"Don't. They might use it." Taehyung commented, eliciting snorts and laughs from everyone else.

"Wait....ew." Jungkook stated as he realized the innuendo and his nose scrunched up in disgust.


"Welcome back to our show everyone, and for those of you just joining us, BTS is here in the studio with us. Alright guys. We've reached the fan questions part of the show. Are you all ready?" The radio show host asked, Suga's heart jumping into his throat for a moment as his nerves started coming back.

"Bring them on." Jimin said, excitedly bouncing in his seat a bit.

"We love hearing from ARMY." Namjoon said with a smile.

"Alright! I like the enthusiasm." The host said and read a question off of the paper in front of him. "What do each of you think is one "useless talent" that you have?"

"Being able to do the splits." Jimin said.

"Breaking things...." Namjoon admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sleeping for 12 hours." Suga stated.

"I love the diversity." The host started with a chuckle. "And I'm sure the fans love your splits, Jimin."

Jimin just chuckled and smiled shyly.

All the members began to banter between one another, Namjoon finally butting in to silence them.

"What's the next question?"

The host quickly looked down and checked his paper. "Does anyone have a favorite American show?"

"Well, it isn't a show, but, I really like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's a movie." Namjoon said.

Jungkook nodded his head in agreement. "Me too."

Hoseok got a bit antsy in his seat. "On the topic of movies, I love Southpaw."

All the members answered the question. Jin with The Matrix, Suga with Inception, Jimin with The Notebook, and Taehyung with Shawshank Redemption.

The host chatted with the boys for a couple of minutes about the movies they liked before going on to the next question. "So, assuming you all are still living the single life," he started and everyone started looking among themselves, catching the host's attention. "Or maybe not?" He asked, hoping someone would answer the newly implied question.

"We're mainly focusing on our careers right now." Namjoon said, nearly a default answer from him by now.

Suga cleared his throat, "Can I say something?" It was a rhetorical question, but Suga directed it towards Namjoon.
Namjoon nodded, knowing what was coming.

Suga began to bounce his leg under the table. "I know this will come as a shock to many of you, and we are aware of the possible backlash that may come from this; But, I am dating a wonderful woman. Her name is Ana."

The host beamed with pleasant surprise. "That's wonderful! How'd you guys meet?"

Suga's lip curved into a smile, "Oddly enough, on an airplane going to Chicago."

"Ana was so shy and cute at first." Jimin reminisced. "But she and Suga-Hyung hit it off surprising well."

"That's good to hear. Now, I don't want to assume too much, but with a name like "Ana", is safe to assume that she's not Korean?"

Suga nodded. "She's from the United States." He confirmed.

"She even helped teach Jungkook some English. However, sometimes I wish she hadn't..." Namjoon said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I know how to be properly vulgar in English now." Jungkook admitted with a little shit-eating grin.

The host couldn't help but laugh. "Is she bi-lingual then?"

"Yes, and no." Suga started.

"She knows, I think, seven languages." J-Hope added and looked to Suga for help.

"Six." Suga calmly corrected with a little nod.

"Wow. Do you know which ones she speaks?"

"English is her first language, and she's fluent in Korean and Japanese. She says she's not fluent in Spanish, but she knows significantly more than us, and she also knows German and French." Suga explained.

"That's really cool. Do you guys ever have to use her as a translator, or have to ask her to help with language barriers?"

"Definitely." Jin said with a nod. "She's always ready to help us out with whatever language questions we have, so we help her with her Korean whenever she needs it."

"Like that one time I went over to her apartment late at night and ended up helping her with her Korean homework." Jimin started.

"Yeah! We'd known her for about a month at that point, with at least one of us talking to her everyday. But none of us had heard anything from her for the past 4 days, and we were starting to wonder if she was okay." Jungkook added.

"So I went over to check on her, and found she had been stressing out about getting her homework done, because she was having trouble reading some of it. I sat down with her, and helped her get her homework done, and pretty much every week since then, we have a set day where we get together and watch movies all night."

"That's awesome. She fits in well, then?"

"For sure. She's like our sister to most of us. And I say "most of us" because she's actually dating Suga-Hyung." Taehyung stated.

"That would be weird otherwise...." Yoongi said, crinkling his nose.

"Yeah, we'd have to discourage you dating your sister." Jimin teased him a bit.

"Please do." He said with a little chuckle.

"Well guys, unfortunately, that's all the time we have for today." The host started. "Suga, congratulations on your relationship, I sincerely wish you two the best. And thank you, all of you, for being here and hanging out with me for awhile today. I had fun. I hope I wasn't too boring for you."

Suga bowed in thanks for the congratulations, a smile on his lips as his happiness showed through.

"We had fun, right guys?" Namjoon asked, all of them nodding and agreeing.

"I'm so glad to hear that! As always, thanks also goes to our listeners out there, without them, we wouldn't be here today. Be sure to check out BTS's new album, Map Of The Soul: Persona coming out next month, and I will see you again tomorrow!" The host concluded and then they all heard someone in the background call them clear.

"That went better than expected." Namjoon said as they headed back to the building doors, realizing that his inside though just became an outside thought.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Taehyung asked, teasingly.

"Last time, you opened your mouth at the wrong time and embarrassed everyone." Namjoon reminded.

"I did not. I added social flare." Taehyung said confidently.

"So, that's what you call that?" Jungkook asked with an amused smirk.

"Ana would agree with me..." Taehyung playfully pouted.

Jimin's lips turned into a slight scowl. "You literally started talking about our sleeping habits and how Jungkook farts in his sleep."

"It's a natural bodily function, and farts are funny!" Taehyung defended.

"It was live radio....." Yoongi joined in to defend Jungkook's side.

"There are some things you just don't state on live broadcasts, and that's one of them. Have some decency." Namjoon said.

"He has a point." Hoseok agreed.

"You have 6 against 1." Jin stated.

"We win." Jungkook said with a victorious smirk as they walked through the studio's doors and into the van that they took there to continue with the other events they had scheduled today.

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