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"That'll be all, Miss l/n," the doctor told me before leaving our room.

"Thank god," I rolled my eyes, "I thought he'd never leave."

"They're just making sure we're all OK," Shad sat beside me, "though you had more tests than the rest of us."

"I'm healthy," I sighed, "I've always been healthy."

"Well there was that one time..." he trailed off.

"We were 9 years old and I was poisoned," I replied, "by you."

"In my defence, it was accidental," he laughed. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm bored," I sighed, "I hate being stuck in this hospital."

He shrugged.

"Maybe we'll be let out soon," he suggested, "don't know though. It's weird, this black stuff is still here."

"Yeah," I nodded, "and its spreading... Look at Sky (One)."

I looked over to the girl and cringed as I looked up to the black veins that was crawling up the side of her face.

"What is it?" I asked, "why us? What did we do to deserve any of this?"

"A lot of things," Shad replied, "but also nothing."

"I'd like to say it's unfair but... It's not really," I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder as I looked over the room. A cough suddenly broke our silence.

"You alright, Maya (Nine)?" Elias (Three) asked, we all looked to the pair who were playing a board game but stopped as Maya begun coughing.

"I'm fine," Maya sighed, "That was weir--"

She began having a coughing fit, her hand flew to her mouth as she leaned over the side of the bed, trying to avoid anyone else's direction.

"What the hell?" I whispered as I was a drop of red fall from her hand.

"Is that blood?" Shad frowned before we both stood up quickly, a little too quickly for my head, and then rushed over to her. I grabbed some tissues and passed them to her, she put them over her mouth and we watched helplessly as we waited for her to stop coughing. It took a while but eventually she'd stopped and Elias (Three) along with Sky (One) had left to find our doctor.

"You OK?" I asked Maya. She threw the tissues in the bin and flopped down onto her bed.

"Do I look fine?" she asked, it wasn't harsh like she was angry I asked, it was more... Weak and helpless, like she didn't know how she was feeling.

"No," Paris (Five) shook her head, "You're almost as pale as snow."

"Her mark," Damien (Six) quickly said before rolling Maya's (Nine) sleeve up to show that the black veins were completely covering her arm and working it's way down her hand and across her collar bone.

"We're dying," Kristopher (Two) commented, "we're dying?"

Shadows' PoV

"And I'm thinking that taking 1-A to the--" I was interrupted by my phone ringing, "oh-- how unprofessional."

I sighed and pulled it out to see it was the doctor.

"Hello, Dr Dr (if you've read my other book you know who this is), can this wait? I'm in a meeting?" I answered.

"Unfortunately it cannot," he replied, "I need to speak with anyone and everyone who're involved in the eleven childrens' lives."

"I see," I nodded before placing my phone on the centre of the table and then pressing the speaker button. I looked around the table, it was myself, Midnight, Aizawa, Snipe, Nezu, Present Mic, Ectoplasm, and Recovery Girl.

"Go ahead," I announced, "You're on speaker."


There was a moment of shuffling before Dr Dr began talking.

"One of my patients, Maya l/n (Nine), suddenly seemed to get hemoptysis - when the patient suddenly begins coughing up blood. This could either be a good thing... Or a really really bad thing. Though it isn't lethal unless Maya had cancer or some other kind of issue. But from what I know, the only thing stopping her from being healthy is, of course, the veins."

"Is she OK now?" Midnight asked.

"From the looks, yes. But that's not to say that it won't happen again or even that the other ten children will also suffer from this."

"Sounds like a bad thing," Mic sighed, "not cool."

"I'll come and take a look at them," Recovery Girl suddenly spoke up, we looked to her in confusion, "yes. I'm still angry that young y/n killed my son and my granddaughter but just because of that, I can't just turn my back on someone. I'm a hero, that means I live to help people, not turn my back on them just because of one mistake."

"That would be greatly appreciated. Maybe you'll be able to help us break down the injection that's running through the children."

"I will try my hardest," Recovery Girl nodded.

"Before I go, I must say that I think the out come of this all depends on how fast we work. If those veins reach their heart or their brains... I don't even want to know what happens to them."

"Understood," Aizawa nodded, "we need to get an antidote before any of the veins reaches those vital organs. Shadows--"

"I know," I nodded, "I have a few of my sidekicks working on Dr Houser's lab, trying to find any file work or anything that can help us with an antidote. So far, nothing has come up that's readable so I've called in a friend from the US. He's able to look at an object and see it in its previous form."

"Which pro hero is that?" Nezu asked curiously.

"He's not a hero, but he is a good damn pro lawyer. I mean-- he hasn't lost a single case ever," I replied with a smile, "his name is Mr Ace Attorney. He's a good man and fights well."

"Well as long as he doesn't try sending us to jail, I'm in," Mic joked.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll be waiting on Recovery Girl's arrival and of any documents. Excuse me."

The line ended and I leaned back in my seat.

"These kids are becoming a pain in my ass," I mumbled.

"But you like them around," Midnight elbowed me, "so don't pretend like this whole thing isn't worrying you."

"Oh it's worrying me," I replied, grabbing my phone, "it's worrying me a lot."

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now