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The White Knight sighed.

     He got up on the other horse, patted its head, then sat on the horses' brown saddle.

     "Aye M'Lady. But she doesn't want me to ride her". The White Knight said, sadly.

     "Maybe you need a new horse M'Knight. Let me see, how about one from the stables away from here" Lady Emily Forsythe said.

      "Very well, M'Lady. I trust your judgement. I am not part of this Court; I am my own Knight. A man of honor", The White Knight said, "and bravery", he added.

      "M'Knight. You're honorable...but not brave...Until you can satisfy me that you can ride a horse...And be brave...I can't take you as a husband", Lady Emily Forsythe said.

      "Do you not have suitors, M'Lady?", The White Knight asked.

      "Aye, but they're dead...They don't survive long when I'm travelling to places of danger". Lady Emily Forsythe said mysterously, "now...go to the stables, pick a horse, and come back and then we'll see if you're worthy of my love", Lady Emily Forsythe said, and kissed him on the mouth, "and be careful!", she added...Then she watched her lover leave.

       "Aye M'Lady...I shall return", The White Knight said.

       And, for the first time, he didn't fall off his horse.

       Lady Emily Forsythe then left the Kingdom of the Plague Queen as well, knowing that her future was now secured.

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SaTaN's BeLLS-The Plague Queen Part I (Book Nine)Where stories live. Discover now