The Couple Who Inspired Us to become a family. ❤️

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Since Jessica and Gian decided to go back to the hotel after their little couple moment Aaron and I ended up taking a Uber home from the Stadium back to the hotel.

Aaron: Honey?
Me: Mhm.
Aaron: Who are you staring at?
Me: The cute couple on my screen.
Aaron: You love them don't you?
Me: Mhm.
Aaron: You know you should be the president of their fan club if you decide to make one. 😂
Me: You know. I was thinking about that.
Aaron: You can't be serious honey.
Me: I am.
Aaron: Honey no. I am so happy you look up to them though.
Me: Aaron literally even before you asked me to be your girlfriend I loved them. They are like couples you don't see every single day. They look so happy.
Aaron: I should talk to Gleyber about this. He is going to be pleased you love him and his wife so much.
Me: You should.
Aaron: Okay deal. I will at the stadium tomorrow.
Me: Haha okay. 😂

When we finished talking we were outside the hotel. We walked in and then my phone buzzed with an Instagram notification.

Aaron: You get Instagram notifications like that?
Me: Mhm.
Aaron: Who from?
Me: The same picture.
Aaron: Okay that's it we are going to get Gleyber now. You are so cute though when you talk about them.
Me: That is because I cherish and appreciate their cuteness.
Aaron: I am going to call him and get him and his wife to meet us for a late dinner.
Me: Okay. :)

When Aaron got off the phone with him he said they would meet us at the restaurant.

I was internally screaming because I really just loved their couple pictures so damn much.

They met us at the place next door to the hotel.

Aaron: There they are honey.
Me: Oh yay!

They found us and came and sat across from us.

Gleyber: Okay love birds we were really gonna hit the bed but then my wife here was craving food.
Aaron: Tell them Sarah.
Me: Well let's just say you guys are my favorite MLB couple ever.
Gleyber: Awe! You mean that?!?
Me: Mhm. :) I do.
Maria: Thank you Sarah I appreciate it.
Gleyber: Sarah we really do.
Me: Your welcome guys.
Aaron: You guys honestly give us hope and everyone else on this team. You keep us together as couples and we really want to thank you for that. It is hard these days being on the road and even trying to keep a relationship. Sarah I know appreciates you both and to be honest with you it is a miracle to see couples that click anymore.
Maria: We know what you both mean. I mean to be honest with you we are really grateful that we can help with relationships. I never thought I would have met him if it wasn't for a party we both attended back home in Venezuela.
Me: Oh I thought you met on the road somewhere.
Gleyber: Nope. It was a family party and she was a family friend and then it kinda just clicked from there. Asking her to marry me I remember was the best and we really just appreciate each other's company.
Me: Now that is one amazing couple let me tell you. You guys don't know how special you are to be setting an example for all of us. Gio came to me the other day and he kept thanking me for putting him with Christina. To be honest the boy's face lights up when he sees her in front of his eyes. It is an amazing feeling.
Gleyber: Honestly I'm just shocked you guys really love us that much.
Me: The first time I saw you both was the picture of you guys on the mound at Yankee Stadium. That was a dream picture of mine and Aaron and I had to recreate it to honor you guys. You mean the world to me. :)
Maria: Sarah you are making me cry now. 😭
Me: Happy tears I hope?
Maria: Yes. Yes all happy tears.

As the night went on we saw Gio in the corner with Christina and they looked so happy together. They saw us and walked over to our table and sat down.

Christina: Oh my gosh my favorite couples are at the table.
Maria: You girls should run a fan club for our marriage.
Christina: That's too much but you guys also are the main reason besides Sarah and Aaron as well as Jessica for putting Gio and I together.
Gio: We were looking through Instagram yesterday and Christina wouldn't shut up about you guys. She was drooling like a twelve year old.
Christina: Gio I was not.
Gio: Mi amor. You were. You kept repeating to yourself over and over. Honey aren't they cute. They are so cute. We should take pictures like them and blah blah blah. I saw the pictures she showed me and you guys seriously are a match maid in heaven.
Gleyber: Wow. Who's next? Jennifer Lopez?
Me: Haha I think that woman has enough love G.
Gleyber: I wouldn't be surprised.

Aaron sat at the table just smiling at all of us talking. It was like he saw a family again and he was happy about it.

Aaron: You guys are literally my home. My parents live all the way in California so besides Sarah you guys literally are my home. I wouldn't be anywhere without the support of all of you.

Gleyber: Dude when you were on the injured list with Gian you guys literally are the core of the team. You guys complete the team.
Aaron: Really?
Gleyber: Yeah. It was so boring without you or Gian cheering us on in the dugout and just being there for us.
Gio: He's right Aaron. You and Gian are the core of the team. Even Brett agreed on it. You can ask anyone in the dugout and they would mention you or Gian.
Aaron: That's amazing guys thank you.
Gio: I guess us just being couples brought us closer together we forgot that we could be a family also.

I kept thinking at this moment of the saying in my head "friends come and go but family thats forever." Just to think a couple of months ago I was alone thinking I wouldn't find anyone. I found Aaron and he gave me love not only for him but for a family that loved each other so much. Relationships or no relationships we were a family.

Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten

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Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. ❤️

Hey guys!
Thank you for the reads so far! I appreciate it! :) The couple above I have loved them since the day I saw them. In a world full of craziness you can't help just looking at them and smiling.

Have a good week!!!

Sarah xx

"Earning His Love" (A New York Yankees Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant