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Ruki's POV
"Do you seriously think that we'll get her if we ask them?" Yuma asks me. "Of course not. They're not so dumb. Have we ever asked for anything before?" I said with a smirk and cracked my neck. "This isn't like you, Ruki. Can't believe that the girl is making you smirk." Kou said. "What can I say? I just have this feeling that she is worth it." I said as memories come back to me.


"Get your ass back here, you brat!" I heard a girl yell as she was chasing someone. "Definitely not Mom!" Another girl yells back. 'Such a sweet voice.' I couldn't help but think. I was just taking a stroll in the school garden for some fresh air. Can't believe that these girls will be troubling me. I have to get out of here. I turn back towards the school building to leave and start walking towards it.

"Watch out, Rose!" I heard someone yell as a body collided into me from behind. I quickly turned around and caught the fragile looking girl before she fell and pulled her closer to my chest. Her body fit right into my arms like it was made for my arms to hold. She was so delicate and gorgeous. She looks up at me with her big eyes and places her hands on my chest to steady herself.


Her scent is so intoxicating. Her beautiful brown hair compliments her soft features so well. It took me sometime to realize that I was staring. I carefully let the girl go and adjusted my uniform once more. "I'm really sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm Rose by the way." She said with a beautiful cheery smile and voice of an angel.

"Ruki." I simply introduced. "Well, it's really nice to meet you but I have to go now. I'll see you around, Ruki!" She said and waved her hand as she ran back to her friends.


After classes were over, I was walking down the hallway. I couldn't wait to go home and read. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes despite the fact that I was walking. "Tough day?" I heard a very familiar voice ask. I look towards my left to see Rose. Her beautiful smile was completely on display to melt my heart. "Not really." I said bluntly and continued walking to see her following behind me.

"Tired?" She asked and I sighed. Why is she following me anyway? "Yes." I said simply. "Well, looks like you're either uncomfortable talking to me or you're not much of a talker. In that case, I'll see you." She said, still with a smile and started walking away when I unknowingly grabbed her wrist.

"I'm not uncomfortable." I said, looking down. She looked down at my hand gripping hers. I followed her gaze and my eyes widened. I let go immediately and coughed, cleaning my throat. What came over me? "I'm glad. But I have to get going now. See you tomorrow, Ruki." She said and left the school building. I can see her clearly from the window on the second floor. As soon as she reached the entrance of the school, her bright smile disappeared and a calm expression overtook her soft features.


She calmed down from a run to a casual walk. When I saw where she was headed, my blood started to boil. 'Sakamaki brothers. She's taken? But I didn't see any bite marks on her.' I clicked my tongue as my eyebrows furrowed. I watched her as she got into the limo with the Sakamaki's and another blondie. They drove away and I was stood there watching.

"Eve." I whispered to myself. "She's Eve? She's beautiful." I heard a voice. I turned to see Kou and the others. "She looks so delicious." Azusa said with a small smile. My eyes widened as I saw his smile. That girl was able to make Azusa smile?

'You are ours. Rose.'

~End of flashback~

"So are we planning to go anytime soon? We just left her there after we announced to the Sakamaki's that we'll be taking her. Isn't that kind of stupid?" Kou asked. "Wait it out. We'll take her at school." I said.

'Can't wait to see you again, dear Eve.'

Subaru's POV
"Cordelia!!" Rose yelled and all our eyes widened.

I was immediately by her side, trying to calm her down by rubbing her back. It wasn't working at all. Rose started to sob and shake. Yui was now in Ayato's arm as he was trying to calm her down. "No no!! Please let me go!! Please stop!" Rose was saying and it broke my heart. She looked like she was in so much pain. "You're safe, Rose. You're completely safe. Nothing will ever happen to you ever again." I whispered into her ear.

Her breathing got heavier. I didn't have any other choice. I gently tilted her face up so she was facing me. I removed her hands from covering her face. Her teary eyes were looking back at me with so much pain in them. She looked so broken. I leaned in closer to her and placed my lips onto hers, softly. I cupped her cheeks so that I could deepen the kiss. Rose's eyes were wide open at first but she slowly closed her eyes as she got used to the feeling of my lips on hers.

Her breathing got even but she was still shaking. I pulled away slowly to see her looking at me. She suddenly hugs me and I was taken aback. Once I realized that she was in my arms, I hugged her back. "They didn't stop, Subaru. It hurt so much." She whimpered and my eyes widened.

"Shhh. Calm down, baby. You're safe with me. Tell me what happened." I asked her calmly, ignoring the fact that I called her baby. She was still hugging me and didn't let go. I didn't complain too much because she needed the warmth right now. "They tied me to the bed, Subaru. It hurt so much when I moved. They put out their cigarettes on me and their bites hurt so bad. And-and-" I cut her off with another kiss.

I couldn't see her reliving all those terrible moments of her life. The kiss was soft and passionate. I never wanted to part from her sweet lips but I had to because all the brothers were still in the room. I pulled away and cupped her cheeks, making her face me again. "You're safe now. You will never have to go through that again. Did they say something to you?" I asked cautiously.

"W-When that nice man helped me and when I was leaving they said that when they get their hands on me again then they will do way worse than what they have done. I'm scared, Subaru." She whimpered. "You don't have to be, baby. You're safe with me. Get some rest now." I said as I tucked her in. I kissed her forehead and got up to leave when she held my wrist.

"Please stay." She said and I couldn't help but let out a smile. I removed her hand from my wrist and got into the bed next to her. Her back was against my chest and I was acting as the big spoon. "Good night, Rose." I whispered and pulled her closer to me.

Shuu's POV
I slammed the door to my room shut and let out a growl as I punched the wall. "Fuck!!" I yelled without knowing and acknowledging the presence of the other brothers in the room. "What happened now, Shuu? And keep it down. The girls are sleeping." Reiji said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm going to kill Subaru!!" I yelled again. "I said keep it down. Don't wake the girls up. Subaru and Ayato took great effort in calming them down." He said and my blood boiled but I listened to him. "Get some rest. We have school starting tomorrow." Reiji said as he walked out with Kanato.

"I feel the same about Yui. Ayato's hogging her too much. But I can't believe that Subaru actually kissed Rose twice in front of you. Make sure he doesn't steal your girl brother." He said and smirked. I looked at him with an angry expression and he lifted his hands as if he is surrendering. He left the room and shut the door behind him softly.

"Rose is mine, Subaru."


Hey guys!! Here's another chapter.

BTS said that they would live like normal 20 year olds and I should have guessed that they would be on twitter 24/7.

Anyways, don't forget to keep loving yourself 💜💜 and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Adiós.

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