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Subaru's POV
I was starting to mentally freak out. Why wasn't she giving or showing any type of response?

I sat down beside her on the bed and put my hand on her forehead.

"Rose?" I gently asked.

She didn't give me a response or move much but I did hear her whimper. I thought it would be in my best interest to let her rest for a while I go check on some other things.

I stepped out of her room and gently closed the room behind me and then stomped towards Shuu's room. I threw the door open and found Shuu on the bed with a bleeding lip.

"Speak!!" Ayato yelled and punched him again.

I could see Laito standing to the side and just watching the scene go down with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Fucker is telling that Rose just asked him to fuck her." Ayato said with rage and I just sighed.

"She is like my sister now, Subaru. And I will do anything to protect her." Ayato said and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Shuu, speak now. What did you do?" I asked.

"I told him already and I'm not afraid of saying the same damn thing again. I fucked her. Simple as that. Poor girl was still a virgin." He said with a smirk and let's just say that he won't be able to feel his face a while.

Author-Chan's POV
"As happy as I am that Rose is finally able to rest, we really should get her to a hospital." Laito said as he walked into the living room where Subaru and Ayato were.

Yui was sitting next to Ayato, looking down. She perked up when she heard Rose's name.

"C-Can I see my s-sister?" She asked slowly, her eyes still looking at the floor.

"Oh? I thought you hated her." Laito mused.

"All the people in the church wanted me to. I had to put up an act because I knew what would happen to me when I don't obey my father, I've seen it happen to Rose. I-I was scared. I'm so sorry." She said as she broke down into sobs, bringing her hands up to her face.

"Hey, it's okay, pancake. You can go and see her." Ayato said as he pulled Yui into his arms.

Yui still hesitated and looked up at Subaru from Ayato's chest and saw him nod.

"T-Thank you so much." She spoke in a soft voice and rushed up to Rose's room.

Yui ran into Rose's room to see her slowly opening her eyes. Yui couldn't help but crack a smile after looking at her sister, finally, with love and not hatred.

"Yui-" The door opened and in Reiji stepped in.

"AHHH!!!! NO!! please, leave me alone!!!" Rose exclaimed as she pulled the covers as close to her body as possible after seeing the man.

Yui's eyes widened and she realized what was happening. She immediately ran over Reiji and pushed him out the door, locking it after.

She ran over to a sobbing Rose and placed a gentle hand over Roses's. She felt sad but understood the situation when she saw the girl flinch at her simple touch.

"Please. I'm very sorry. Please don't touch me." Yui's heart broke when she heard the poor girl speak these words.

She gently pulled the girl into her embrace and started to soothe her, effectively putting her back to sleep. Yui gently layed Rose back on the bed and stood up.

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