Surprise Bitch

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Once the girls were ready to go down, the guys helped the girls descend the stairs while they had a spotlight right on them. All eyes of the already full hall landed upon the girls.

Rose was nervous. It was very evident on her face that she was but she tried her best to keep her composure so that she doesn't embarrass herself in front of so many people.

The hall was packed. There were so many guys in suits looking handsome as fuck and so many girls in big ball gowns, looking really beautiful. The girls felt intimidated and shared a glance before they turned back to face the people.

As they got down the stairs, the guys lead them to a stage which was set up for this event. The girls didn't speak a single word and both Carla and Shin addressed the gathering, telling them to enjoy themselves to the fullest. The dance floor was thrown open for all the guests to dance at their free will.

The guys lead the girls down the stage and told them to wait in one of their many balconies for them to come fetch them again. As hosts, they had to meet and greet some important people and they didn't want the girls to be a part of anything that they were involved in, for obvious reasons.

The girls made their way into the balcony and stood there, staring out into the nature at the moonlight which gracefully fell upon the trees giving them a beautiful appearance.

"So, did Carla court you or are you just his bitch?" Rose heard a voice behind her.

Because of the suddenness, she jumped a bit but regained herself as she looked at the woman who was talking to her. She knew something was wrong because the woman was only looking at Rose while she didn't spare even a glance at Yui.

Rose thought something was wrong but she just felt like answering would be a good thing. You never know how people are in this world. Herself and Yui themselves are very new to this.

"U-Um no. H-He didn't." Rose was scared. If one couldn't see it in her face then they could definitely hear it in her voice. The woman just smirked and stepped closer.

"Stay the fuck away from my man." She growled into the girl's ear.

'I would like nothing more. Maybe you should control your fucking man.' Is what Rose really wanted to say but she was frozen.

She couldn't move nor speak. The woman pulled away and smirked again, sending chills up the girl's spine.

"I'm afraid you've got it wrong, young lady." Another voice interrupted the girls and this time, it belonged to a male.

Rose looked behind the woman and her eyes widened at whom she saw.

"S-Shuu?" She called out. The said man turned to look at the girl with a small but noticeable and graceful smile on his face.

"She's mine, young lady. Belongs to the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers. So is this young girl. She isn't interested in your man." Shuu spoke as he stood beside Rose, sliding his hand around her waist. He also spoke for Yui just in case.

"Well, we have nothing to worry about then. Sorry for the rudeness but I tend to get a bit possessive. I'm Ema, by the way. It was nice to meet you." The woman, Ema, spoke with a gentle smile adorning her features now.

"Rose. Likewise." The girl answered simply before looking back down.

"Well, I'll take my leave then. I hope to see you again very soon, Rose." The woman said and left.

"H-How did you get here?" Yui asked Shuu.

"We're all here. We were invited. Let's go. As much as it pains me to say this, Subaru and Ayato are waiting to meet you." Shuu spoke and the girls nodded.

Shuu continued to hold Rose in his arms possesively as they made their way to the other brothers. He also made sure that Yui was right with them as he held her hand. When they did find the boys, Rose broke out of Shuu's hold and rushed into Subaru's wide open arms.

Yui walked upto Ayato and kissed him passionately. Subaru planted kisses all over Rose's face. Rose stopped the man who was now shedding tears and attached their lips. She deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around the man's broad shoulders.

"I've missed you so fucking much, baby." Subaru mumbled as he placed his forehead against the girl's.

"I've missed you too." Rose smiled.

"Well, we can't be having all of this all over again, now can we?" The couple heard a mocking voice behind them.


"I thought I taught you well, baby girl. Looks like we need to have more sessions." The said man smirked causing the girl to gulp down the lump in her throat.

"I-I'm sorry." Rose freed herself from Subaru as Yui did from Ayato. Subaru tried to reach out for the girl but stopped at her protest.

"It won't h-happen again." Subaru's eyes were wide as he looked at the state of his girlfriend.

"Behave, baby girl. Unless you want to face the consequences. Now, what did I teach you?" Shin asked as he placed a hand on Rose's waist.

"I-I'll behave."

"That's not it, baby girl."

"I-I'll submit."

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