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Yui's POV
I woke up to the feeling of the body in between my arms, moving. I opened my eyes and found that Shuu had snuck his way into the room and was trying to wake Rose up.

My eyes widened and I pulled the girl into my chest before she could completely process what was going on.

"Get out!" I yelled.

Shuu was adamant but didn't say anything, just smirked. He crawled towards me and Rose on the bed and gripped Rose's wrist, trying to tug her away from me.

By this time, Rose had gotten a full look on who was the one having such a tight grip on her wrist and when she saw that it was Shuu, all hell broke lose.

"Nooo!!! Please no! Stop touching me!! Get away!!" Rose yelled as she was sobbing now, in utter fear.

"You're mine. I want you, now." Shuu just simple said with a smirk still evident on his face.

"No. Please. Let me go!! Let go!!" Rose was getting desperate and I was trying to hold on for as long as I could.

'Where the fuck is everyone when I need them??!'

Suddenly, I could feel Rose's weight collapse onto me and I held her tight. I looked up to see Subaru and Ayato, prying Shuu off of us.

"No no no no no... Get him away!!" Rose was yelling.

"Shh... Calm down baby. Your good. You're fine. He is gone now." I whispered and soothed her as she was holding on to me like her life depended on me.

"Please. Please Yui. I'm very sorry for being rude. Please don't leave me." She muttered as she started to sob.

"I won't. I know Rose. I know everything now. You're fine. Calm down, baby." I soothed her and I felt her relax.

Ayato's POV
"You bitch!!" Subaru yelled as he punched Shuu, or should I say, Cordelia.

"We know it's you!!" I yelled and the others came running down.

"What the f- Cordelia??!" Laito yelled.

"Oh, looks like you found out. It's a pity." Shuu said with a smirk.

"Why the fuck are you even here? And why Rose?" Kanato finally spoke.

"Oh, haven't you seen that gorgeous face? It felt so nice to wreck her. If I am not mistaken, poor girl was a virgin." Shuu, Cordelia, said with the same smirk still on.

"Oh you're wrong." Subaru said with his head hung low.

He lifted his head up and his eyes were glowing red. A smirk slowly made it's way onto his face and everyone was confused.


"She wasn't a virgin."

"What are you talking about? You aren't supposed to lie to your mother, dear."

"I'm not."

"Wait, Subaru. What the fuck?" I asked.

"I took her virginity. She didn't lose it to you." Subaru admitted.


Subaru's POV
"Rose." I called out as I entered the girl's room.

Rose was studying when I interrupted but I didn't mind.

"Hey!" She piped up and I couldn't help but let a smile slip.

"Rose. I want to know."

"Know what?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Do you have any kind of feelings for me? I don't know how much longer I can hold back." I admitted shamelessly.

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