Game Day!!! AND the gifts that follow!! :D

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Aaron and I got on the bus with the rest of the team and Manager Boone sat in in front of Aaron and I. He smiled back at us and then looked forward.

Aaron and I looked at each other wondering what that was all about. Gio got on the bus with Christina and Gleyber looked at me with large eyes and I whispered to him "That's Gio's girl her name is Christina." "She's Jessica's sister." He smiled at them and he was happy for his teammate. He walked to the back of the bus and sat behind him with his wife and the four of them had a conversation in Spanish.

Everyone else followed on the bus after them and to be honest with you Giancarlo was the last guy on the bus and Jessica was behind him. We saved them a seat behind us. As the doors of the bus closed we were on our way to Tropicana Field where the team would play the Tampa Bay Rays.

The bus ride was an hour and a half and I fell asleep on Aaron's shoulder and then I got a text from Jessica. I looked down on my phone.

Jessica: You guys are so cute.
Me: Thanks boo. You guys too.
Jessica: Thanks. :)

I looked back and G was sleeping with his EarPods in and to be honest I looked down at him and Jess' hands and they were just intertwined.

I texted Jessica.

Me: Are you two thinking about going on a date again?
Jessica: Yeah we are. Soon.
Me: Let me know I have a dress you can wear.
Jessica: Thanks girl.
Me: Welcome.
Jessica: I have one you can wear also if you go on another with Aaron.
Me: Thank you.

Aaron looked down at my phone and I pointed to Jessica behind me and she smiled. He waved back and then G opened his eyes and put his head on Jessica.

Gian: Sarah thank you for keeping my girl company while I was trying to get some sleep. All I heard was her acrylic nails typing on her phone.
Jessica: Baby I'm sorry. 😣
Gian: No babes. I'm glad you and Sarah talk.
Jessica: You should go back to sleep.
Gian: No I'm good. I can't anyways because we are almost there.

Manager Boone looked back at the four of us and he gave Aaron the look saying that we were almost there.

Luis of course screams and wakes up the whole bus making an announcement that we were almost there and Gio smacks him upside the head telling him to shut up for being loud in Spanish. I was actually laughing at how funny they were and Christina was giggling so much water came out of her nose.

Gio: Mi amor. Are you okay?😂
Christina: Yes honey. I'm fine. :)
Gleyber: What happened?
Maria: Water came out of her nose.
Gleyber: Haha okay.

We pulled into the parking lot and the bus came to a big halt and I fell out of my chair. The bus driver pushed too hard on the break I was in the asile dying laughing. Everyone on the bus was laughing with me and Manager Boone helped me up.

Manager: You okay Sarah?
Me: I'm okay thank you.
Manager: Okay good. I don't need one of my book girls getting hurt.
Me: Haha im fine. I promise.
Manager: Okay team since she is okay let's head inside we have a game to play.

As everyone headed inside the wives had their own section in the Stadium next to the Yankee dugout and Christina, Jessica and I ran the book.

As the game started I was teaching Jessica and Christina the book since the manager taught me in the locker room and we made a pretty good team.

Manager Boone would check on us from time to time to make sure we were okay with the book and we just gave him the nod. You can tell he just knew what he was doing and he knew the talent. I was the only girl out of any of the other girls sitting around me who watched him growing up. I knew his work ethic and his athletic ability with his players.

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