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"Today is the first day of D-550662. The biological building of children with one strand of DNA," an extremely young version of Dr Houser appeared on the screen before us, "DNA donation is from my younger brother, Ken Houser, age: 16."

"What is this?" I asked, looking to Aizawa and Shadows who were stood next to the projector that was currently playing the tapes onto a large white sheet in front of myself and the rest of Numéros. We literally just were cured of the poison and now we're being kicked right back into our problems. This sucks.

"Dairy logs or something," Shadows replied with a shrug, "there's dozens. You all need to see them so get comfortable, we'll be here for a while."

"First day was a complete failure," Dr Houser's face reappeared, it was a more static and darker version. It was obviously late afternoon or the evening.

Then it skipped to the next month, nothing interesting, it was just failure after failure as it continued through the year until four years later when he seemed to be losing all hope.

"Test D-550662 has failed once again, day 1441 concludes my--" Dr Houser's mini monologue of sadness was interrupted by a loud crash that seemed to restart eleven times, he spun around in his chair and then quickly launched himself off camera, "Yes!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" he shouted repetitively until he came back onto camera with a small child in his hands, it looked newborn. Weird.

"We finally have some results, test D-550662 wasn't a complete failure!" he grinned into the lense, "thank you 05066 for proving I can do this. Along with all your other sibling tests. You won't regret your existence."

"As if," Landon (Four) scoffed, "I regret being the subject that survived."

We all let out hums of agreement.

"Are there anymore?" Shad asked, turning to Shadows who in turn shook his head, "fantastic. No more looking at that ass holes face."

I cringed slightly at the venom in his tone.

"We can finally be free of our suffering," Rose (Seven) exclaimed, jumping out of her seat energetically before all that energy seemed to disappear and she dropped down again exhausted, "whew-- I'm exhausted."

"You all will feel like that for a couple days, so rest up. Enki, Shota, I don't want either of you stressing them out with those things. The last thing we need is them to have some kind of stress induced illness right after healing," Recovery Girl walked in, "no more mystery tapes, no more forcing to work. I think it's time these children go off and do what they want to do."

"Like surfing?" Kristopher (Two) perked up quickly.

"And designing?" Maya (Nine) asked, leaning forward to look past Shad.

"Yes and yes," Recovery Girl nodded, "now, all of you, to your rooms. And you two, back to UA, you still have students to teach."

"Yes, ma'am," Shadows nodded before looking to us, "the doctors said you'll be out within the week. Don't worry, I had my sister keep your rooms clean so they're ready for your return. See you when you come back, then we'll talk about how you move with your lives and I will support you. I promise."

"You know..." Paris (Five) trailed off, that teasing tone in her voice, "you kind of sound like what a dad should sound like."

"a-ah-- quiet, you!" Shadows shouted before turning and leaving, we all smiled before turning our attention to Aizawa.

"I'll be leaving," he nodded, "rest. Don't think about any of this stuff."

Really? He tells us that after he showed us almost a days worth of videos from Dr Houser? Wow...

We were returned to our rooms and I noticed Kristopher (Two) was furiously texting someone.

"Who're you texting?" Shad also noticed the boy not removing his eyes from his screen and when Shad went to look over his shoulder, Kristopher quickly dived of the bed.

"Back off!" Kristopher shouted, "oh... sorry."

"Who were you talking to? Must be important if you're reacting so violently," I mumbled.

"I was just talking to... a surfer..." he told us, "she was telling me that she can teach me if I can get to Hawaii."

"Hawaii?" Shad frowned, "that's quite the way to travel and do you even speak english?"

"I speak...a little bit of english?" Kristopher shrugged, "not a lot but I can teach myself! Or learn as I go."

"Sounds like you've half thought this through," Shad sat on the end of his bed and smiled, "I'm sure if you talk to Shadows about this, he'll figure something out for you. He's supporting us, remember."

"Yeah," Kristopher nodded with a grin before sitting back on his bed, "anyway, this girl said she and her brother are both surfing champions, she described it as 'living as one with the ocean' and she wants to add another 'shell to the sea' or something like that."

"Sounds... fun?" I questioned slightly confused as I took a comfortable position on my bed, "anyway we have to rest so we can get out of here sooner and it's late so I'm going to bed. Good night."

"Night," the boys both said in unison.

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now