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Subaru's POV
"Come on, baby boy. It's time to go." I said as I walked up to the little boy sitting on his bed, looking at me with big doe eyes and hands in the air, asking me to pick him up.

I smiled and did pick him up.

"Let's leave." Ruki said as he walked into the room with Kou and Ayato.

"You know, I really don't like you guys." Ayato said as he looked at Kou and Ruki.

"Doesn't matter now. You have to pretend to like us so that Yui and Rose don't ban us from playing with these two." Ruki said as he came up to me and ruffled Kai's hair, making him giggle and then later pout because of his now messy hair.

Ruki held his hands out in front of him, motioning for me to hand Kai over.

"Uncwle!!" Kai suddenly exclaimed with joy and started struggling.

"Easy there, buddy." Ruki said as I handed the boy over to him and he instantly nuzzle his face in his neck.

I hate to admit it but it was an adorable sight. Kou was now holding Ken and me and Ayato were suddenly in charge of protecting and keeping these guys safe as they were holding the most precious beings in their hands now.

I opened the door and we all stepped out into the open and started to actually walk to the park. It's been so long since we all actually walked somewhere.

In about 20 minutes, we reached the park. Kai and Ken started to struggle in Ruki's and Kou's arms. Both the men smiled and let the boys down who immediately ran towards the swings and already made friends.

All four of us sat on the the benches at the side of the park and just relaxed. It was around 4:00 pm and it was starting to get dark already because it was winter. Thankfully Rose and Yui dressed the boys up in warm clothing.

"Uncwle p-push!" Kai exclaimed as he got himself settled on the swing.

I looked towards Ruki who just smiled slightly, which was a huge surprise to me, and got up to go and swing the boy.

Ken was playing on the slides with some of his other friends. Ruki went up behind Kai and gently pushed him. Kai started to laugh as he was pushed up and started to come down again. Ruki just pushed once, strong enough for the swing to make about 3 oscillations.

"M-More!!" Kai giggled and Ruki complied.

Ruki and Kou played with the boys as me and Ayato sat on the benches, looking at them.

"Yo guys! We gotta go! It's already 7:00." Ayato called for the guys.

Ruki and Kou walked up to us with the boys in their arms.

"What a lovely double date." A women passing by commented.

"N-No we're not-" I tried to say but was cut off.

"He really wanted to go. How could I possibly deny him?" Ruki said and I hit his back because he was carrying Kai in his arms.

"What the hell!"

"Don't be shy darling. It's totally fine and I actually find it cute." The woman smiled.

"Yeah, babe. Don't be shy." Ruki looked at me with a smirk and I actually fucking blushed. Something is wrong with me, I swear.

"Bye, sweetie. Enjoy yourselves."The woman commented and left.

"What the fuck was that?" I yelled at Ruki and he just burst out laughing with the others.

"You too Ayato?!"

"You're hilarious man. You were so red in the face." Ayato said as he continued to laugh.

"Language, babe. You don't want me to snitch on you to Rose now, do you?" Ruki said again, fuelling my anger.

"Just- Give me him." I asked and Kai immediately struggled against Ruki's arms.

Ruki handed the boy over to me and slid his hands into his pockets.

"We're leaving. Now." Me with Kai in my hands and Ayato with Ken in his hands just walked off in the front, leaving the guys way behind us.

Ruki's POV
"Okay Subaru, I'm sorry!" I yelled and laughed right after so that Subaru and Ayato would hold the fuck up before they reach home without us.

"Yo guys. Just wait up." Kou exclaimed as we increased our pace to catch up to the guys.

We finally reached home and we didn't see the guys on our way back.

"Just how fast did they walk?" Kou asked as he panted for air.

"Must've been really angry." I commented as I was trying to get my breath back as well.

"Let's go in." We both went inside the house and were greeted with a delicious smell.

"Damn. That smells amazing." Kou commented as we entered the kitchen.

"Oh, finally you're back. How was playing?" Rose asked as she turned back to look at us with a smile.

"Should've asked Subaru. Kai and Ken were so happy. And I swear, no offense to you, I think Subaru is secretly gay for Ruki." Kou started to laugh, making me smile at the embarrassing memory.

"Where is the angry bird? He was walking pretty fast." I asked.

"Maybe in the garden. They didn't come through the front door." Rose said as she finished dinner with Yui.

"You need to get them anyway. Dinner is ready. Get the little ones too." Yui told us and we nodded before heading off to the garden.

"Yo, Subaru. I said I was sorry, man. Don't take it to heart. Also, Rose says dinner's ready. I suggest you guys get the little ones before we all finish it." I yelled into the open garden. Anyone there would've been able to hear me clearly but nothing happened. No-one came out.

"Subaru? Ayato?" Kou asked as he walked around the vast garden.

"They aren't here."

"Rose must've hidden them or something. I swear their pranks are of such 2 year olds." We both headed back inside and to Rose and Yui who were setting up the table.

"Okay where are they? Even the babies aren't here. You just want us to walk around huh." Kou asked.

"They seriously didn't come back yet guys. Kai and Ken aren't here either." Yui replied.

"What the fuck?"

"What's going on? I can literally smell the distress of the girls." Laito asked as he came down with the others.

"Did you guys see Ayato or Subaru roaming around here in the house?" Kou asked with a serious tone now.

"What? I thought they went to the park. I didn't hear anyone come inside the house after that." Kanato said as he held his teddy tighter.

"So they didn't come."

"Ruki. Kai and Ken are with them." Rose reminded us with wide eyes.

"They were taken???!!!"

Hey guys!! Another chapter. I honestly don't know if I should continue writing my books here. Do let me know how this book is.

Anyways, don't forget to keep loving yourself💜💜 and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Adios.

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