The Very Next Day. The Calls and the Sapphire Necklace.

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I woke up the next morning on his chest but it wasn't a chest I usually wake up to. This one smelled like Irish Spring soap and cologne but I really loved the mix of the scents.

I looked up and was met with these bedroom eyes that were Cody's.

Cody: Morning Sarah.
Me: Morning. Did we do anything last night?
Cody: Um no. You said you wanted to take things slow.
Me: Oh okay. I'm sorry I was just scared.
Cody: Sarah don't worry I wasn't going to pressure you to do anything.
Me: Thank you.
Cody: Your welcome.
Me: Are we staying the week?
Cody: I was thinking we could.
Me: Okay that's fine.

Cody rolled out of bed and I was met with his muscular back and his large biceps flexing in front of the window to look outside into the backyard.

My god he was so sexy.

I just stared at him for a couple of seconds but snapped out of it when he turned around.

Cody: Like what you see? 😌
Me: Mhm. 😉

I crawled out of bed and walked up to him so I could give him a kiss.

The kiss felt different but a good different.

A couple of seconds later Cody's phone was ringing but it was Yeli.

Cody: Yeli is calling me.
Me: Oh okay. Is he FaceTiming?
Cody: Yeah.
Me: Let me put your shirt on.
Cody: Okay.

Cody and I just laid on our stomachs on the bed but only his face came into the screen until he was ready to show Yeli that I wasn't Sabrina.

Yeli: Hey Belli. ;)
Cody: Hey Dude. What's up?
Yeli: Well I'm in town for this therapy training and I was wondering if you wanted to hangout or if I could come over and see you, Sabrina and the baby.
Cody: Well um okay. I think that would be fine.
Yeli: Okay dude. You seem nervous though. Are you cool?
Cody: Actually um I need to show you someone next to me.
Yeli: Okay.

Cody positioned the phone for both of us and Christian's jaw dropped.

Me: Hi Chris.
Yeli: Hi Sarah. What are you doing in Cody's clothes?
Me: Um good question why don't you ask Aaron.
Yeli: Strike three?
Me: Yep.
Yeli: Well why did I know this was going to happen. With who?
Me: Who do you think?
Yeli: The bitch?
Me: Nope. Who normally wears Cody's clothing.
Yeli: No fucking way!
Me: Yep.
Yeli: Guys I'm sorry.
Me: No need to apologize. It isn't your fault Christian.
Yeli: Can I still come over?
Me: I mean if you want to.
Yeli: Actually considering what I just heard I think you guys need the day to yourselves. I will come by tomorrow.
Me: Okay. I'm sorry.
Yeli: No no. I'm sorry for you guys. Both of you don't deserve this and neither do the boys.
Me: Yeah when we get back to NY Cody and I are taking the kids honestly. We just thought about it this morning.
Yeli: I think that's a good idea.
Me: Yep I know. Talk to you soon Chris.
Yeli: You guys too!

As I got off the phone with Christian I handed Cody back his phone and he took my hand in his.

Cody: Sarah.
Me: Hm.
Cody: I want you to come somewhere with me.
Me: Okay.

Cody walked with me down the road from his house to this jeweler that his mom usually came to to buy things.

Cody: Sarah there is this one necklace that I never gave to anyone that my mom told me to save for someone who is special to me. I want you to have this.

Me: What is it?
Cody: This necklace.

Cody: This was my grandma's

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Cody: This was my grandma's. No one knows about this but my family and I. My mom talked to me yesterday and she wanted me to give it to you.
Me: Cody why me?
Cody: You saw me when I was invisible Sarah. You always believed in me.

I couldn't help but have tears rolling down my face but I kissed him and thanked him afterwards.

Me: This is beautiful and it is my birthstone.
Cody: Another reason why I wanted to give it to you.
Me: Can I ask you why the jeweler had it?
Cody: My grandma owned this place and then gave it to my grandfather and then he passed it onto my cousin so now my cousin and his wife run the place and we kept this necklace away from anyone who isn't in my family. My mom thought about it and she wanted you to have it.
Me: I need to thank your mom.
Cody: Okay if you want to. :)

As we walked back home we walked into the living room and Jenn was on the couch typing something into her iPad.

Jenn: Sarah! You have the necklace!
Me: Why me Jenn?
Jenn: Did Cody tell you why?
Me: Not fully?
Jenn: Sarah you deserve it because you saw my son when he was nothing and you didn't treat him or cling him to anything he wasn't ready for. His grandma and grandpa would want you to have it. It was passed to me when I got married but I wanted to change the reigns a little bit and pass it to someone who really deserves it more than just a wedding token.
Me: Thank you Jenn. This means a lot to me. It is also my birthstone.
Jenn: Well now it means something else to you.
Me: Yeah it does. :)
Jenn: So what are you going to do for the rest of the day?
Me: I was hoping you would let Cody and I cook for everyone tonight?
Jenn: Wow okay. That would be nice. Was this Cody's idea or yours?
Me: More both of us.
Jenn: Okay that sounds nice. I'm going to be going out for a little while so let me know if you guys need me to pick up anything.
Me: Okay. :)

When Jenn walked out and no one was home I walked with Cody into the kitchen to get things ready for dinner.

Cody: Why didn't you tell my mom it was your idea?
Me: Because it wasn't my idea fully you helped also and I needed to give you some of the credit.
Cody: Thanks Sarah. :)
Me: Your welcome.

Cody and I continued to cook the rest of the day and then I got a call from someone on my phone and I told Cody to pick it up.

He looked at the caller ID and said it was a FaceTime from Patty.

Me: Crap! I'm going to take it.
Cody: Want me to come with you?
Me: Just stand by.
Cody: Okay honey.

I walked into the living room and sat down.

I picked up the FaceTime.

Me: Hi Patty.
Patty: Sarah! I'm so sorry!
Me: Don't worry about it Patty.
Patty: He wants to talk to you Sarah.
Me: This is strike three Patty. I'm sorry.
Patty: I understand Sarah.
Me: I will talk to you guys soon. Okay?
Patty: Of course Sarah. Have a good week.
Me: You too. :)

As I hung up Cody was in the door way and I broke down and cried.

Cody walked over to me and held me.

Cody: Its okay to cry Sarah.
Me: My son! What am I going to do?!?
Cody: Make him ours but he still can see his father if he wants to!
Me: Okay. What about yours?
Cody: I'm taking him and we can raise the kids by ourselves. If they want to come visit and see the kids they can but we are going to fly back out the end of this week to get the boys pack up and move on Sarah.
Me: Okay. I trust you.
Cody: I know you may think this is all fast but I know you and I both know this is what should have happened since day one.
Me: Yeah it should have.
Cody: I love you Sarah.
Me: I love you too. :)

He leaned into kiss me and since the stove was off and Cody finished up the dinner while I was on the phone we just went upstairs to lie down.

Cody: I'm sorry for everything Sarah.
Me: Nope. If we want to blame we can blame both of us for not thinking this wasn't going to happen again when we knew what was going to happen since the last time we came here.
Cody: Yeah I know.
Me: We should get a nap in.
Cody: Yep.

As I fell asleep on Cody's chest it was a peaceful type of silence and all I could hear were his deep cute snores and then I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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