Yankee Stadium Baby Reveal!! Get Ready Mr. Judge.

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The game was at 7:05pm so it was now 3pm and I told the Angels players to get to the stadium early so I could hear the plan that they had.

Mike: So Sarah this is the plan we have for the baby reveal.

Me: Okay spill.

Mike: The manager is going to go up and sit you on a chair on the mound and the rest of us are going to crowd around you.

Me: Okay what next.

Mike: We are going to pretend that you are sick and then we are going to have both teams come over and ask you if you are okay.

Me: Okay. I see where this is going but how are we going to signal in Aaron?

Mike: We are going to bring out the sign after that and that is going to reveal that you are pregnant.

Me: Mike this sounds confusing. Isn't there an easier way.

Mike: That was plan one but plan two I think we could make it work by putting it on the jumbo tron.

Me: I like the tron idea.

Mike: Okay. I guess we can speak to the staff here and then we can have the whole Yankee team come out thinking it is a tribute to someone about their home runs but it is actually you being pregnant.

Me: I like that idea better.

I thought about what Mike said and I liked the second idea better then the first one.

Mike: This is going to work Sarah trust me I am going to be with you the whole way.

Me: You guys should hide me in your club house until the Yankee players come so none of them sense something suspicious.

Mike: That would make some sense. I like that idea.

Me: Okay this is a plan.

Mike: We are going to start the plan at exactly 7:05 tonight before the game starts.

Me: Yes.

Mike: Okay.

Through out the day I was thinking about how this plan was going to work but Jess wanted to be a part of it including Christina so they knew and they were happy for me. They knew this was going to happen sooner or later but with their help I knew this would work out. They were going to sit in the dugout with me and take me out when the video of Gleyber and his home runs for this season played on the tron.

Later on that night. The plan was going to come in just ten minutes and the whole Angels bench was standing outside of the dugout.

Me: Jess is this really going to work?

Jess: Yes love you can trust me that it is going to work.

Christina: I can't wait to see the look on Aaron's face.

As the whole stadium started to pile in it was now 7:05.

The Angels players were ready and they were hiding me, Jess and Christina behind them.

The Yankee players stood outside of the dugout watching Gleyber's home run video but then a video of Mike Trout came up and everyone in the stadium was confused but the whole Angels bench was laughing.

Mike said on the screen:

Now you guys are wondering why I am up here and this is Yankee Stadium....well I am going to reveal some interesting news for the Yankee bench.


As soon as the clock stopped everyone around the stadium was quiet when they saw Mike walk Jess, Christina, and I out to the mound and then Mike took the microphone.

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