Book III-Chapter 85, Justice Rain Down From Heaven Part 2

Start from the beginning

Nick woke up with a start. "God, please don't let that little boy die", he said earnestly, with tears in his eyes. It was the first time he had been forced to think about the little boy and his family. What was his name, he couldn't even remember. He went and took care of his morning business and then returned to the desk in the study off of his room. He fired up his computer and went through the recent Detroit news stories and found the one on the little boy's dad who had just arrived home. Burgess, the little boy's name was Burgess, Ray Burgess Jr. and he was at Children's Hospital in the city. He read through everything he could find on the case and then began to cry quietly. What a mess he had created. The most recent report on the boy's condition was 3 days old. He decided to call the hospital and find out how he was doing. Calling from his cell phone, he blocked his number and was connected with the Charge Nurse for the Intensive Care Unit that Ray was in. "I am calling to find out how the little Burgess boy is doing", he said. "Are you a family member" the nurse asked? "No just a concerned Detroiter", he said. " I can only tell you that he is resting comfortably", she said. He knew he was talking to intensive care so that did not mean much in terms of knowing if he would make it or not. " Is he going to make it", Nick Jr. asked? "That is confidential information", she said. At that point Nick Jr. hung up the phone. Michael watched all of this and then sent the thought..."you are responsible for this and you must take that responsibility and apologize to this family". No...I can't Nick Jr. said out loud and then thought, " I dragged my father into this and it would ruin him as well as me." He didn't want to think about this anymore. He got up and took a shower and looking at the clock laid back down for a little while and fell into a restless sleep.

Nick Sr. had wakened with a very bad headache. It was Saturday and he looked at the clock. He never woke up before 8:30-9:00 AM on the weekends and here it was only 6:45 AM. He got up did his morning business and after washing his hands opened up the medicine cabinet and finding some Ibuprofen took two and went back into his bedroom and laid down. His wife was still sleeping and he didn't want to wake her. They had a full blown argument last night and he had told her in anger what her son had done and about the Range Rover being in the shop in Toledo. She looked at him in horror. Their son was the one responsible for the accident that had been in the news for several days she had shouted? And he as his father had not demanded that he turn himself in? "What were you thinking" Mia had yelled. "I was protecting our son. His life could be ruined by this", he had responded. "Yes, it could", she had responded, "especially now since he had run and had not stepped up and taken responsibility to start with. But what about us, Nicholas. If it comes out, that you helped him to avoid responsibility, what will happen to the bank and to those that rely on you to run it. You need to go public and resolve this. The longer you wait the nastier it will get". She had then gone into the bedroom and slammed the door. He had waited for 2 hours before he went into the room last night and she, although awake, had turned her back to him in bed and not spoken a word. He lay there with his head aching and his heart pounding. For the first time, he was becoming aware of just how much trouble they were in. "God, I don't know what to do. Please help me". Raguel, who was sitting at the foot of the bed, heard his plea and with the full authority of Jesus, told him to turn himself and his son in in a thought. I can't it will ruin me and ruin the reputation of my family. "Trust God and do what is right", Raguel repeated. Nick Sr. physically shook his head no and tears were streaming down his face. How could this happen he asked himself and his God. But he already knew the answer and he hated it. It could happen because he had raised a spoiled and undisciplined boy. He had not allowed him to face his mistakes and therefore learn from them. Now his boy had a very difficult future, he was facing public ruin, and his wife hated him for causing it all. He continued to cry, but silently...he was afraid, confused and ashamed. Michael heard his thoughts as did Raguel. "Break him" Michael said through thought to Raguel. "Only brokenness will bring repentance. Make it so". Raguel acknowledged the directive and touched Nick Sr. sending him into a deep sleep...and then the dream came and it scared him beyond anything he had ever experienced. Nick saw his son being arrested and he along with him. They were tried separately, but each had to testify at the other's trial. He saw the jury going out to deliberate after gut wrenching testimony had been given by the boy's mother and father, and by the Simpsons whose children and the wife herself had suffered minor injuries. He saw the banking community turn its back on his family, and a hostile takeover of his bank happening because he was not there to lead or to establish who would lead in his absence and the wrong brother had taken over. He saw both himself and his son being sentenced to 2 to 15 years in State Prison and the judge saying he wished he could make it more for the callousness they had shown to the families they had injured. He saw his wife in tears and filing for divorce. He was mortified by the dream but could not wake up and end it. He cried aloud for his God to help him...but God did not speak to him at that moment in the dream. Little did he know that his God was in the process of helping him by showing him the possible outcomes, if he did not step up to the plate. Nick Jr. was having the same dream and cried out at the same moment as his father did for help from the Most High. He was terrified as when his mother divorced his father in the dream, she also disowned him...and he had no-one to care what happened to him other than his also incarcerated father. No-one at all, even his sisters had turned their backs on him. Nick Jr. woke up. He was so scared he was shaking. He wanted a drink or a joint or something...but he dared not do any of that after what happened yesterday. He lay there not moving...unable to think and then he heard it. "Get up and do the right thing before it is too late" a voice said. And then he saw the glow...the bright blue light and emerging from it was an Angel...a huge, fierce, Angel and this time the voice was louder and it reverberated..."do the right thing before it is too late". His father had also awakened and heard and saw the same image of the Angel. Nick Jr. ran to his parent's room and Nick Sr. could see on his face that he too had the same experience. Nick Sr. looked over to where his wife had been laying but she was not there. He was terrified!

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