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Everyone was awake by the afternoon and we were all just sat in silence. All of us in pain. All of us noticing our numbers carved into our wrists like some kind of stupid branding...reminding us of the past we'll never be able to run from. We can push it down and pretend it didn't happen, but we'll always know that it did happen and it'll stick until we die.

"You're all awake," a voice alerted us to the fact we weren't talking and we looked to the door to see Shadows walk in, "that's good. How're you all feeling?"

"We all feel like hell," Shad spoke up, getting out of bed, almost falling over until he caught the edge of it, "whatever we were injected with... It damaged us. A lot."

"I see..." Shadows nodded, "can you tell me what happened to you guys?"

"Dr Houser is what happened," I spoke up, pushing myself out of my bed and leaning against the wall to support my lead like body, "he's alive, or at least he was when we were last awake. He's planning on wiping his presence from the earth. Find him, stop him."

"Wow, sounds like a video game quest," Shad shot a look to me, "you OK?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I mean-- I thought we were finally over with all this stupid Numéros and Dr Houser crap. Then one lovely afternoon, when I was meeting up with a friend, I find out that the person I killed, didn't die, but I killed a somewhat innocent person. Come on, I'm perfectly fine," I replied sarcastically, "I'm so...tired."

"You and like everyone else in this room," Damien (Six) commented, "but she's right, Dr Houser is alive. Or at least we think he is. It's an issue, he won't stop until we're all dead and whatever this is."

He showed his abdomen where the black veins were still pulsing.

"I'm fairly sure it may not be long anymore," he finished what he was saying, "and this..."

He raised his wrist to show his number from Dr Houser's lab.

"Is a permanent reminder of all of that," he concluded, "he needs to die, if we have to abandon the agreement that was made for us for that to happen... Then it will. We'll terminate it to kill him."

Shadows looked around us all as if he was looking for confirmation from us all.

"What was it you said in the lab, y/n? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, someone has to die," Kristopher (Two) quoted me, "someone has to die. And that someone just so happens to be Houser."

"You all can't possibly think tha--" Shadows started before his phone ringing cut him off, he sighed and pulled his phone out before answering, "Shota?... Wait... Hold up-- what did you just say?...... Holy crap, that's so weird because y/n just said that he was going to destroy any traces of himself... I know. Right, keep me updated."

"What was it?" Landon (Four) asked.

Shadows looked at us grimly.

"Dr Houser's research lab with everything and everyone inside it exploded not only five minutes ago," he told us.

Kirishima's PoV

"What do you mean they're still in the hospital?" I asked Aizawa, "they've been in the hospital for days."

"They've only just woken up," Aizawa sighed, "can I go now? I'm really busy trying to finish off my hero paper work that in the future, you'll be stuck with."

I let out a groan of annoyance before nodding and walking back to my class.

"What's the verdict?" Kaminari asked as I entered the class.

"They're still in hospital but on the bright side, they're awake now," I replied.

"Damn," Sero mumbled, "are they OK? I mean-- they've been knocked out for, what? Three, four something days?"

"Something like that," Momo nodded, "I'm sure they're fine though. They're survivors."

"They're murderers," Bakugo growled, "I still don't understand why you're all sticking up for them."

"They're our friends, Bakuhoe," Denki replied.

"Want to say that to my face, dunce face?!" Bakugo roared, I quickly stepped in between them and smiled awkwardly.

"No need to wind each other up," Jiro rolled her eyes, "and besides... They killed people because they had to, not because they wanted to. We've got to respect that strength to do such a thing."

"Plus if you think about it, they did change while they were here," Midoriya piped up, "I mean, y/n and Shad couldn't have killed people with the compassion they had when we last saw them."

"You mean when we were out or when they were here?" I asked.

"Both," he nodded with a small smile.

"Tch-- whatever," Bakugo rolled his eyes and sat down again, "I didn't like them to begin with."

"You just didn't like the fact that Shad kept standing up to you," Mina laughed.

"Mina," I looked to her seriously, "run."

An explosion popped from behind me and Mina sprinted out the classroom.

"Get back here, pinky!"

As chaotic as ever...

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now