"My, my! Is that Kore I see?" I heard a shrill voice shout. I sat up and looked for the familiar voice and broke into a grin.

This party just got a lot more exciting.

"Athena!" I cheered as I flung myself at her. The blond goddess hugged me tightly before pulling back and examining me, her blue eyes peering into my soul.

"You seem angry, what's wrong?" Athena asked as she hooked her arm through mine. "This is the first time since I've seen you in a decade and you seem all grumpy."

I smiled small  and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "This party is a snooze fest."

Athena snorted, "It's not that bad."

She sat us down at a window seat that was overlooking a field of lush green grass and a giant tree that appeared to have red hanging fruits.

My eyes widen in amazement, it was a pomegranate tree. It stood tall and proud, bearing beautiful fruit.

It wasn't something I was expecting to see in the underworld. I didn't realize things could grow in the place of the dead.

"Getting speared through my head with a bolt lighting would be more entertaining." I paused before adding, "Could you do that? A book would work too!"

Athena rolled her eyes to my antics, "Stop the dramatics! Hades worked hard to put together this shit sh- I mean party."

"Ha! So you admit the party is crappy!"

"I agree with that statement." A new voice said from behind me. Athena's eyes narrowed and a scowl overtook her face.

Which could only mean one thing?


Athena stood abruptly, she looked at me before saying"That's my cue to leave. It was lovely seeing you Kore."

"Bye?" I said confused. I know Artemis and Athena have a rough history, but I didn't think it was that bad.

Artemis sighed and shook her head, her loose brown curls swishing as she did. Her silver eyes held sadness as she sat in front of me, a pout on her face.

"We go on one date and all of a sudden I'm a bad guy for not sending a letter back!" Artemis grumbled as she plopped down in the seat Athena was just in.

"How bad was the date?" I questioned as I looked back out the window.

There was something about the pomegranate tree that kept attracting my attention. It was almost like a beacon and I was a moth.

It was odd.

"...She suggested we go back to her place, but I am a sworn virgin."

"Uh-huh," I murmured absentmindedly. I was only half-listening at this point. I had already heard the story at least a dozen times from Athena and a thousand times from Artemis.

It was mildly annoying, but I don't think they realize that.

I continued studying the tree, taking in as many details as I could. I could draw the tree in my journal. It would fit nicely with my other fruit plants.

A Flower in the Dark [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now