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"What the fuck was all of that about? Behave? Submit?" Shuu asked as he plopped himself down on the sofa in a room that all the brothers asked for. Privacy is still a thing apparently.

"What is even happening at this place?"

"No. Seriously though. What the fuck is going on?"

"Okay stop." Reiji finally stopped all the questions as he tried to at least think about the events that took place merely minutes ago.

"They're being forced. How is that not clear to you dumb brains?" Reiji spoke as he crossed his arms over his chest.

~With Rose~

The poor girl was thrown onto the cold floor of the room she was all too familiar with.

"You kissed him. You fucking kissed him in front of me!! I thought I told you to behave." Shin yelled as he grabbed a whip and brought it down onto the girl's fragile body.

The only thing that the girl could do was sob in pain. She didn't want to break another rule by talking when she wasn't given the permission to. She just enveloped the pain and at this point, welcomed it with open arms.

After Shin was finally satisfied with the punishment the girl had received, he stopped and took in her small form. Tear stains on her cheeks as her makeup was messed up. Her beautiful clothes were now torn because of the many whips but the man didn't care as long as the punishment made the girl learn her lesson.

The girl had passed out. Her breathing was even but it was hard to tell if she was even breathing or not. Carla burst into the room and scanned his eyes around it as he looked for his brother and the girl whom he has now come to love.

When Carla spotted Rose on the floor, he was not happy. He rushed to the girl with tears brimming his eyes and knelt down, placing the girl's head on his lap. He gently tried to wake the poor girl up or at least tried to make her open her eyes by tapping her cheeks but he was unsuccessful.

He laid the girl back down as he stood up straight. Within a flash, Shin was pinned to the wall and was almost being choked. He was gasping for air but he refused to break the eye contact between him and his brother.

"Why the fuck would you do that?! What is wrong with you?! Go beat up your own bitch instead of touching my love." Carla yelled in anger and disgust.

"Well, if you would've fucking listened to me when I said that they needed to be disciplined then your whore wouldn't go around kissing people in front of me." Shin sneered.

Carla made a mental note to talk to his precious about this later. Only talk. He growled at his brother and let him go as Shin took his whip and left the room, probably to teach his bitch a lesson she wouldn't ever forget or dare to question.

Carla picked Rose up gently bridal style and made his way to his room. The party was now over and everyone had already gone home. The maids stayed to clean up all the mess. Carla placed the girl on his bed and went to the bathroom to run a hot bath for the girl.

When the bath was ready with the proper temperature so as to not hurt the girl, Carla went back out and made sure to call a maid to change Rose out of her clothes and into a bathrobe before making her take a warm bath.

All the while as the maid cleaned the girl up, she looked at Rose with pity in her eyes. She made sure to clean the girl properly with gentle touches. She would sometimes stop when she heard the poor girl wince when certain parts of her body came in contact with the water.

When the maid was done, she dried the girl and made sure to dry her hair properly too so that she wouldn't catch a cold later on. The maid put the bathrobe back on Rose before notifying Carla that she was done.

Carla ordered the maid to change the girl into her pajamas. When she was done, he thanked the maid and dismissed her of her duties for the day and also allowed her to go home early for the big help. The maid thanked Carla and left, leaving Rose with a sad smile.

Carla sat himself down on his side of the bed, looking at the girl. He didn't know when he caught feelings for the beauty but he knew that he did. He wouldn't let anyone fucking touch her anymore. Not even his own brother can be trusted apparantly.

To say that Carla was disappointed in Shin would be an understatement. He was fucking pissed. A frown made its way onto his face as he thought of how he found Rose laying on the ground with Shin standing over her with a damn whip in his hand.

Carla tucked the girl in and quietly made his way out of the room. He walked into the living room to see his brother sat on one of the couches.

"Ah! Brother dear. You're finally here. So, how's the girl?" Shin asked with a smirk.

"Shin, the one thing I ask of you is to not touch my love. You for one know how possessive and mad I get when something of mine gets touched by others, even if it is my own brother." Carla took his seat on the couch opposite to Shin's.

"Oh but your love wasn't behaving. What did you want me to do, dear brother?" Shin still had the devilish smirk plastered on his face.

"Leave. I'll take care of my precious by myself. I don't need you to intervene in anything."

"Oh but-"

"DON'T touch her again and if I know you did then the consequences will not be as kind as you fucking imagine." Carla heard Shin gulp and that was enough for him to make his way back to the room and next to his love with the confidence that his brother got the message.

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