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Reiji's POV
It was the morning after the incident and I was so tired. I had to stay up all night so that I could conduct a few tests on the medicine that I made.

I was heading to my room to finally get some sleep when I see Subaru and Ayato standing outside the door, leaning against the wall.

"Reiji! Finally, took you long enough." Subaru commented.

"And you are here, because?" I questioned.

"We.. We wanted to discuss something with you." Ayato actually thought about something that he was going to say. That's new.

"Let's go in?" I questioned and opened the door, expecting them to follow and they did.

Both Ayato and Subaru took a seat on my bed while I just stood near the window, to listen to them.


"Me and Ayato were talking yesterday and we just wondering about something."

"And that is?"

"The medicines won't be something that the girls will be able to rely on for the rest of their lives and it's a rule in the Vampire world that you can't consume the blood of another vampire unless you're mated with them. So we were thinking-"

"Oh no."

"Just listen-"

"No Ayato."

"Please. Just once. Give us a chance."

"It better be something that is worth wasting my time for."

"We promise." They both said at the same time.


"Okay so. We already thought about the possibility of them wanting to remain human so we obviously can't and won't do it without their permission. We will ask. If they give us their permission, then we'll proceed to turn them but if they don't, then we won't."

"You think they will agree?"

"We think that if we explain all the things that we are thinking in detail, they might consider it."

"You might as well try it."

"Really?!" Both of them asked excitedly.

"Once Rose is completely stable and proper." I warned and they nodded their heads vigorously.

"Okay now. That's it?" I asked and Ayato nodded his head.

"Great. Get out. I need sleep."

They immediately got off of my bed and were about to exit when I stopped them.

"And yeah. It would be nice if you convinced them. Safe for them and no medicine making burden on me. It's a win win situation." I said and they merely smiled as they closed the door and left.

"These guys really are using their brains for once."

Yui's POV
I woke up with a killer headache. The kind of headache which you get when you shake your head a lot. The kind of headache that doesn't just leave and go away with pain killers.

I slowly but surely sat up and held my head in my hands to stop the ringing that had started when I woke up. I don't know how long I as in that position but it felt like it was at least a good 15 minutes before the damn ringing finally stopped.

I looked around the room and found that we were back in the Sakamaki mansion and I was glad to see Rose sleeping beside me.

God, this girl's had been through so much and she's still holding on. Props to her.

Rose was sleeping on her side, facing away from me, so I gently turned her so that she was lying back down and face up. She visibly relaxed and I couldn't help but let out a small smile.

At that time, I heard a knock on the door. I obviously couldn't answer loudly so I just said in a small voice.

"Come in."

Ayato and Subaru stepped in. Of course they heard me. Rose told me that vampires had great senses of smell and hearing. Looks like she wasn't wrong.

Ayato and Subaru came closer and Subaru immediately went by Rose. He kneeled down beside her and just gently caressed her cheek, making sure he wouldn't wake her up.

"I feel bad sometimes." Ayato suddenly spoke up from beside me and I looked at him.

"Just imagine, the girl you love is flinching every time you take a step towards her because you're a man and some other man did something so horrible to the girl that she is traumatized, sometimes beyond repair." Ayato said with a sad smile.

I didn't really say anything but I understood what he meant. I just see the glint in Subaru's eyes whenever he sees and looks at Rose. He just wants her to wake up and just run into his arms.

It was going to take time and I could clearly see that Subaru was willing to wait for however long it would take for Rose to get back to normal and not be afraid of him anymore.

As we continued to sit in the silence which was built up, we saw Rose stir. Immediately, Subaru and Ayato got up and left the room.

Rose woke up and looked at me and the first thing that she asked me, kind of surprised me but made me really happy too.

"Subaru?" She whispered.

"You want him to come here?" I asked, making sure that I heard her right.

She nodded.

"And Ayato. He can stay too." She mumbled again but I heard her.

I smiled and got off of the bed, ignoring the mild pain from the bruises littering my body and walked outside the room to see the guys standing there, leaning against the wall but not listening in.

"She wants you."

Subaru rushed inside and Ayato looked at me. I nodded with a smile on my face and we both went inside too.

"Rose. Oh, baby." I heard Subaru's voice break as he called out to his love.

Ayato's POV
It's been hard. Ever since the Mukami brothers started to suspect Rose of being Eve, it's been hard for Subaru.

He didn't want anything to happen to the one person he craved and wanted the most in his life and that's why he also asked for consent before claiming the girl.

"S-Subaru." Rose broke down as Subaru sat down beside her and engulfed her in a gentle and warm hug.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to push you away." The girl spoke.

"It's not your fault, baby."

"I missed you. So much."

"I missed you too, love." I couldn't help but let out a smile at the sweet and lovely exchange in front of me.

I looked at Yui and she nodded. She got the message and we both left the room, leaving Rose and Subaru alone. Finally.

Hey guys!! Another chapter!! Things are going to get Soooooooooooooo interesting.

BTS placed first for votes but they still didn't get a single nomination for the GRAMMY'S and I'm raging!! GRAMMY'S was biased and I honestly think that Halsey didn't deserve the back lash. She was right, America is kind of backward on the music these days and I am NOT saying this because I don't like America... It's just a small fact. Our boys are amazing and they deserve this entire world. ARMY FIGHTING!

Anyways, don't forget to keep loving yourself💜💜 and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Adiós.

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