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Five days of rest later_

"Y/n, you're the last person I need to talk to," Shadows walked into my bedroom.

We had returned to our home a day ago and Shadows has slowly been making his way around all eleven of us during the past two days.

"Have you come to an agreement with everyone else?" I asked in curiosity as he perched opposite me on the floor where I was currently enjoying a small cup of jasmine tea. Damn does it calm the soul.

"Yes I have," he nodded, "Maya (Nine) is going to Paris in a couple weeks to study under one of the top costume designers in the world, Kristopher (Two) will be going to Hawaii at the end of the week to begin surfing. Though I don't understand why he'd want to do such a thing. Landon (Four) and Paris (Five) are beginning to do hero training with a friend of mine in Tokyo. Sky (One), Elias (Three) and Damien (Six) are going to school, a normal high school off the East Coast. Finally, Rose (Seven) and Klaus (Eight) are continuing with helping take down as many villains as they can."

"Sounds like most people are moving away..." I hummed before realising something, "oh wait-- what about Shad?"

"He said he wants to wait for your decision," Shadows smiled, "it's a strange idea but I guess it makes sense. From what I've seen you two are virtually inseparable when it comes to these things."

"I don't really know what I want to do," I shrugged, drinking the last of my tea and placing my cup on the table in between the two of us, "maybe I'll write a book."

"A book?" he looked at me with doubt, "on what?"

"You know... This and that..." I shrugged, he raised a brow at me in shock, "maybe the life of Numéros. Maybe if its on paper, it could stop people from doing this again in the future."

"You must also take into account that it could also influence the same actions," he told me.

"Of course," I nodded, "every action has two endings that can split into multiple. A good and a bad. Its inevitable."

"You've semi thought this through, huh?" he nodded in thought to me before clicking his fingers and smiling, "then I will pull as many strings as I need. This book will be written and published."

"Just like that?" I asked, he nodded.

"Just include me in the story as dashing and quite the ladies man," he grinned, I shook my head and laughed, "I'm going back to Shad now. I'll see you in the morning."

"Thank you, Shadows," I nodded to him.

"Enki," he corrected, "I'm your guardian, am I not? Call me Enki."

"Sure thing, Enki," I nodded before he left my room, "another cup of jasmine tea would be perfect after all of that."

I hummed to myself and grabbed my cup before going downstairs and making my tea again.

Once I got to my room again, I noticed my phone had been ringing and reached it just as it stopped.

"Mina?" I hummed in confusion before redialling her number.

"Y/n! Finally!"

"Hello, Mina, is there something you need?"

"Not really, I was just bored. So we heard you guys are out of hospital now?"

"Yeah. We got home yesterday. We've been deciding what we want to do from now on."

"I thought you guys were forced to an eternity of villain hunting..."

"We were but I guess Recovery Girl had a...word with the government."

"Scary... Remind me to never get on her bad side."


"But it's good that you're now free. You get to do whatever you want!"

"As long as its in reason, yeah."


"Am I coming back to UA?"


"Nah. Out of everything... I think I don't want to be in the centre of any violence, y'know?"

I flopped down on my bed once I finished off my cup of tea again and stared up at the ceiling with a painting of a galaxy pinned to the top.

"The sky is the limit with these things, but there's only so far you can go before getting lost."

"That's oddly deep, I think?"

"Not really. I just don't want to fight anymore. I've caused pain in enough lives to last me a hundred life times, I don't feel like adding to that."

"Makes sense."

A muffled shouting echoed from her line.

"Ah Bakugo is on a rampage, gotta dash!"

"Bye, Mina."

She hung up and I dropped my phone onto my bedside table and threw my covers over me, a sigh rumbling from within.

"It must be nice... Not to worry about stepping just slightly out of line and be shoved right back into the image of a Villain," I mumbled to myself before turning over and looking to the alarm clock blaring the time at me, "11pm? So late? Ah-- I guess I'll go to bed now..."

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now