Late Night Conversations

Start from the beginning

"What?" She asked.

"I like you in my clothes. It's like a big label that says "belongs to Min Yoongi"." Suga said with his hands up in the air in front of him.

Mariana couldn't help but chuckle as a memory ran through her head. "One of my first concerts I went to with Payton, the shirt I wore actually said "property of Min Yoongi" and she had one that said "property of Jeon Jungkook".

"You need to find that shirt. I want to see it for myself." Suga said with intrigue.

"Now?" Mariana asked with a chuckle.

Suga shook his head. "Not now. Right now I just want my Jagiya to come to bed with me." Suga said and held out his arms to Mariana.

Mariana smiled and put Yoongi's jacket on the back of the chair at her desk before going over to the bed and settling in next to Yoongi, who promptly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Mariana laid her head on his chest with an arm stretched over his ribs, the rhythmic thumping of his heart a calming sound in her ear as Yoongi pulled the blanket up over them.

A few minutes of silence passed before Yoongi sighed a bit. "Ana?"

"Hm?" She hummed.

"Are you as wide awake as I am?"

"Yeeeup." She stated and Suga turned on his side to face her.

"Well. What do you want to talk about?" Suga asked and as if on cue, his phone rang. He sat up and grabbed his phone off the nightstand, Mariana barely catching the caller ID as the phone went past her. "Bang PD" it read.

Suga reluctantly answered the phone, and Mariana waited.
"Hi, manager. ....... Yes. ............. Yes, I know. .......... No, she's not. ............... Yes, manager. ............... Okay. ....... Bye."

Suga let his phone flop back onto the bedside table with a small sigh as he settled back into his spot in bed.

"You know as well as I do that you need to go back with the others tomorrow, Yoongi." She told him as she turned just enough to face him.

"And leave you halfway across the world, in a totally different time zone? That's what you want?"

"No. Of course not. But it's what you NEED to do."

"I can still..."

"Yoongi." Mariana cut him off. "You're part of a group. They need you to be there with them too. Now more than ever while you guys are getting ready for a new era release."

Yoongi sighed a bit in defeat and pulled Mariana's side back over to him. He knew she was right.
"It's going to suck between us for a while, distance isn't easy. But I will come back to Korea, this isn't permanent."

"What are you going to do about work and school?"

"I already talked to my teachers and my boss. Work has me on a family/personal medical leave status. That'll give me no more than two months to help mom get everything figured out. As far as school is concerned, my teachers have agreed to email me my reading materials and assignments, and I'll email them my finished papers. It's not ideal, but it'll work." Mariana explained.

"How long do you think you'll be gone?"

"Probably a month, give or take." Mariana stated and the air got heavy with disappointment for a moment.

"What about your flight back? Won't you miss it?"

Mariana looked down as she bit her lips together in thought for a moment before she looked back up to Suga. He already knew what that meant.

"You didn't schedule a round trip. Did you?"

Mariana shook her head until she was looking at her lap again. "I didn't know how long I'd need to stay."

"Well. When you're ready to come back, let me know. I'll make sure you get the earliest flight back, and I will be there to pick you up."

Mariana shot her eyes back to Suga. "Yoongi, you don't have t..."

"Let me spoil you." He reassured her and put a finger under her chin. He gently pulled her chin closer to him and put his forehead to hers for a moment as they both closed their eyes, just enjoying the other's presence while it lasted.

Mariana leaned in a bit and kissed him as she gently rested a hand against his jaw. Suga returned the gesture as he kissed her again.

"That brings up another question." Suga started. "When to tell ARMY that I am in fact dating someone. I love you, Ana. And I want to tell whoever will listen, but we need to both be ready for the backlash of it."

Mariana smiled a bit as she leaned back to look at Yoongi. "Honestly, if all we're doing is confirming that you're in a relationship, I'm ready when you are."

"So if it were to slip at the radio interview next week?"

"I'd be okay with it." Mariana reassured him.

"That's amazing! Yet, terrifying at the same time." Yoongi stated, his excitement obvious on his features.

"As I said, I'm ready when you are. We're in this together."

Suga placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Saranghaeyo, Jagiya."

"Saranghaeyo." Mariana said with a smile.

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