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"Guys, where the fuck is Yui?!"

Rose's POV
"You said it would only be me!! Why the fuck did you get her?!" I exclaimed as I saw Yui lying on the bed next to me.

It took me a couple of hours to regain consciousness after the guy's drugged me but I finally did at least. Yui was still unconscious. I don't even know when they got her so I can't predict when she'll even wake up.

"Please. You told you wouldn't."

"But we thought why have only one when we could have two." Carla smirked as he crawled up on my side of the bed.

"You were beautiful as a human but you look so ethereal as a vampire, my darling. I shall claim you as mine." That made me scoff.

"I'm sorry but no matter what you say and how you say it, I'm not yours. Never was and never will be. I love only Subaru. I always will." I said as I attempted a glare and my guess based off of Carla's startled look is that it worked like a charm.

"Feisty. I don't usually like my sluts feisty but I think I can make an exemption for a beauty like you." Carla spoke as he creeped closer.

I placed a hand on his chest to try and stop him but of course that didn't work. He continued to close the space between us and when he finally did my eyes were blown wide with the emotions of fear, disgust and absolute hatred swimming in them.

Carla attached his lips to mine, soon licking my bottom lip asking me to open my mouth but I denied access. Cala got pissed and intensified the kiss more than it already was. I groaned in pain and he pinned me down. I was thoroughly disgusted by another man's lips on me so I did the only thing I could think of. I bit him.

Carla screamed as I wiped the blood off of my mouth.

"You fucking bitch! I will get you!" Carla charged towards me but was stopped by Shin.

"You take care of that, I'll take care of her." He said as he looked at me with an intense glare.

"Not too harsh."

"Don't fucking tell me what to do." Shin sneered and Carla just left, hissing in pain.

"He was too light on you. Pampered you like a fucking baby and look at where it got him now." Shin spoke as he circled to my side of the bed and took a hold of my wrist.

"I've always told him that feisty ass bitches like you need to be disciplined in a way that they will never fucking forget who owns them." Shin pulled me up and held me by my waist as he spoke these words.

"Why are you even doing this? Please... Just let us go." I attempted to speak without my voice breaking as tears brimmed my eyes.

"Fun, baby doll. Ever heard of that?"

"This is just a sick game that you fucking feed off of."

"Think whatever you want. That dirty mouth of yours needs to be cleaned thoroughly, doll. I assure you that after I'm done, you won't be able to speak another ill word against anyone." He smirked and pulled me with him out of the room.

"Let me go!" I attempted to scream but to no avail.

"It's useless. Save your voice to moan out our names later. We're too deep into the forest for anyone to hear you, let alone find you." He continued to drag me and that's when I realized that screaming wasn't really going to help me in anyway.

Shin dragged me to a room which was covered in darkness and threw me on the floor. He went to one side of the room and picked something up but I couldn't see anything. After he placed the thing back on the floor, he finally turned the lights on.

And that's when I saw it. A chair and a machine. I looked up to Shin with fear in my eyes and just saw him smirk in return.

"C'mon baby girl." He said as he walked to me, grabbing me by my hair and strapping me up to the chair.

He then proceeded to ignore all my cries of pain and distress as he connected the machine to me. Then he left. He just fucking left the room. But he came back. With a bucket of water.

Shin doused me in water and I was heaving and breathing heavily as it was freezing cold and he poured it all over me, covering me from head to toe.

"You should have fucking behaved." He said as he took a small remote in his hand and I felt a wave of electricity pass through my body.

It was not pleasant, not that it was ever supposed to be. My mind was slowly starting to go blank because of the continuous zaps and I was starting to lose my sense of control over my own body.

"Will you behave, my dear slut?"

I couldn't fucking answer that because my mouth was numb. I was cold and the water only made the electric shocks worse. When I didn't answer, Shin got triggered. He zapped me again but with a higher intensity.

"Fucking answer when I ask a question, bitch."


"Will you submit like a good little slut?"


"You better, if you don't want anything to happen to Yui."

"I-I will. N-Not her." I whimpered in pain and coldness.

"That's it, my baby girl." Shin walks up to me and detaches me from all the machines, proceeding to carry me bridal style.

I wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle my face into his chest as tears stream down my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I'm so so s-sorry."

"Its okay, baby girl. You're ours now." He whispers as he pulls me closer and kisses my forehead.

'I will never be yours.'

And then I lost consciousness. A part of me didn't want to wake up in this hell but another part wants to because of Subaru. And I think I will listen to the part that wants to wake up again.

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