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"Hold on, y/n," someone shouted from next to me.

I'm not really sure what was happening, but what I do know is that someone carried me to the entrance and it hurt. It hurt a lot.

I think I'm getting a resistance to this thing though so now I just have to act like it's hurting as bad as it should be.

"All Might's winning," someone mumbled.

"Go All Might!" everyone around me kept cheering, "you can beat him!"

Shut up. You shouldn't cheer on people who only fight to gain money. At least us Numéros actually fight for something. A change. The world isn't right, the heros that run our world aren't real; all they care about is fame and money. Numéros are trying to fix that. But this... This isn't heroics... Is it?

Half way through All Might's battle_

Shadows' PoV

"And so that is why you should have a more open mind about things," Midnight finished her rant to me, I just yawned and then stretched.

"Are you finished your snooze fest?" I asked her, she just hit my head.

"Snooze fest?" she repeated, "you need to learn that there's more to life than moping around or fighting bad guys because you look 'cool' or whatever."

I rolled my eyes at Midnight and stood up.

"What even triggered this conversation?" I asked.

"The fact you said you don't want a family of your own besides the one your younger sister has made one," she replied, "idiot."

"Side kick of Pro Hero, Fire, of the pro hero team 'Elements' was assassinated half an hour ago. Eyewitnesses claim that they saw Zero from Numéros leaving the scene."

We all looked to the TV.

"Numéros seems to be more active at the moment," Midnight sighed, "who's going to be next?"

I put a hand on her shoulder and smiled when she looked at me.

"Don't worry," I assured her, "we'll bring Numéros down. No more heros will die to their hands soon, but for now... We must try and fight them until then."

She sighed and nodded.

"All teachers head to the yard immediately!" Nezu's voice came across the intercom.

I shared a look with Midnight before we both nodded and began walking to the yard to see all the teaching staff gathered together.

"Now we're all here," Nezu caught everyone's attention and gestured for someone, Iida came out from the shadows, "young Iida has just ran back from the USJ where class 1-A along with Aizawa and 13 are currently being attacked by villains."

Oh jeez--

"Who's there?" Midnight asked.

"It's a group called the League of Villains and two members of Numéros," Iida replied, pushing his glasses up his nose, "their objective is to kill All Might. I met him on my way over here and he's on his way to the USJ. He should be there by now with the speed he disappeared in."

"We need to get there immediately," I shouted, the shadows on my shoulders becoming wild, "or someone will die."

"Yes, and we shall," Nezu nodded, "let's go. The police are meeting us there."

We all ran out of the school building and towards the USJ.

The first thing we saw when we entered was some students at the entrance with 13 and Aizawa both lying on the floor.

"Snipe," I looked to the hero beside me, he nodded and spun his guns as we watched young Midoriya go flying into the zone of a villains hand. He sent one precisely aimed bullet to the villains hand, hitting him perfectly before sending bullet after bullet into all of the villains still standing. I raised my hands, shadows wrapped around my closed fists and I sent them flying to the villains, round them up in ropes of shadows.

"Sorry everyone! Sorry we're late!" Nezu shouts as we moved to the front of the platform. I watched my shadows zip around the area, capturing any Villain they came across.

"I, Tenya Iida, Class 1-A's class president has now returned!" Iida shouted as loud as he could. All of the pros around us leapt into action and I turned around and looked to Aizawa and 13 just to notice there was a student with them. Young l/n. She didn't look too great.

"What happened to her?" I asked, kneeling beside young Ashido who was holding her hand.

"She went head to head with Five and Ten," she replied, "it was like totally badass but they overpowered her and put something into her system. She's been writhing ever since."

"And sweating," Uraraka added on, "a lot..."

"You said Five and Ten?" I asked, they nodded, I lifted all the villains captured by my shadows and scanned the group, "they're not here."

"They must've slipped away with the other two villains All Might was fighting," Snipe walked over, "I hit one of them a few times but they disappeared. A warping quirk by the looks of it."

I frowned.

"Well that's rather infuriating," I shook my head as I lowered the villains back onto the ground.

"Where's recovery girl?" Midnight asked.

"She's still at the main school," Ectoplasm replied, "but the police are here."

"Bring them in," Nezu said cheerfully before the doors were thrown open and dozens of police men came in, arresting all the villains in my shadows and any I missed and paramedics came in and took Aizawa, l/n and 13 away on stretchers.

"You seemed very worried about l/n there," Present Mic teased, "something we don't know about?"

"My sister and brother in law are her host family, Shad's as well," I replied, "nothing more. I'd rather not have to make my sister have a giant medical bill to pay."

"Makes sense," he nodded like he was trying to make sense of something that really wasn't that complicated.

I just rolled my eyes and turned around.


I remember a few weeks ago when I, alongside All Might and Endeavour, faced Zero and Ten. They escaped with small scratches and bruises I'm sure. They were like machines, relentless and definitely extremely difficult to fight against. It was like they had an unlimited amount of quirks which is quite worrisome. We really struggled holding ourselves against those two, but y/n managed to do it alone. Maybe it's just the Zero-Ten team that made them strong or maybe... That suspicion about Shad and y/n is real...

It'll come up in the meeting I'm sure, but still... It's worrying to think that villains may be within our school effortlessly.

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