I slid closer to hug Hua. I closed my eyes when she hugged me back and sob against my shoulder. I passed a gentle hand on her back. "The world is cruel like that. When you got hurt, when I thought I lost your love and respect, I thought how come everything is moving when I feel like not leaving my room. When I feel like hiding away or sleeping all day so I won't face the pain. The world is cruel like that, Hua. I'm sorry."

"I don't think I want to be in this world anymore, Jin. How do I live in a world without my Nanny?" Hua asked brokenly.

That question, her words, felt like a dagger to my heart. Hua's pain, I don't know how to ease it for her. I feel useless. All I can do is stay beside her and hug her when she cries.

"I wish I have all the answers for you, my love. I truly wish I can take all your sorrow so you will be happy all the time. I'm sorry you have someone as useless as me by your side." I hugged Hua tighter.

"I don't know what to do, Jin. What should I do now? I'm scared." Hua confessed while crying.

I let her cry. That's all I can do for her. Let her cry. I don't have the answers for Hua's question except to beg her.

"Just continue living and continue letting me by your side. I promise Hua, I will do everything to be by your side. You won't go through this alone. I am here. You are not alone."



By noontime, I finally had the time to check on Rei, my aide whom I left in charge of taking the ensemble of Princess XiLen's entourage back to the Capital. I had a meeting with his Majesty about the attack on my estate, were we both received a surprise message, and to see through the coffin we will use for Hua's Nanny. The burial will happen before sunset today.

"Where did you store her?" I asked Rei.

"The Empress was gracious enough to lend us with a little quarter for the banished princess, General. She is in the Moon Pavilion. As for her entourage and guards, they are all locked up in the prison cells, being flogged for more information. The Princess XiLen is alone and only the Empress' people are allowed to take care of her comfort." Rei reported.

I want to smash something upon hearing that. "She ordered an invasion on my home, putting my estate manager and daughter in danger. Her pet killed my daughter's Nanny...and what? She is in the Moon Pavilion being served to her comfort?"

Rei sighed, "She is still the mother of the First Born Prince and former wife of the Emperor, General. She is practically a Mughal ambassador sent here to see the Imperial Family. We cannot treat her as a commom criminal, Sir."

"I'm well aware of that but I don't have to like it. She puts my family in danger." I will never forgive Prince Jin's mother for that. Just thinking of Dayu and Hua fighting their way to survive in our own home is enough for me to contemplate hanging every single one of those Mughal prisoners we have in hand and displaying their corpses for the Mughal Royals to collect them.

"How is Lady Wang, Sir? How much damage does those invaders made..."

"Enough to devastate my daughter," I said with a warning look on Rei. "Make sure no one will start talking about my daughter's loss, or I will begin cutting off tongues, starting with yours."

Rei licked his lower lips. "You can threaten me all you want, but I am still more scared on Master Dayu. But I will heed your order, General. I will make sure that no one will use Lady Wang Hua's loss for entertaining gossip."

A Wuxia Tale: Blade in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now