You're never alone (Little Filler)

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Rose's POV
"Rose! Fuck! Make it stop!!" I heard a scream down the hallway as I was dressing Kai in his cute little baby pink sweater this time. It is getting really cold outside and I could see Kai shiver. It might just snow.

"Mommy?" Kai asked as he quickly slid his head through the neck hole of the sweater and then clung to me.

"Its okay, baby. Its just Ayato uncle." I said with a reassuring voice but the little boy still looked towards the closed door of our bedroom with a slight hint of fear lingering in his eyes.

"Rose!!" I heard the scream again before the door to our room burst open and in came a distressed Ayato.

"Okay, first, calm down. You're scaring Kai. Second, don't swear around these innocent little fluff balls. Third, what is wrong with you?" I asked as Kai clung to me even more and was shivering.

"Baby?" I questioned and he just snuggled his head deeper into my neck and I got worried.

"Baby? Kai?" I asked again as I attempted to break off the very tight hug.

Kai only let out small whimpers as I tried to separate his body from mine and I noticed that he was shivering uncontrollably. I let him cling to me as tight as possible otherwise he would just let out painful whimpers.

"Its okay, baby." I stood up, with Kai still hugging me, ignoring Ayato now who was also looking a bit worried, and placed the little boy on the bed.

As soon as I placed him, he let go of me and wrapped his hands around himself. I got thick covers so that I could stop the boy from shivering. I covered the boy and looked at Ayato, who was just as confused as me.

"M-Mommy. Hu-Huwts. So bad." he whimpered out.

I held out my hand to him and he immediately took a hold of it, putting it in his mouth and attempting to bite it. My eyes widened at the realization of what he was doing.

"I'll call Reiji." Ayato said as he rushed out.

"Baby. You can't eat my hand."

"But mommy. Kai teeth huwting. Mommy pwease." He cried out as he was desperately trying to put my hand back in his mouth.

"Baby, no."

"Its his vampire teeth." I turned to look at the direction of the voice and of course, it was Reiji standing at the doorway with the others.

"So. What's happening?" I asked.

"His teeth are started to develop. His fangs."

"At such a young age?"

"He'll grow his fangs only when he's 8 or 9 years old but this is the first stage. He's feeling irritation, pain and itching in his gums and where his teeth are and it will hurt for sometime. Maybe 15 minutes or so." I looked at Kai and his once beautiful flushed cheeks were now covered with tear stained tracks.

"Anything to lessen the pain?"

"Distraction. A little cliché and generic but works like a charm." Reiji explained and I just nodded.

"Reiji! I don't know what's happening to Ken." Yui rushed into the room with Ken in her arms.

Reiji told the same thing to her and she laid Ken down beside Kai on the bed.

"Mommy. P-Pwease make boo-boo go bye-bye." Kai whimpered again and that was it for me. I couldn't bear to look at this little baby boy in so much pain.

"Okay, that's it. All of you. Out." I said sternly to all the brothers and all of them filed out of the room.

I looked at Yui and she nodded her head, giving me a smile.

She works the night, by the water
She's gone astray, so far away
From her father's daughter

She just what's a life, for her baby
All on her own, no one will come
She's gotta save him

She tells him, "Ooh love,
No one's ever gonna hurt you, love
I'm gonna give you all of my love
Nobody matters like you

She tells him, "Your life, 
Ain't gonna be nothing like my life
You're gonna grow and have a good life
I'm gonna do what I got to do."

So rockabye baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby, don't you cry
Somebody's got you
Rockabye baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby, don't you cry

I ended the little ballad of the song and looked at the two boys sleeping peacefully, not caring about the pain anymore.

I looked up and saw Yui, smiling at me as she laid down and got comfortable beside Ken. I did the same beside Kai and closed my eyes.
Just before I slipped into slumber, I heard something.

"You're never alone, love. Not with me here."

And I felt a kiss being placed on my forehead which made me slip.

Hey guys!! This is just a little filler of a chapter. I really wanted to put something out in the time of my exams and I quickly came up with this.

SUGA'S Interlude with Halsey was absolutely FIRE!! He used Halsey's platform so well and expressed himself. He never fails to impress me.

Anyways, don't forget to keep loving yourself💜💜 and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Adiós.

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