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3rd Person PoV

Zero grunted as a fist landed in her abdomen, sending a wave of shock through her as she huffed her stomach and staged back a few paces.

She managed to recover quick enough to catch the air fist charging at her and force it to disperse.

'I need to learn how to do that scythe call thing Ten did,' she thought to herself as she pushed herself out of the way and sent a punch in Air's direction, missing his face by a slim inch, 'damn. So close.'

"Looks like you're running out of tricks," Air mocked, Zero just shook her head.

"I don't really like using this quirk. It's real messy and damages everything and everyone in its blast - including me," Zero began, pushing her thumbs under her mask and biting down deep enough to draw blood before pulling them out again and spreading her arms out like she was t posing on all her haters.

"What are you doing?" Air asked warily, stepping backwards as he watched her blood dripping from her thumbs glow and glow until it was too hard to miss, "Fire!"

"Three, brace yourself!" Zero shouted to her partner who in turn looked to Zero and nodded, jumping away from Fire and hiding behind a conveniently placed boulder as the sound of something charging up echoed in the air.

An orb of yellows and oranges grew in both of Zero's hands as the pro heros stood next to each other, watching cautiously. Zero smirked and took a breath in.

"Boom," was all that was heard before a loud explosion launched from Zero's palms, forcing the floor and walls to turn up and break away. Large shocks of air swept up all the people in the room, including Zero. All four bodies were thrown above the rubble of what was once a building perfectly merging with a mountain.

A few moments of nothing made the noise of the explosion seem like it was nothing until the sound of continuous spinning from a helicopter filled the void of noise and Zero sat up with a groan.

"Three get your ass up now," she shouted, noticing her scythe and grabbing it before walking over to Air who was lying in a very wrong position on the floor. He groaned as she grabbed his hair and dragged him up off the floor.

"Good night, hero," she muttered before swinging her scythe down quickly. She expected the usual tearing and squelching sound to come, but instead the sound of compressed air spinning hit her ears, she looked down to see Air's hands supporting a ball of air, fighting against the strength of the scythes swing.

"Will you just die?!" Three shouted, Zero looked up to see Three and Fire in a similar situation but the difference was Three was using the back of a beam to try and choke Fire to death with his nunchuck.

"Goddamn it, Three," Zero shook her head, "emotion check, dude."

Three glared at the girl before sighing and taking a deep breath before tightening his grip. His knuckles turned a disgusting white as he pulled harder against the flames until Fire finally didn't have enough strength and let go reluctantly. Her face paled and her eyes seemed to grow wide as she frantically pulled at the chains around her neck, gasping greedily, trying to get air until finally... her head dropped forward limply and rolled to the side slightly. Three released one of his nunchucks and pulled it around again as Fire's body dropped to the floor.

"Jeez," Three sighed, "that was way too much work."

Suddenly a girl with orange hair, fading to blonde and a familiar mask with the orange number '5' painted on the front came flying over a piece of rubble, her trident in hand, she raised her arm, aimed and then threw the weapon up at a helicopter that was flying over head before turning to Zero.

"Hurry up, All for One wants to speak with you," Five announced before going to find the crash sight to retrieve her trident again.

"Yeesh, what did you do this time?" Three cringed as he walked over and swung his nunchuck hard against Air's leg. In return, Air gasped out in shock and let his concentration from the ball of air slip giving Zero the time to finish her swing and impale the man on her scythe.

"I don't know," Zero shrugged, pulling her scythe out.

"You..." came a ragged voice, Zero and Three looked to Air to see him trying to look strong, standing up and holding the middle of his chest where the wound was sat, "you... Will be... Caught..."

"No," Three shook his head, "I don't think we will."

"You damn heros, you always annoy me," Zero rolled her eyes from under the mask before clicking her fingers and watching as Air's body exploded in a mess of blood. Zero pulled out a cloth and wipe the blood of her before letting it go in the wind.

"Let's go, Three," Zero turned and began walking away, Three close at her heels.

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader Insertजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें