Conversations with Belli. :D

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I knew that Aaron had practice until one in the afternoon today and they were playing the Dodgers at Yankee Stadium. I wanted to for once talk to Cody alone. His girl couldn't come for this home stand because she had things to do back in LA. I always kept Sabrina posted about the things going on on the East Coast.

Cody: Sabrina sends her love.

Me: Oh I know. She wishes she was here like every single day. She doesn't know if she can make any of these games though.

Cody: Yeah she was telling me that. Anyways, how are things with you and Mr. All Rise.

Me: We haven't talked more than two words in the past week.

Cody: Oh boy what is going on.

Me: Well I threw some shit at him for not proposing to me yet.

Cody: Sarah do you know how hard and how much pressure you put on the man just for saying the words marriage and propose in the same sentence. He probably shit his pants when you brought up those two words.

Me: Didi said the same thing to me on the phone the other day. He said to take it easy with those words because these MLB guys the next thing they want to hear are marriage, kids, wives, and just being able to have sex with their wives.

Cody: He is right Sarah. Aaron is going to come around eventually. I know for a fact this man has something planned but maybe he is waiting for the right time to say something to you. I know for me Sabrina is waiting also. I am going to pop the question to her when I get back to LA but she hasn't said anything to me about that.

Me: Ugh she is lucky she doesn't come across those conversations. I guess I was just jealous that Jessica is engaged and Christina is getting proposed to on Saturday. I helped Gio pick out the ring yesterday morning.

Cody: Sarah you know how they say someday my prince will come. Well I am going to tell you someday that ring will come and you aren't going to expect it. An expected proposal is boring trust me. No one wants to know they are getting proposed to. They like to keep that shit a surprise.

Me: Yeah I can understand where you are coming from.

Cody: Well I have to get back to work so I will definitely come by and talk later.

I stopped him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Me: Belli?

Cody: Yes?

Me: Thank you.

Cody: Your welcome Sarah.

He walked off to his dugout and got his glove. I could see him run out to the field and I could see a chatty Aaron with G and Didi next to him. I knew something was going to be going on with them but I didn't want to be nosy just yet. The Yankees were supposed to play Boston this weekend but Boston had other plans and switched their games with the Yankees for next weekend. The Dodgers were the next in line to play and to be honest knowing the friendship I had with the Cody Bellinger bitches were getting on my ass. I had to shut them down like the trolls on social media.

Christina walked over to me when I was in my thoughts.

Chrissy: Hey girl.

Me: Hey.

Chrissy: You okay?

Me: Yeah I was just thinking about the conversation I had with Cody just now.

Chrissy: Yeah I saw you two talking. He's a great guy Sarah. Sabrina is lucky to have him.

Me: Yep. Can you keep a secret?

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