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"We're home!" I called through the building.

"We're in here, come meet my brother," Mrs Ambié shouted back. I looked to Shad and he nodded, we followed the voice to the living room where Mrs Ambié, Mr Ambié, Ymira and a very familiar hero were sat.

"Shadows?!" Shad stares at him wide eyed.

"Young l/n," he returns rather surprised himself, "so you're the two children my sister and brother in law took in for school."

"Y-yeah," I nodded. I looked to Shad with a 'this might be an issue' look. He returned it with a frantic nod.

"You two OK?" Mr Ambié asked, "looks like you're hiding some big secret."

"Big secret?" I repeated, "us? No way..."

"Alright then," he looked at me skeptically.

"Well I'm exhausted so I think I'll go to bed now," I announced, "night all."

"Me too," Shad nodded.

"Night," everyone said as we walked up the stairs. We entered my room and I just looked at Shad panicked.

"This has just gotten 100 times harder," I grumbled.

"I know," he nodded, "not to mention you said you thought someone saw us. Do you think it could've been someone we know?"

"I don't know," I hummed, "all I saw was...green..."

We both looked at each other.

"Midoriya," we came to the conclusion in unison.

"It's no secret he has All Might wrapped around his little finger," Shad sighed, "we need to find out everything he knows."

"How?" I asked, "he's an intelligent guy and writes everything down in notebooks only he reads."

"There's only one way," Shad looked at me seriously, "become his friend. Get really close to him and get that notebook."

"I feel like we're cheating him but OK," I agreed.

"We are, but here's the plan. We'll stage a fight tomorrow at the end of English and then you'll go an eat with Midoriya and his friends, I'll stick with Bakugo and the rest of his group."


"Good morning, Izuku!" I ran up to the green haired boy, "the weekends coming up soon, thank goodness."

"G-good morning y/n," he greeted me nervously.

"So what did you do last night? Anything interesting?" I asked with a smile.

"N-no! Of course not! Why would you say that?!" he basically shouted at me.

"Alright alright," I put my hands up, "Calm down dude. Sorry I asked."

He nodded and we began walking in silence.

"Uh-- where's Shad?" he broke the silence uncomfortably. He definitely knows something.

"He's walking to school with Bakugo," I replied, "I don't know how that'll end but it's happening."

I noticed him looking at me warily from the corner of his eyes.

Oh Izuku Midoriya, you need to learn to hide things better...


"Get off my case!" I snapped.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's going on here?" Kirishima jumped up as everyone's attention stopped on us.

Shad looked at me apologetically before swinging his hand at me and slapping me.

I looked at him wide eyed and cupped my stinging cheek.

"You did not just do that," I glared.

"I did," he coaxed.

I took a deep breath before jumping at him just to feel someone grab hold of me and drag me away.

"Let me go! Let me at him!" I shouted, looking up to see it was Iida who had hold of me, "you little ass stick."

Shad just stuck his tongue out at me.

"Alright, you're coming with us," Uraraka announced as Iida dragged me out of the classroom. I stopped my thrashing as we got closer to the cafeteria and grumbled a few complaints as I sat with them.

"What was all that about?" Tsu asked me.

"Nothing," I shook my head, "he's just an idiot."

"Here," Izuku passed myself and Tsu some food as Iida gave Uraraka some and they both slotted in next to us.

"I can't believe he hit you," Uraraka exclaimed.

I can't either! Who hits a person in a fake fight?!

"We're siblings," I replied, "it's normal."

"No... I don't think it is," Izuku shook his head.

"You're an only child," I reminded him, "how would you know?"

"I-- uh-- Iida!" he turned his attention to Iida, "you have a brother, did you guys ever hit each other?"

"Never!" Iida shook his head.

"Hero family," I brought up a point, "and a brother who's been a hero for as long as Iida can remember."

"That is true..." Iida nodded, "to say I didn't have a normal childhood would be accurate."

"That's fair," we all nodded before beginning to eat, Shad passed me and we both nodded to each other.

Our plan = working

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now