm not here to create enemies..." Shad trailed off before a slightly maddening smile spread over his face, "... More like comrades, right y/n?"

"Right," I nodded before hitting his face, "anyway what is the layout of our classes?"

"We do Maths, Japanese, English and Heroing 101," Tenya Iida replied.

"Alright," I nodded, "I have another question, don't classes in Japan tend to have presidents and vice presidents? Who are ours?"

"We haven't done that yet," Mashirao Ojiro replied, "we're still settling in."

"Speaking of settling in," the invisible girl, Toru Hagakure, jumped up, "Y/n can we have your number? Us girls have a group chat. We've got to stick together, the 7 of us now."

I pulled the phone I've had for a while. It's the one that connects me to all my Villain connections.

Shad noticed too. It seems I wasn't the only person to pick up the wrong phone today.

"Darn, it seems my phone is dead," I lied, "I'll give you my number tomorrow."

"Fantastic!" Mina Ashido, a pink skinned girl with horns jumped for joy.

The rest of the afternoon was spent with us getting to know all our classmates. Shad and Bakugo clashed a few times but it seemed that they could probably become good friends if they tried.

Now we're at home. Or our host home.

"We both pulled a risky move today," Shad told me as we sat in his room, "both of us brought our work phones."

I nodded and pulled mine out, turning it on and looking at the logs to see nothing too interesting.

"Looks like a hero needs killing," I announced as I accepted the mission, "I'll be back in 10."

"You're mad," he shook his head as I opened the ceiling window and climbed out, I made the case with my mask in reform itself in my hand and popped it open before fixing the white mask with the orange 0 onto my face.

"We do still have to work, you know," I reminded him before sliding down the roof tiles and caught a windowsill before weightlessly landing on the floor.

My work message was:

'A hero known as Bullet Roulette is becoming a threat. A rising star. Eliminate him.'

And that's what I'm going to do.

As Zero the Hero Killer.

Zero from Numéros.

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora