Shrek is Movie

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>be me

>be 17

>at movies with girlfriend

>we have front row seats

>a commercial with the ogrelord comes on

>i get down and pray

>audience says Shrek is drek

>girlfriend does nothing

>i pray harder

>onions come through projector room

>Shrek smashes through screen naked and fully aroused

>says "your times are ogre"

>nonbelievers rush towards exits

>onions block doorways

>his onioniness skullfucks everyone two at a time

>me and girlfriend are only ones left

>girlfriend begs forgiveness

>Shrek is amused

>rips off girlfriends arm

>"go for it laddeh"

>i obey the ogrelord and fuck her new hole

>girlfriend enjoys it

>my cum mixes with her blood

>his onioniness is pleased

>fists girlfriend with her arm

>girlfriend cums and goes unconscious from pleasure

>Shrek turns to me and i know its coming

>i bend over

>fucks me so hard my intestines fall out

>"its all ogre now"

>the ogrelord breaks through ceiling

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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