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"Wake up, baby doll." Rose just continued to roll around on the bed, completing forgetting about the events that took place the previous day.

"I'd love to see you squirming but that's when you're under me. Now wake up, baby. You've got to put something in your belly." Rose heard again and her eyes shot open wide.

Rose gasped as she sat up quick on her bed but immediately regretted it after a sudden pain shot through her head. She held her head in both her hands and winced as she tried to calm the pain down which was not working as well as she thought it would.

Carla was looking at the scene unfolding. He thought that the pain that Rose was feeling was because she sat up too quick but he soon started to think otherwise when the girl started to let out quiet sobs.

"Hey hey, baby. What's wrong?" Carla asked as he tried to hold Rose's hand and remove it from her head but he was unsuccessful.

As he was still trying to calm the poor, now sobbing girl down, Shin enters the room with a sobbing Yui. He places the distressed girl on the bed and watches her writhe in pain.

~Back at the mansion~

"Fuck!!" A yell was heard through the halls of the mansion.

All the brothers were sitting in the living room, except for Kanato and Azusa who were looking after the baby boys.

Reiji looked in curiosity as both the brothers, Subaru and Ayato, clutched their chests and shut their eyes in utter pain and discomfort.

"What is happening?" Ruki questioned as he laid a hand on Subaru's shoulder who instantly flinched back in pain.

Reiji's eyes widened and he rushed to the closest one in pain, Ayato. He knelt on the ground to get in level with Ayato's face and yanked his chin up, forcing the male to establish eye contact.

Ayato cried out in pain but Reiji didn't let go. He inspected his brother's face and noticed the slight but definite changes. Watery and slightly reddening eyes, runny nose, dried up mouth and chapped lips.

"They're feeling it." He concluded.

"Feeling what?!" Ruki asked impatiently.

"They're feeling the pain that the girls are. I have a feeling that someone's trying to take control of one of their bodies, or worse, both of theirs." Reiji said, his voice silencing as he progressed through that sentence.


~Back to our girls~

"What the fuck is happening, Carla?!"

"I wouldn't be sitting here like a deer in headlights if I freaking knew, Shin. We need to find out though. At this point I have a feeling that rather than the reason, it's better for us to find the cure." Carla spoke with a dark voice as his eyes darkened too.

"Baby doll. Look at me, baby." Carla spoke softly, leaving Shin to do something which brings out good results from Yui.

Despite his soft and soothing voice, asking Rose to open up, she didn't and wouldn't.

"Baby. Look at me." Carla said with a more grounded and stern yet relaxing voice. Rose still didn't respond as she continued to hold her head in pain, shaking in discomfort, and sobbing.

"Okay then. If you won't listen to me, then-" Calra finally concluded, not being able to listen to the heartbreaking sobs of the beauty in front of him.

He grabbed the hands of the girl forcefully yet gently and moved it away from her head, making the girl look at him with wide eyes. Carla was a very honest man unless the situation he was in demanded him of otherwise. He would be lying if he said that he didn't get turned on a little by how wrecked the pretty angel looked but he had to hold himself back. Now was not the time for all of that.

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