What happened to Mommy?

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Rose's POV

My head hurts so bad. I can't breathe properly. "Daddy?" I try to call out but it turns into a whisper. My throat hurts really bad too. I am sitting on a chair. I try to move my arms and legs but it hurt so bad. I slowly open my eyes, squinting at the bright light in the room.

"D-Daddy?" I called out once more but no response. I open my eyes completely and lift my head up, trying to look around as I spot two people tied to chairs. They had a cloth tied to their mouth and their hands and legs were tied up too.

"D-Daddy? Mommy? Why are you sleeping now?" I try to voice out a little louder but to no avail. My voice was giving up on me and it hurt to even breath. I tried to take shallow breaths so that it didn't hurt my chest as much.  Daddy groans and lifts his head up. He opens his eyes and his eyes widen as he looks at me. He starts to wiggle around.

"No Daddy. Stop. That will hurt you." I say and he starts to cry. "Mommy is still asleep." I tell him as I look towards mommy. I could see some kind of emotion in his eyes but I didn't know what it was. Pain? Fear? Sadness? Guilt?

"Oh looks like you're awake. Took your fucking time." A man says as he walks in through a metal door. I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he used the no-no word. He looks at me and smiles. He walks up to me and crouches down to my eye level. He pats my head and holds my cheeks in his hands.

"Hey there, beautiful. What's your pretty name?" He asked me with a kind smile. "You already know it. Why do you ask?" Three other guys enter the room. "You used the no-no word. Daddy said that people who use the no-no word are bad." I say and he chuckles.

"I'm sorry, my doll. I won't be using it again okay? Now tell me, what is your name?" He asks and I smile widely. "My name is Rose! Can you please untie me, sir? It hurts a lot." I asked with a little pout, trying to wiggle a little but he held me in place, stopping me from hurting myself further.

"That's a very pretty name, baby. You know, your mommy did a very big mistake." He says as he looks at mommy, who is awake now, with a nasty gaze. "Mommy do bad?" I asked as I looked at mommy. "Yes, baby. Mommy left the man who was in love with her and married another one." He says.

"That man was very good. He was very sad that mommy left him. He didn't eat or drink from the time mommy got married to the other man. So tell me sweetheart, should mommy be punished?" He asked me. I thought for a while before looking at mommy, not realizing that he was referring to himself.

"I think mommy should be punished. Mommy made that man sad. How is that man now? But that man is also not nice to himself. He should eat properly. Just because he stops, mommy won't come back." I said and looked at the three guys. "I knew you would not disappoint me. That man is fine now, baby. Don't worry. I will punish mommy." He says as he looks at mommy and stands up straight.

"She's 5 years old, Javier. Do you think she should go through this?" One of the men asked. "She herself said that her mom should be punished." He said. "Don't hurt mommy but you can scold her. Mommy is intelli." I say and the man chuckles again. "Do you mean intelligent, baby?" He asks.

"Yeah! That!" I said and nodded to the big word he used. "But my hands and legs hurt." I said and pouted, looking up at him with puppy eyes. "I will remove the ropes soon, baby. Just a few more minutes. Don't struggle or it will hurt even more." He said and smiled at me.


"You should have been mine. My little angel. But it was all your fault! You bitch!" The man screamed. I flinched at the loud sound and shivered a little. "Please don't shout. My head and ears hurt." I said, wincing. "Cover her ears." He says to one of the men. The man walks behind me and covers my ears.

"Just for sometime, baby doll." He whispers before placing his hands over my ears. The man was yelling at mommy and daddy. After yelling, he walked away and came back with a black and shiny thing in his hands. He said something to the man behind me, making him let go of my ears.

"Baby, do you know what this is?" He asked me. "No. Rose don't know." I said with a pout. "It's fine baby. Do you know what it does?" He asks and I shook my head. "No."

"I will show you baby." He says with a grin. I didn't like it at all. It was feral almost and it scared me. "Watch mommy okay?" I nodded my head as I looked at mommy carefully, trying to see what the thing does. Suddenly, there was a loud sound and I flinched. My head and ears hurt so bad and I started crying. There was red ketchup coming out of mommy's tummy.

"Aww, baby. I'm sorry. Daddy is so sorry baby." The man said as he came up to me and untied me, taking me into his arms. "No! You are not my daddy! Leave me alone!" I screamed as I thrashed around in his arms. I wanted him to let me go but if I moved too much, it hurt my body.

He wasn't letting me go so I bit his arm. He yelled and threw me on the floor. I ran to Daddy and tried my best to remove the ropes but cut my hands a bunch of times. The man who was holding me, helped me to remove the ropes. I looked at him with wide eyes. I looked towards my mommy to untie her but the man had already done it for me. I smiled at the man and started rushing to mommy but daddy held me back and brought me into his arms.

"Mommy is sleeping baby. Let's not disturb her." Daddy says as he is crying. "Why are you crying daddy?" I asked as I looked at him with curiosity. "It's nothing baby. My eyes are just burning." He says as he stands up and heads out the door. "Get the fuck out and make sure I never see you!! You stole my love. You traitor!!" The man, Javier, yelled.

I clenched my eyes shut and held onto daddy tightly. "I'm sorry my love." I heard daddy whisper.

"No mommy!!!!"

~End of dream~

"Mom!!" I yelled as I broke out in a cold sweat. I looked around, while panting, to see Yui beside me. My head started to hurt really bad. It was unbearable. I held my head in my hands and tried to shake it away. Stupid move.

I shut my eyes in hopes that it will just go away. I didn't realize that I was yelling. I could feel someone shaking me but I couldn't open my eyes at all. The pain was getting worse by the second as I saw the face of a woman pop up in front of my eyes and a name flash. I opened my eyes suddenly when I felt like I couldn't breathe at all.


I couldn't feel the comforting hand of someone on my back, trying to calm me down.

Hey guys!! Another chapter after a long time.

BTS is crushing it right now. I can't believe that they are doing lives even if they're on their vacation.

Anyways, don't forget to keep loving yourself 💜💜 and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Adiós.

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