Meredith Fights For Herself....with help?

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I got a call the next morning from Meredith and I automatically picked it up so Conner wouldn't wake up to the ringing.

Hello Meredith?
Meredith: Sarah I need you.
Me: What's wrong M?!?
Meredith: He keeps hitting me.
Me: Who?!? Who is!
Meredith: You know who Sarah!
Me: Okay I'm coming right now!

I poked Aaron and I told him to call Giancarlo and to call my mom and dad to take Conner. He jumped and did exactly what I said for him to do.

We were back at Meredith's house and to be honest she was in pain on the couch with the ice pack but the idiot was still in the house.

He did look drunk and to be honest with you I don't know how Meredith picked a man like this I'm sorry. She did tell me she was struggling with Daniel but I didn't think it was this bad to the point where domestic violence was involved. The police showed up to her house with everyone in the complex worried about what was going on.

Coach Boone: Are you okay Meredith?
Meredith: I'm still a little sore but I'm fine now.
Giancarlo: Are you sure?
Meredith: Yeah yeah I'm okay thanks everyone. I called Sarah because she always told me to call her if anything.
Aaron: You did a good job doing that honestly speaking because it woke us up to reality Meredith.
Meredith: I really can never get anything right. Men in my life have been absolute crap!
Me: Hm! Trust me! I know! The guys I liked before the Yankees came into play were trashy assholes M so don't feel bad.
Meredith: Yeah I can understand that.
Me: Mhm. As long as you are okay.
Meredith: I'm okay now. Is Conner okay?
Me: He's with my parents at my place he's fine.
Meredith: I'm sorry Sarah. Guys you really are like a family to me thank you. :)
Me: Ohana remember.
Meredith: Yep now I remember.
Me: You know Meredith Aaron has cousins.
Meredith: No thanks girl I'm good for now. I think I just need to take a break in the guy department for now.
Me: I can understand.

As we all sat there and Jess was looking at Meredith she all of a sudden noticed something.

Jess: M?
Meredith: Yeah Jess?
Jess: Did you have a thing with my husband before he met me?
Meredith: Um how did you know that?
Jess: I kinda put two and two together. If you did I do not have an issue with it.
Meredith: Wait hold up! You don't?
Jess: Why would I? Listen I was in Giancarlo's position a lot but with men always coming up to me.
Meredith: Really?
Jess: Oh yeah. My Miami girl side was horrible ask my sister she would tell you I was with a new man every single day until my mom came to me and told me what I was doing was childish and stupid and then I got smacked with a slipper by my dad because he didn't want his daughter like that.
Meredith: I can understand but we all go through phases.
Jess: Yeah but my phase girl was bad. I really thought I was never going to be able to settle down until I found Giancarlo in NY. I think we all have a past with people we only find out about until later on.
Meredith: Can I be honest?
Jess: Yep.
Meredith: Spring Training in 2017 I did love him a lot Jess.
Jess: I can tell and you know what if something happened God for bid with one of us I would want you to take care of my son. I'm being serious and G can't say anything because I told him I want you in Carlito's life.
Meredith: You know not many people would do this right Jess?
Jess: Yes I know but I am not those people. I'm only Jess Stanton. Technically I still have the Mendoza side of me no matter what. My mom and dad raised Chrissy and I they didn't drag us to be hoes like every single bitch outside of the earth.
Meredith: I can understand that. I just wish I was happy like you guys. I never really got to experience much because I never trusted like you guys can. It is really hard to find someone who you can trust these days.
Me: Trust me the truth comes out of us also M but maybe you should ask Giancarlo himself if he has anyone. I'm sure he can find someone for you even if it isn't him.
Jess: M he's got a lot of cousins I can tell you I met a good majority of them and they aren't married. The ones who are have been married for years with kids already.
Giancarlo: Honey remember my cousin Antonio's brother Ricardo?
Jess: Oh yeah.
Giancarlo: He really hasn't been with anyone since like wow a long time. I can call him.
Jess: I would like that idea. M he looks like Giancarlo but like a little bit lighter. Trust me the man is a damn saint. I was completely wasted one night and the guy took me back to my place and told my parents to make sure I wasn't in any harm. Trust me he's the type of person to really care for someone. He took care of his mom before she passed with lung cancer.
Meredith: I like men like that.
Me: Jess can't you call him?
Meredith: Can you?
Jess: I can. Actually I will call him when we get home and I will let you know when he can come from Long Island.
Meredith: I didn't know he lives in NY.
Jess: Yep. By the Long Island Sound. He's got a beautiful house honestly speaking. When his mom passed down in Miami he moved up here with his dog Dorito.
Meredith: That's a cute name.
Jess: Mhm. It is a cute name. You should meet him Meredith. I know he's going to treat you right.
Me: Look who's playing matchmaker now.
Jess: Oh shush you know us girl. ;)
Me: Yep I already do. ;)

When we all went home that night since we stayed the day to make sure Meredith was okay and that asshole was locked up we knew everything was going to be okay. :)

Back at The Stanton Household.....

Jess: Honey I called Ricardo.
Giancarlo: What did he say?
Jess: That he is looking and that he can stop by tomorrow to our place. I will call Meredith in the morning.
Giancarlo: This is going to help both of them I know it.
Jess: Yeah I have a feeling also. :) You are a good guy Giancarlo. Thank you for taking care of her.
Giancarlo: I love how you are so calm with this.
Jess: Meredith is the life of the team Giancarlo. I'm not mad because she isn't some hoe bird off the street. She's a good person and she means well. I like people like that.
Giancarlo: I know. I'm glad.
Jess: Trust me Meredith will love Ricardo in no time. ;) My matchmaking work is complete. ;)
Giancarlo: Only you and Sarah.
Jess: Always. ;)

In the next chapter Ricardo comes to visit. ;)

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