Escapology And The End?

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"Baby." Rose heard someone whisper into her ear.

Her body was in extreme pain and she tried not to squirm around but the voice whispering in her ear made her want to jump of the bed and run into the person's arms.

"Baby, wake up."

There it was again. Rose wasn't going to fight off the urge to look at the person anymore. She squinted her beautiful eyes open and was met with familiar ones. They seemed so familiar. She gasped as she realized who it was and a small smile made its way onto her face as she sat up in her bed, looking at the person with tears in her eyes.

"No more crying, baby. I'm here."

Rose immediately wiped her tears away and jumped into his arms. Subaru.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you so much too, baby."

"Hate to ruin the reunion but we kinda have to get moving now." Ruki said as he just appeared in the room.

Subaru broke their hug and let Rose run into Ruki's arms.

"I knew you'd come." The girl whispered, leaving Ruki flustered.

"I don't think you should be hugging me in front of him, Rose. I really don't wanna die while I'm asleep." Ruki said, his actions saying otherwise as he wrapped his hands around the girl.

"Nah. I know you support us. I trust you wouldn't do anything stupid because you already know the consequences." Subaru spoke as he looked at Ayato who was now hugging Yui.

"Thank you. I will love you Rose. Like a sister. And Subaru, I swear if you hurt my little bean here, I will destroy you." Ruki spoke with a dark aura.

"Y-Yeah, that won't be necessary."

"Can we fucking leave? I wanna go home and sleep and this place is literally suffocating me."

"Of course, Shuu." Rose smiled at Shuu as he made his way towards the doorway again.

"Can we really just walk out like that? Wouldn't Shin and Carla try to stop us?" Yui asked as she was still being hugged by Ayato.

"They wouldn't be able to do any of that shit so don't you worry, darling." Ayato spoke and licked Yui's cheek who in turn shivered.

Both Rose and Yui just looked at each other and shrugged. Their bodies still hurt. Very bad. Moving almost killed them because of the pain but they were too excited to see their boyfriends that they completely forgot about their pain.

When exhaustion and pain finally caught up to Rose, she stumbled. Subaru instantly has an arm wrapped around her waist to keep her steady and she completely gave in to his warm touch. Subaru just smiled and picked his girlfriend up, bridal style.

"Let's go." Reiji spoke as all the brothers slowly filed out of the room.

"Never. I will lay down my life for you but I will never let any harm come to you, my love." Subaru spoke as he placed a small kiss on the girl's lips.

"Hmm." Rose moved around in his arms and winced when she felt pain. She was about to wake up because of the intensity of the pain but Subaru lulled her back to sleep.

"She deserves it, all your live and comfort. You're one lucky man, Subaru. I meant what I said earlier about me destroying you if you even think about hurting her." Ruki said as he got into the seat next to me.

Rose was in my lap as I sat towards the window. I pulled her closer to my chest and she snuggled in. My smile vanished as a frown took it's place on my face when I just think about what she could have possibly been through.

"Don't." Ruki spoke as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and just smiled at him thankfully.

She is with me now. My dear Rose. No harm will ever come to her and I swear upon my life.


"Could you stop moving so much?!"

"It's called breathing!!"

"Well stop because I don't want the silver knife to fucking plunge into my heart."

"As if I want it to plunge into mine."

"Shin, just shut up."

"You shut up, Carla. This is all your fault." Shin spat as he unconsciously moved closer to his brother.

"What are you d-doin- mmmph."

"Shutting you the hell up." Shin looked away as he tried to figure a way out of this hell.

"Damn those guys. This is too tight and too close."

"We'll figure it out." Carla spoke with pink cheeks as he also tried to get a way out.

The boys had tied these two up and placed two very long silver knives near their hearts. They didn't really have the heart to kill them so they figured that the guys would die on their own.

"Why did you do that?" Carla suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Do what?"

"Kiss me, you idiot."

"You were speaking too much. I had to shut you up."

"Oh. Okay." Carla looked dejected.

Both of the brothers continued to untie themselves and when they finally did after what felt like ages but truly was only about two hours, Shin looked at Carla's deflated face and smiled.

Shin walked up to Carla and pulled him into his chest. Carla's eyes widened and his lips parted slightly, a light shade of pink coating his cheeks.

"And because I love you." Shin closed the distance between them and locked their lips.

'Everybody gets a happy ending after all.'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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