Shrek is Pool

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>be me

>be 16

>swimming in the family pool

>i eat onions

>big brother sees

>he says to wait or ill get a cramp

>i say the ogrelord will stop them

>brother says Shrek is drek

>i am appalled

>i pray to Shrek

>onions surface in pool

>Shrek naked and fully aroused cannonballs into pool

>brother flies out of water

>his onioniness breaks through side of pool

>brother is horrified

>Shrek whispers "its ogre for you"

>sticks giant ogre cock into brothers ear

>green slime cum exits other ear

>pulls off brothers head with huge penis

>his onioniness looks at me

>"its not ogre yet"

>i bend over

>the ogrelord shoves monster cock through brothers head into my ass

>i work through the pain for my ogrelord

>the ogrelord cums his green slime

>it flies out my mouth and nose

>"its all ogre now"

>jumps over fence

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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