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Your PoV

I coughed violently as I regained consciousness and sat up slowly. My head was ringing loudly and my body screamed at every little move I made.

"Ten?" I whispered, not knowing where we were or if anyone else was with us, "Ten? Are you OK?"

"I'm fine," came a response, "well... I could be better..."

A spark appeared and a surge of light was sent through the area. It looked like Ten had forced old lamps to restart again.

"Where are we?" I asked as I looked around, it was just a circle area, like a well, I looked up, a very deep well.

"From the looks of it," Ten coughed, "I'd say an old mine. Don't move though, we're still healing from that fall and we don't know what's around us. This light isn't bright enough."

"Yeah," I nodded, lying down again, "aw man, this sucks. Sorry for dragging you down here."

"If you fell without me, I probably would've just dropped myself down anyway," he replied, "I'd rather be apprehended with you than without you."

"Aw how loyal," I smiled with a small laugh.

"Yeah laugh it up," I could sense his eye roll from over here, "but it's not a lie. We've been through so much together that I'd just rather to stick with you now. If one of us goes down, we go down together."

"Yeah," I nodded with a smile, "yeah we do. Always."

Something hit my hand. I looked over and grabbed whatever it was just to see...

"Holy crap-- that's a skull. That's a skull. Ten, there's a skull here," I gasped, sitting up quickly and getting a slight wave of dizziness before it passed and I looked around to see the floor around us was littered with skeletons, "Oh my..."

"What?" Ten sat up and looked around, his eyes widened at what he saw, "this must be the number one death trap if so many people have died down here!"

"We need to get out of here," I nodded before trying to stand up just to fall right back down, "damn. My legs still haven't healed up."

"Be patient," Ten smiled, "wait-- where's your mask?"

"Where's your mask?" I asked with a frown, we looked around, "in pieces on the ground."

"Great," Ten replied sarcastically, "now we'll be looked at as y/n and Shad."

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes, "I doubt that."

"People probably think we're dead, now that I think about how deep this drop is," he pointed out, "so we may actually pull off walking around like this if we have a hoodie."

"Where do you suppose we'll get a hoodie?" I asked.

"Don't got a clue, but it's worth a thought," he shrugged. Oh jeez--


"You sure this is going to stay?" I asked, looking up at the chain that was 'supporting' myself and Ten in the old rusty lift that was now pulling us up to the surface again.

"Uh-- no," Ten replied rather too honestly for me.

The sound of clattering caught my attention as the lift we were stood in began shaking a little, just a small tremble but then it got worse and worse until we were clinging onto the side, holding on so we didn't fall over or fall out of the metal death trap.

"Quick jump out now!" I shouted as the top of the entrance came into view and the sound of bending metal hit my ears. I jumped out of the lift and grabbed hold of the side, clinging on for dear lift before pulling myself up, confident that I had a strong grip on the top.

I let out a breath of relief as I rolled over onto my back on the surface. No caves. No bones. Just grass and trees. Thank goodness.

"You alright?" Ten shouted, I sat up and threw him a thumbs up before pushing myself to my feet and dusting myself down as much as I could.

"That was terrifying," I muttered as I walked around the side to meet him, careful not to fall back down.

"Can't agree with you more," he nodded, he stretched and clicked his arms and then his fingers before turning, "Alright, we should get moving before the heroes figure out we're still alive."

"Lead the way," I gestured, he nodded and we began running again, watching the floor carefully just in case some more mines appear out of no where and we end up falling down another shaft. I don't think I can do that again. Once is enough for me.

5 days later_

"We made it," I let out a deep sigh as myself and Ten walked up the pathway leading up to the lab. Over the past five days, we've stayed under the radar, the news was always reporting on 'the death of Zero and Ten, notorious criminals, finally bring relief to the hero world' - glad they love us so much.

"Finally," Ten nodded, opening the door for me, I walked in and he walked in after me. The clicking of guns caught our attention, I quickly looked up and put my hands up.

"Hey! It's us, Ten and Zero!" I announced, pulling the hood of my (shamefully stolen) hoodie, "we're not the enemy, please don't shoot us."

Ten pulled his hood down and nodded.

"Guns down, gentlemen," a familiar voice called out, we turned around to see the devil himself walking forward, that stupid smug, conniving grin on his face.

"Dr Houser," Ten greeted the man.

Dr Houser, the Creator of all of the members of Numéros. He's an old man, one I personally can't stand. Despite his age, his quirk (not sure what it is) slows his ageing down by 15 years, he should be 53, he looks and acts 38. It's irritating. Due to his extended life, he's learned how to create children, or should I say, weapons from nothing more than multiple pieces of DNA. Like some kind of freak hybrid. We were sold to All for One after years of none stop torturous tests and experiments that somehow made our bodies able to handle more than one quirk without any issues. Normal people can't manifest more than one quirk, a rare amount can manifest two although they can be hard to control. A quirk they shouldn't have can morph them into mindless beasts as their bodies reject the quirk. But for some reason... Somehow Dr Houser's tests have turned us into none quirk resisting being. Kind of making us...monsters I guess.

"Hello, my children," Dr Houser smirked, "welcome home."

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