Cody needs Sarah.💙

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It was the day after the gathering and Cody called me.

Cody: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Cody.
Cody: I was wondering if you wanted to come see me?
Me: Where are you?
Cody: I'm in NY.
Me: Is everything okay?
Cody: Yeah I just needed to talk to you.
Me: Okay. I'm going to come and meet you.
Cody: Okay. I am at the Barnes and Noble near the Starbucks by your place.
Me: Oh okay I know where you are.
Cody: Thanks Sarah.
Me: No problem.

Aaron and I have been on and off lately so we have been talking and we always have our days. This was going to happen with every couple and Jenn has been texting me telling me it is happening with Cody also. Some days are okay and some days are horrible.

Meredith was going on her date tomorrow and she told me to come over when I was done and I told her okay. Aaron had Conner for the day so I wasn't too worried about my son.

As soon as I walked into the Barnes and Noble I saw Cody sitting in the sports section reading one of Derek Jeter's books. He knew this is the place he would meet me if we wanted to talk about things bothering him.

Cody: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey you. What's up?
Cody: Remember the time when we were at my parents place and you were mad because Aaron was with Sabrina and I was with you?
Me: Yeah.
Cody: Do you think we would have had a chance?
Me: I mean maybe if we tried but honestly Cody don't you love Sabrina?
Cody: I do but a part of me wishes I changed somethings in my life. You know when you are happy young and then you get older and it starts to become this daily issue of having feels for things and people you shouldn't have feelings for?
Me: Oh yeah I have those days with Aaron all the time. The first time I met you Cody I really thought you were special. I know it was a long time ago but something with you was different than things were with Aaron. Maybe we are meant to go backwards sometimes.
Cody: Childhood was fun. Remember my little league times.
Me: I watched you on TV with your dad.
Cody: Yep. I had my light colored blue West jersey on.
Me: Yep. you were so adorable with your braces.
Cody: Oh my gosh and my Prince Charming hair that my parents gave me.
Me: Those were the good days Cody. :)
Cody: Yeah they were. I missed talking to you like this Sarah.
Me: I know. I miss the time when we were in your parents backyard. I was for once feeling like I was home back in Bayonne playing little league again and watching you on TV.
Cody: Did you ever think you would meet me?
Me: Nope. I didn't think I would. You are my childhood Cody how could I let that go?
Cody: I don't think you can. I used to throw fits going to practice.
Me: Same with me. Honestly speaking my mom used to have to drive me to practices and then I used to not want to get out of the car but a part of me misses that now more than ever.
Cody: I mean I still get to do it for a living and I love it but I want you to come to a game next year Sarah.
Me: I promise I will. I always wanted to know what it would feel like to wear your jersey and to actually be yours but then again I can't do that now.
Cody: Yeah I cant either.
Me: You know what I'm going to give Conner to my parents for a week and I'm going to fly back out with you to California I just want to sit in the bleachers with you at Dodgers Stadium just to take in everything.
Cody: I would like that. :) Thanks for coming Sarah. I will tell my parents to save you a room in their place.
Me: Thanks Cody. I really love spending time with them.
Cody: Yeah I know. Call me later.
Me: I promise.

I walked out and Cody followed me since he was staying with a friend for the day and flying back out to Cali tonight.

Meredith was calling and I picked up and told her I was walking over to her place now.

I rang the doorbell and she came to open the door.

Meredith: Hey. Where did you come from?
Me: Barnes and Noble.
Meredith: Really? You are never there.
Me: I know I was meeting someone.
Meredith: Mind me asking who?
Me: Cody.
Meredith: Honey let me ask you something.
Me: What is it?
Meredith: Did you ever have a dream of wanting to be with him?
Me: Every single day in my life but I couldn't ruin things with anyone.
Meredith: You aren't ruining things Sarah. You are respecting that your feelings are rising again for someone that you missed. You know how happy you get around Cody now?
Me: No. I mean I can feel myself being happy around him but I don't know on the outside what we would look like.
Meredith: Let me show you. There was a picture that I found exactly like this google one that Mariana showed me when you guys played the Dodgers back at their stadium in LA. Mariana knew you looked happy Sarah. She just didn't want to say anything but now that I remember that picture it was like a flashback of a little league memory everyone wishes to have. I feel that now with Ricardo and I'm not going to lie I just met him but the way you feel about Cody is the way I feel about him. Trust yourself Sarah. Trust your heart.
Me: M where is the picture?
Meredith: I don't have the exact picture but it looks like this one.

Me: Who took the picture? Meredith: One of the Dodger photographers did when you were mad at Aaron that one time

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Me: Who took the picture?
Meredith: One of the Dodger photographers did when you were mad at Aaron that one time. Sabrina was somewhere and you happened to be in that picture with Cody.
Me: Wow. I do remember Mariana showing me that picture but wow that's crazy.
Meredith: Mhm. Think about this conversation Sarah. You guys both love Derek Jeter. Shouldn't that be something to look at? You knew a lot about Cody's dad but you didn't treat him any differently.
Me: Yeah I can see. Do you think anyone else noticed?
Meredith: Yeah I think they did they just wanted you to take notice.
Me: Okay. Well I'm going to get going because I have to book a plane ticket to LA and then I have to pack.
Meredith: Use my United Code.
Me: I will thanks.
Meredith: Good luck Sarah.
Me: Thanks. Good luck tomorrow. Let me know how it goes!
Meredith: I will.

I got a text from Cody saying he has my stuff packed for me since I gave him a spare key the last time he came and he said to meet him back at the house.

I walked towards the house and then he hailed a cab for us.

Cody: I thought you would want to fly with me.
Me: I didn't tell anyone I was leaving.
Cody: Is your son okay?
Me: Yes hes fine.
Cody: I called your parents they are keeping him for a week so he should be fine. As long as your parents know and your son is okay nothing else should matter.
Me: Thank you. I needed this.
Cody: Everyone has a purpose Sarah.

We landed in LA a couple of hours later.

In the next chapter everything unfolds in LA but then things start to change.

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