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Kirishima's PoV

"Can't see anything in there," I squinted as we all watched y/n's and Shad's fight.

"Yeah, it's super dark in there, how they're navigating is impressive," Uraraka nodded.

A shout echoed through the speakers.

"Was that y/n?" Tsu asked.

"Sounded like her," Momo nodded, "worrying."

"What the hell, Shadows?" we heard y/n shout angrily.

"Oh hero, you walked into my trap," Shadows seemed to be in his character, "you really should've been more careful and not walked into something so obvious."

"Fuck you," y/n spat before it went deathly silent.

"What happened?" Iida asked, "is there a way we can lighten up the screen?"

Recovery girl pulled up a screen and started to lighten the camera feed so that everyone could see what was happening. In one screen, Shad was looking around frantically, an arm stretched out as he attempted to navigate the maze like warehouse. In another screen was y/n hanging from two oddly out of place shadows and in front of her was Shadows who was rubbing his jaw.

"She must've landed a hit on him," Ojiro pointed out, "maybe a kick to the face?"

Oh hell yeah! Go y/n!

Your PoV

I felt the shadows around my wrists slack a bit and use that as an opportunity and dragged my wrists down. The shadows released me and I dropped to the floor before throwing myself in the direction of where Shadows was.

I managed to find him and grabbed his head just for my hands to fall through as he disappeared through the shadows.

"Damn it," I hissed, "Shad! Where are you!"

"You think I'd know?" he shouted back, I stifled a laugh before walking in the direction his voice came from, bumping into boxes from time to time as I walked through the stupidly crowded area.

Eventually I reach him, actually, no. I slam into him. Literally, he was running and came flying into me.

"Run, y/n, run!" he urged, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to my feet and started pulling me around the area, "Shadows is so freaking creepy right now."

"He strung me up like a piece of meat," I growled, slightly annoyed, "but I kicked him. We have to run for the exit, there's no way we're capturing him."

"I agree but he's one with the shadows," Shad nodded.

"That's right," a hand landed on both of our shoulders.

We both elbowed Shadows in his ribs and then threw him over our shoulders before running.

"Where the hell is the end?" I shouted.

"Get on the crates, maybe we'll be able to see it," Shad knelt down and I got on his knee and jumped up before putting my hand down and pulling him up.

We looked around for a while until bright lights very far away caught my eyes.

"Over there," I pointed out.

A clatter came from behind and we turned to see the crates started falling forward like a set of dominoes.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," Shad stared before we both faced forward and started jumping over to the next row of crates, continuing to jump and jump from row to row as the one behind us fell forward.

A rope like shadow appeared on the final row when we were mid air, we tried to change our landing distance but failed and tripped over the shadow.

"No!" we both shouted as the crates fell and pinned us to the floor.

"Damn it this sucks," Shad started pushing on the box trapping him, "is he trying to kill us?"

"Who knows," I shrugged, "what I do know is I think I've hurt my ankle."

"Alright, let's move these boxes," Shad decided before pushing against the crate again. It looked straining but he managed to free himself and we both pushed against my crate.

"Aw yeah, looks broken," Shad visibly winced before pulling my arm around his neck and supported me.

"Let's get out of here," I say quickly, Shad nods and we began walking as fast as we can to the exit just to see Shadows appear in front of it, "oh come on, man."

"Duck!" Shad shouted before forcing my head down as an arrow of black came flying over our heads.

"Thank god for prediction," I let out a breath before pushing myself to my feet and launching myself at Shadows, my arms stretched out. I made a level one nightmare distract Shadows so when he snapped out of it, my hands were already on the sides of his head and I placed a level three nightmare on him. His body dropped to the floor and Shad quickly put the capture tape around Shadows' wrist and then grabbed me and pulled me through the gate.

"L/n and l/n passed the exam. End of practical exams."

"You alright?" he asked, looking down at my ankle, I winced.

"Can we get to recovery girl and then talk?" I asked, clicking my fingers to release my nightmare. Unlike when I did it to Shad, Shadows woke up right away. He must actually sleep, unlike this stupid blonde.

"Well...done you two," Shadows walked beside us, "though I really don't want to be hit by your quirk again, y/n."

"Everyone says that," I replied weakly, "were you trying to kill us?"

"No," Shadows shook his head, "I'm not going to lie, I forgot to link my eyes to the shadows around me so I couldn't see a thing. Sorry about the crates, I tripped over and knocked into one."

"Smart," I rolled my eyes as we kept walking.

Weird idea, I think he was trying to force us to use our other quirks. Unfortunately for you, Shadows, we're very good at controlling what we use and what we don't use.

So. Ha.

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now