Kike and Mariana's. Flying Back To NY.

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Cody and I the next day decided to go to Kike and Mariana's for dinner. They knew our story so it wasn't going to be something we had to tell them over and over to understand.

Kike: How are you guys holding up?
Me: I mean we are okay but a part of me misses home.
Kike: Sarah that is how I feel about Puerto Rico.
Me: I don't know I just want to go back for once and I want to see if anything has changed over there.
Cody: Sarah we can go back if you want to.
Me: I want to because I heard Elizabeth Torres is a therapist but she doesn't tell anyone. I want to go and speak to her about something's.
Cody: Okay honey. We can book plane tickets for tomorrow.
Mariana: Here use my miles guys.
Cody: Thanks Mari.
Mariana: Kike and I are flying back home to Puerto Rico tomorrow and we invited whoever wants to come.
Me: You know what I am going to join you guys but not tomorrow.
Mariana: We would love that Sarah. My parents have a hotel owned by friends down there so they would be happy to have you.
Me: Thank you.
Kike: The last time Mariana and I were there it was close to our wedding which I know everyone loved.
Me: Oh my gosh I still watch the video.
Cody: She was watching it yesterday.
Mariana: Awe. :)
Cody: Sarah I think we should go to Puerto Rico together.
Me: Yeah I think we should but I have to go to NY first.
Cody: I want to go see my son I miss him so much.
Me: I need to see mine also.
Kike: When was the last time you guys saw Conner and Corey?
Cody: It has been a month.
Kike: Yeah you guys do need to go back.
Cody: We want to.

The thought of us having friends like this made us smile more than ever because we trusted The Dodger family.

The next day Cody and I packed quickly then we hopped on our plane to NY.

On the plane I ended up falling asleep on Cody's shoulder and then when we woke up we were on the ground.

Cody's POV:

I was scared to see how much changed and I think Sarah did also. We wanted to see our boys but a part of me knew Sarah was going through a lot in her head. I understand that because I was going through the same also. Sarah was more of a friend to me. I think her and I together wasn't really working romantically but as a close friend that is who Sarah was. I think we were both hiding from reality for a little while. I think both of us needed to talk to Elizabeth.

As we got out of the cab Cody and I showed up at Aaron's place and he didn't know we were coming.

We rang the door bell and it was a packed house. Everyone was stunned that we came back.

Aaron: Sarah Cody what are you guys doing here?
Me: I came to see my son and Cody came to see Corey.
Sabrina: Here you go Cody.

As Cody was holding and playing with his son Sabrina followed them into the downstairs play room where it was quiet.

As for me I took Conner and I walked around the block with him.

Aaron's POV:
I didn't know what to think when Sarah and Cody came back. I was just ask shocked as everyone else was considering they shut the world out for so long. I had to talk to Sarah and I knew it was over between us but my parents were pissed off at me that everything was official and Sarah is going to be living with Gleyber and Elizabeth for now until she finds herself an apartment.

As Sarah walked back into the house she saw Samantha talking to Aaron and she completely ignored everything that was going on. She didn't tell Aaron that she had custody of Conner because she needed to raise her son in a healthy environment not this one.

Elizabeth knew and she was happy to have Conner because it would help her practice for when her and her husband would have a baby.

Elizabeth: Sarah?
Me: Hey. :) I heard you run therapy sessions.
Elizabeth: I do.
Me: Do you mind if you can help me?
Elizabeth: I thought you were going to say that.
Me: Thank you. :)
Elizabeth: Your welcome. Gleyber is at home waiting for us with Gio and Christina since they live next door. Are you ready to go?
Me: Yes. Conner's things are all packed and then I'm going to bring this rocker thing for him to sleep in until I find an apartment for us.
Elizabeth: Oh okay. I mean Gio and Chrissy live next door and they have a crib downstairs in the play room since the baby sleeps upstairs.
Me: That would be great thank you.
Elizabeth: Your welcome Sarah.

As we both got into the car without another word Conner was fast asleep until we got to the house then I brought him inside to change him then brought him next door to the crib that Elizabeth was talking about and put him down for his nap.

Christina: You are welcome to stay with us Sarah so you can keep an eye on Conner.
Me: Thank you. I really appreciate that.
Christina: Sarah it is official right?
Me: Yep. I'm not going back to that mess.
Christina: I know. Are you going to still be at the games with us?
Me: I might just be up in the box because Coach Boone doesn't want me on the field with Conner.
Christina: Yeah he did that for the players with kids.
Me: Smart man he is.
Christina: Yep I know. When do you start therapy with Lizzie?
Me: Actually in a couple of minutes do you and Gio mind watching Conner?
Christina: Of course not. We are used to this. How old is he now?
Me: He's one and I missed his first birthday when I was in California.
Christina: Well you can make up for it now love.
Me: Yeah I know. Okay I'm going to run next door. Thank you so much for this.
Christina: Girlie we are family it is no problem. I will stay down here since Gio is upstairs with Carlos.
Me: That's a cute name.
Christina: Mhm. Now go go.

I walked next door knowing that Elizabeth was in her office.

Elizabeth: I was wondering where you were.
Me: Sorry I had to make sure Conner is okay and sleeping because this is his nap time and he is okay with Chrissy.
Elizabeth: Good I'm glad. You know Sarah I know how hard this is for you because I have family members who go through this all the time but remember this is your family now. We are always going to be with you no matter what.
Me: Thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me.
Elizabeth: Sarah listen I know you aren't ready to meet someone but I think you need a guy friend other than us and the Dodger team.
Me: Okay. When is he or she coming?
Elizabeth: He is going to stop by tomorrow coming home from seeing his family and we think you should meet him.
Me: Okay. Look who is playing matchmaker now.
Elizabeth: You know I learned from the best. ;)
Me: Haha I know.

As soon as our session was done and we were going to meet every Monday and Wednesday which was good for me.

Elizabeth: Thank you for trusting me Sarah. I promise you are going to be okay in the end.
Me: Thank you Lizzie.

I walked upstairs and Gleyber was holding Conner.

Gleyber: He's so sweet Sarah.
Me: Yeah he knows who you are.
Gleyber: Yeah I know I'm not his father but this is good practice for me.
Elizabeth: It looks good on you mi amor.
Gleyber: Thank you princesa.
Me: Anyways I think I'm going to go for a walk.
Gleyber: Okay Conner is going to be fine with us.
Me: Thank you.

Kike texted me saying he and Mariana landed early this morning in San Juan and I told him I am going to take a rain check and he understood. He and Mariana know what I am going through and he wishes Conner and I nothing but the best.

Sarah knew for a fact she wanted to live close to people she knew so there was an apartment for sale next door to Chrissy and Gio. She took down the number and called the person in charge so she could see the place. It was a nice size for me and Conner.

To the start of new beginnings Sarah was going to accomplish all good things in life.

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