A Call Up From Heaven. 🙏🏻💙 Thank you Grandma and Jose! 🥰🙏🏻

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I woke up the next morning and I was asleep next to Aaron. Yes we did sleep together cuddled up like we used to and to be honest it was the best sleep either of us had gotten in so long. None of us felt empty but there was just one thing on my mind and it was if Jess and G were okay.

I decided to walk downstairs into the living room to call Jess.

Jess picked up on the first ring.

Jess: Hey Girlie.
Me: Hey. How are you both?
Jess: We are okay.
Me: Are you sure?
Jess: Yes. We cried a lot yesterday but we are okay today.
Me: Is G with you?
Jess: Yes he's holding me from behind. G say hi.
Giancarlo: Hi Sarah.
Me: Hey you! How are you?
Giancarlo: I'm a lot better Sarah. Thank you. How are you and Aaron?
Me: Cried a lot yesterday.
Giancarlo: Damn and we never cry.
Me: Nope we don't. I'm glad you guys are okay though.
Giancarlo: Same goes for you guys.

When Sarah was on the phone with G and Jess she felt hands wrap around her and she knew it was Aaron.

He whispered good morning and I smiled.

Giancarlo: Is that Judge by you?
Me: Mhm. Say hi babe.
Aaron: Sup G.
Giancarlo: You good man?
Aaron: Yeah I'm happy for gods sake in such a long ass time. I don't have to wake up having nightmares anymore.
Giancarlo: Same dude. I couldn't sleep without Jess. It was like a part of me was missing.
Aaron: I feel the same with Sarah. I miss her hair in my face in the morning. Just the way she warms up my body dude. It feels really good to have that back.
Me: You guys are too much.
Jess: Same girl. I didn't know you guys felt like this. We thought we were the only ones.
Aaron: Nope. We felt it. Jess I kid you not G and I would be lost without you and Sarah. We never cry and you guys know that but man did we have a good cry.
Giancarlo: Dude I thought I was going through like meno that's how much I was crying and I shut a lot of people out. I even called my mom and she was like G baby you need Jess back. She's your life and you can't keep doing this to yourself. She knew how much I needed Jessica. It was like honestly scary how Jessica's prints are all over my heart. Never felt this way about anyone before.
Jess: Baby I love you. I feel the same.

We can hear them kiss through the phone and I just smiled and remembered Aaron and I did that yesterday.

Jess: We are so glad you guys are back to normal as we are.
Aaron: We could say the same. :)
Me: G I woke up this morning before I called Jess and this one picture kept popping up in my head and I don't know why.
Giancarlo: Can you send it to me?
Me: Actually let's FaceTime because it might be blurry if I send it.
Giancarlo: Okay.

I clicked the FaceTime for Jess and they both appeared on the screen and when I found the picture G broke down in tears and Aaron did also.

Giancarlo: Man

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Giancarlo: Man. I miss him. 😭 Ugh Sarah why do you think this was in your head?
Me: Maybe it is a sign. Didn't you say he loved you and Jess together?
Giancarlo: Yup. I did say that.
Me: Why do you think that?
Giancarlo: I think because we were just unbreakable. We were like one of those couples. Jess was always by me and he saw that. I remember he told me "G, dog, listen to me. Don't lose Jess no matter how much you fight. She's your rock bro and even if you feel like she isn't look up above and I will give you the signs and then you will know that I'm always there when you need me."
Jess: Baby! 😭 He said that! 😭
Giancarlo: Yup. It was two days before he died then the day he died it was like my heart was ripped out of my chest and I lost not only my brother man but my best friend.
Me: He's right G. Jess is inside of you always.

He looked at Jess and kissed her and automatically the smile showed up on his face.

Jess: There is the smile! Oh my gosh guys the smile! It is back!
Giancarlo: It only comes for you babe. ;)
Jess: Yes I know. :)

Aaron: Man Sarah when was the last time we had a moment like that?
Me: Yesterday.
Aaron: Yeah I guess it was yesterday.
Me: I guess my grandma helped me find you.
Aaron: Yes I guess she did.

Giancarlo: How did grandma help him find you Sarah? :)
Me: His eyes. Those light eyes that my grandma had he has. It amazes me.
Giancarlo: That's so sweet. :)
Jess: It is sweetie. :)

Aaron: Hey guys when was the last time the four of us did anything together?
Me: Been awhile babe.
Aaron: Do you guys wanna come over?
Giancarlo: I mean we can. :)
Jess: Sure. :)
Giancarlo: Okay. We will see you guys later.
Me: See you later G.

We hung up and I smiled up at Aaron and whispered in his lips while he leaned down to kiss me that we needed this call with them and he nodded and said "yes we did babe."


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