Part 29

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Alec had another dream again, this one isn't like the one he always had. He was swimming on the calm water, no waves, no island, just the blue sky and the deep water surround him. He was floating on his back first but then he could feel himself losing balance and started the drown.

When he tried to swim he felt something was pulling him away from it. Something was dragging him down beneath his feet into the darkness. He tried to swim harder than he could and screamed his lungs out but he couldn't. All he could do was letting the water running freely into his mouth.

He tried as best as he could to scream for help but the only thing that came out was silenced. Then he felt himself getting weaker and weaker for trying to survive the water. He felt like giving up, he felt like letting go for good. He was too tired to hold on anymore and he felt like letting go is much better.

As he was about to let himself free, he felt a hand gripped on his wrist lifting himself up from underwater and when he immersed, the faces appeared were too familiar. When he blinked rapidly to clear the view, he finally sees it, it was none other but Magnus.

He could see Magnus mouth is moving and talking but he couldn't hear what exactly the words he spoke. But then slowly, the sound appears and he could hear Magnus voice calling him. "Alexander! Alexander wake up! Wake up!"

Alec jolted from his dream and raised himself into a sitting position. He could feel his chest is pounding like a hammer on the wall and he could feel his body is covered with sweats. Next to him stood Magnus with his face filled with nothing but worries. "Alexander? Are you okay?" He spoke.

Alec was panting, breathless due to his dream but he was relieved to come back to reality and comforted by Magnus. Slowly he shook his head signing as he is not okay. He is definitely not okay and he can't lie about it anymore. He shook his head side to side without even realizing his tears are falling like waterfall and Magnus couldn't bear his heart to see him like this.

"Magnus." Alec called whispery. "It' okay darling, it's just a dream." He said as he pulled Alec towards his chest. Alec sobs uncontrollably crying his heart out against Magnus' chest. "I'm scared. I don't want to die." He mutters in between his sobs and Magnus stroke his back harder. He could Alec's body shudder and shivers so he rubbed harder to promote heat.

"There's nothing to be scared of Alexander, you're not going to die. I'm here, I'm right here." Magnus whispered those words into his ear as he did, their body rocked together. He kissed his top of the head and kept hushing words to keep him calm until Alec went back to sleep.

Magnus couldn't figure out why Alec had that such horrid nightmare. He woke up hearing him screamed his lungs out and trashing like he was struggling to breath. It brought horror to Magnus and he couldn't woke Alec up. When Alec finally awake, he cried for what it felt like hours to Magnus and eventually he went back to sleep.

Magnus stares at Alec's face for awhile now and his pale face brings questions towards Magnus' mind. Why were the boy in his arm filled with so many secrets, why didn't he just tell him what was wrong with him. Magnus let the questions filled his mind and letting himself drifted to sleep with Alec still sleeping in his arm.

Alec stirs before he woke up feeling the sun shining directly on his face. The waves are crashing like usual and the wind if flying his hair back and forth. He felt chilled, colder than usual and his head pounding in pain. He couldn't lift his own body up but he could opened his eyes.

When he looked around, Magnus was nowhere to be found. He got panicked and immediately tried to get up but his headache won't allow him so. "Magnus?" He called with his hoarse voice, he cleared his throat again before he tried to call Magnus.

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