The Way it all Started

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Rose's POV
"Are we seriously not there yet?" My sister, Yui, who was in a bad mood, asked. Her face showed her frown and disappointment very well. It was something that made me roll my eyes and just want to tune her out. There I sat, in the car, arms crossed over my chest and crossing one of my legs over the other.

"Ma'am we still have a long way. This is the nth time I'm telling you to not raise your voice at me. It is highly offensive." The driver said. He was making sure to be polite to the girl so that he wouldn't be fired from his job. He was only hired to drop us at the place so that's what he was doing.

The driver was a very young guy. Around 18-21 years old. I didn't like the fact that my sister was making it a big deal for him. The poor guy just wanted to get his money and leave.

"I'm sorry for her behavior, Sir but do you know how much more longer we have on this journey?" I ask politely this time. This man definitely deserved way more money for putting up with my sister. Yui is just sometimes so damn annoying that it can be overwhelming. But sometimes she just acts way too dumb and it is irritating.

"We still have about 45 minutes Ma'am. Your apology is accepted." He said with a smile. The man visibky relaxed and started to drive a little faster. He could see that both of us are exhausted. It was a pretty long ride after all.

"Cool. Thanks." I said and leaned back in my seat. I let out a breath and put on my headphones. Usually Yui would have something to say so I didn't out in any music. Not yet anyway. But I did decide to school her for a bit because her attitude was clearly pissing people off.

"It would be awesome if you just put your ego aside for one fucking minute and ask him politely. He has absolutely no one forcing him to drop us to where we're going so if he gets pissed off then nothing is stopping him from chucking us out." I say as I close my eyes.

"Wiser and truer words have never been spoken." The driver said and chuckled. "Sorry for the rudeness but I didn't catch your name." I asked with my eyes still closed. I kept my voice intentionally soft so that I wouldn't pass off as rude.

"It's Kyousuke. And it'll be great if you stop calling me Sir. I'm not that old. Probably just a year or two older than you." He said and smiled. "Aren't you guys bonding a little too well?" Yui spoke up as she looked at us in disgust.

"Is someone jelly~"

"Fuck no!" She yelled.

"Then piss off."

"Can't believe dad sent me here with you." She said and hit the car door. I looked at her with my eyes narrowed and rubbed my temples. "You're paying if something happens to this car. Besides, I'm not thrilled to be here with you either so the feeling is mutual." I spoke, the interest of life slowly fading my voice.

"I still don't know why you hate me but I will treat you the way you treat me so try not to get on my bad side because it won't take me even a second to leave you to your misery." I spoke, looking at her with a glare. This earned a scoff from her and she nodded.

"Please do."

"Suit yourself then." I said and tuned her out for the rest of the car ride. It was peaceful. I put in my music and relaxed my mind. All thoughts slowly started to leave my mind and I started to relax completely. I was really exhausted so I was lulled to sleep with my music.

I was later awoken from my nap by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked to my right to see my side of the door open and Kyousuke smiling down at me. I thanked him for waking me up and got down to get my suitcase.

The clothes I'm wearing don't really compliment the weather but I'll manage. Somehow.

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