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Subaru's POV
"We're screwed." Laito said with a sigh.

Shuu was made to sleep on a couch in the living room and we were all in the living room currently, me and Ayato trying not to show the immense pain in our chests.

"Ya think?" Ayato said with an attitude.


"No. I'm done with this bullshit, Subaru! It's enough! If any of the brothers do anything to either one of them then our claim on them will be erased eventually."

"You think I don't know that?! Huh?! What do you think?! I'm just as fucking stressed as you so let's be rational about this and not argue like fucking idiots."

"Never thought I would hear such sense from you." Laito snickered and I growled.

"Not the time."


"What do we do though?" Ayato said, looking defeated.

"You said it's enough? Let's end them." Kanato suggested.

"Yeah so that that man can kill us. I'm not taking that chance. We have to think of something else." Reiji said as he crossed his arms over his chest.



"Think about it. What do they want? Blood. They know that Rose is their Eve with the most delicious blood and if they don't get her then they're willing to substitute her with Yui. Why else would they have taken them both? They could have left Yui behind and just taken Rose." Laito said.

"Your point?" Ayato asked, getting annoyed.

"We can do our best bringing them back but I have a feeling that they'll keep intruding. We'll have to make a deal." Reiji said.

"What kind of deal?" I was genuinely uncomfortable.

"I'll take care of that." Reiji said with a smirk and went up to his lab.


Reiji's POV
I kind of understood and realized where Laito was getting at.

I went straight to my lab and starting working on the medicine. I never wanted this to happen. I want Rose and Yui back. They have become family and as much as I hate to admit it, I love and care for them too much. Liabilities and weaknesses.

"So, you understood?" I hear a voice.

I turn around to see Laito standing against the wall with his arms crossed in front of him and smirking.

"Well, of course." I said with a smirk of my own.

"Wouldn't it be amazing if you guys told me too?" I heard another voice.

I looked up to see Kanato holding Teddy as tight as he could and as close as he could to his chest.

"Well, what I was implying was that we could give Yui and Rose a type of medicine which will make their blood taste bitter to the Mukami brothers but sweet to Subaru and Ayato, only to the people who claimed them. Their scent will be masked as well and only we'll be able to smell their real scent." I heard Laito explain.

"And what if the medicine wears off?" Kanato asked.

"Good question. One dose of this medicine will last for about a week so that much time is more than enough to get the girls out of there. We won't be giving them a steady dose though because that could be fatal. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think we might need to ask him for help." I said with a sigh as I continued to work on the medicine.

"Which I highly doubt Subaru and Ayato will agree to but I guess they really have no choice when it comes to the girls." Laito said.

"Don't you think they're becoming weak because of the girls?" Kanato asked while looking down.

"I wouldn't blame them, to be honest." Laito admitted.

"They're becoming softer, yes but they are still stronger than we are. If anything does happen then they have a reason to fight for. I just have a feeling that the girls are making them stronger, if anything." I said as I finished the medicine.


Yui's POV
I woke up with a raging headache. I winced as I tried to open my eyes but the lights were too strong.


I looked around the room and took it all in. This wasn't the Sakamaki's mansion. I started to panic, probably their worst thing to do in this type of scenario but screw it.

I quickly got my ass off of the bed and took the room in. It was dark blue in colour. The aesthetic was like that of what an old person would like. The furniture was not well placed. It looked off. There was a bed, which I was on, a small end table and a lamp. God knows why there was the need of a fucking lamp but I ain't judging. All in all, I hated it. And the part that terrified me the most was that Rose was not with me.

I went to the room door and started banging and yelling, seeing as all the windows were locked and I couldn't find any other way. I was just glad that I found no cameras when I actually checked the room.

"You're so noisy, kitten." I heard a voice behind me.

"What the- Kou?!"


"Why am I here? And where is Rose?"

"She's in safe hands with Ruki so don't worry your pretty little brain." He smirked as he walked closer and pinned my hands to the wall.

I winced at the amount of pressure he used. He looked into my eyes and didn't say a word as he kissed my neck. It felt disgusting. I heard him click his tongue.

"Claimed. Already? You're such a slut." He said in a possessive voice.

"Shut up." I said, acting shy.

*knock* *knock*

"I swear everyone wants to interrupt my meal." He pushed me aside and went to open the door.

"I'm not your fucking meal." I said in a soft voice.

"What was that?"

"Your big ass ego."

"I can't hear you, kitten."

"Just open the damn door."

"That's what I thought."

"Didn't know you had the ability to do something as difficult as thinking." I gritted my teeth.

"She's talking back?" I heard a new voice and looked up.

"Hey." Yuma said with a smirk again.

"Oh hell no."

"We're going to have so much fun with you." They both said as Kou locked the door and Yuma backed me towards the bed.

I fell on the bed and tried to crawl as far away as possible. Key word : Tried. I hated it. Whenever it wasn't Ayato, I hated it. Yes, okay, I like him, and I hate the fact that I actually like him because I know he wouldn't like someone like me.

"You are ours, Kitten. And Rose-"

"I don't think the poor girl will be able to handle Ruki."

"-will be reclaimed."
Hey guys! My ass couldn't handle the fever that I got so I'm sorry for not updating earlier.

Anyways, don't forget to keep loving yourself💜💜 and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Adiós.

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