Consent is Key

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Small Author-Chan's note before the chapter.. Please don't skip and read this.

If you are facing any difficulty with keeping up with life at the rate and pace that it is going and you don't feel like you want to keep going on anymore then please know that there are people who love and care for you more than you even know and can even imagine. Hell, even I, who don't really know you, care for you a lot because you make a difference in this world.

Your existence has a reason and your job in this world is to find out that reason. Dream. Have dreams and work hard to achieve them. Strive for happiness.

If you are having any sort of problems or anything and you feel like you need someone, then if not anyone else then approach me. I'm a stranger, don't know anything about you and I won't judge you. I will understand your situation as best as I can and will do whatever I can to help you.

Please know, you have a reason to be here. Approach someone who you trust so that they can help you get through whatever you're going through.

I preface this based on the incident which took place very recently to a K-pop idol. Condolences at the end of the chapter.

Now... Back to the chapter.


Ayato's POV
It's been a week. And entire week after the night that Rose yearned for Subaru.

Rose has been getting significantly better. She's been comfortable with all of us now but she still flinches a bit when Shuu tries to reach out to her. He already apologized and being the kind person she is, she followed the policy of forgive and forget but maybe not the forget part.

Finally, me and Subaru decided that it was time to ask the girls. We didn't really keep our hopes up high because we didn't even have a single clue of how they will react.

It was a Saturday evening when me and Subaru decided to talk to the girls. They were in Rose's room, doing God knows what. Me and Subaru just strolled up to their room and knocked, hoping they would be down.

"Come in." We heard Yui's soft voice.

We entered the room and both the girls looked up at us with a certain glint in their eyes. Rose jumped off the bed and ran into Subaru's arms and he was smiling like an idiot.

I was just taking in the scene when Yui came and hugged me. I hugged her back gently too and we urged the girls back to the bed and made them take a seat as we stood in front of them.

"We had to talk you girls about something." Subaru started.

"Is it something bad?" Rose asked with innocent eyes.

"Not really. We did need your consent though." I said and they nodded, meaning for us to go on.

"So, since we haven't been able to deal with the Mukami brothers properly, you guys will have to mask your scent some way or the other. Taking the medicine that Reiji has prepared will work but when the problem is solved and you guys don't need the medicine anymore, you will go through withdrawals and we don't want to you girls go through anything else." I explained and the girls listened patiently.

"We were thinking that, with your consent of course, we could turn you." I spoke and saw the girls' eyes widen.

"Before you say or think anything else, we want to make this clear. We won't do it if you aren't comfortable. We won't do it if you don't want to. It's fine if you guys want to remain human but we came up with this solution because if you guys do become vampires then you become a part of our world. In the Vampire world, it's an unwritten rule that you cannot consume the blood of another one of your species if you aren't mated with each other. So we thought this would be our safest bet. And we could scent you too if you'd like. You guys will smell like us and no-one else will even dare come near you." I interrupted their thoughts.

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