Angels In The Outfield.👼

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As the day went on and Cody went back to Los Angeles with Sabrina Aaron and I were at the hotel before we had to catch our flight later on that day.

We both jolted our heads when we heard the news about Tyler Skaggs from

Aaron: Honey did you hear about Tyler?
Me: Yeah.
Aaron: I can't believe he's gone.
Me: I know. I'm heart broken.
Aaron: We should send flowers to the family for his funeral and wake.
Me: Yeah I was thinking we should do that also. I know Coach Boone wanted to do something as well for the Angels team.
Aaron: He was my age.
Me: That is what breaks me more. He's a rookie player. How can you be gone so fast like that? That is like me Aaron losing you.
Aaron: You aren't going to lose me Sarah.
Me: Aaron I cherish every single moment I spend with you how is Tyler's wife feeling right now. She just lost her one and only true love her husband and now I don't know how she is going to move on.
Aaron: Breaks my heart to see her have to go through it so early in life.
Me: I know. I don't want that to be us Aaron. I want you safe at all times and I want you to tell me if things are bothering you so we can fix them. I love you Aaron James.
Aaron: I love you more Sarah.

I pulled him in for a kiss and I felt like that kiss sealed our hearts for the moment.

Giancarlo walked into our room a couple of minutes later showing us the post he wrote about Tyler.

Me: G this is beautiful.
Gian: Thanks Sarah.
Aaron: Dude you have an amazing heart.
Gian: Yeah I always thought I did it just took Jessica to see it.
Jessica: Yes it did my love.

Jess walked up behind him and rubbed his back with tears in her eyes after reading his post.

Jessica: Baby muffin that was beautiful what you wrote.
Gian: Thanks. I know what it felt like because when the Marlins lost José Fernandez I was in buckets. I know what it feels like to lose a best friend. It was like the world gets ripped out of you. When I found out about Tyler from Christian I was like dude we have to do something and he is all the way in Wisconsin.
Me: Christian Yelich Christian?
Gian: Yeah we were on the Marlins together when the team lost José.
Me: Must have been hard to lose someone you see every single day.
Gian: Boy it was. Passing his locker Chris and I used to sit by it and think if he just hadn't gotten into what he got into we would still have him. We would get to talk to him every single day in the clubhouse. The fact that he's gone now and then losing many other baseball players it is like this world is coming to crap.
Me: I honestly couldn't agree more with you G. We should call Trout and the rest of the guys to make sure they are okay.
Aaron: I have his number. Let's call him.

Aaron rang Mike to see if he would pick up the phone and he surprisingly picked it up on the first ring.

Mike: Aaron my man!
Aaron: Hey Mikey! What's up dude!
Mike: Nothing much man. Did you guys hear about Tyler?
Aaron: Yeah that is why we called. We wanted to check up on you and everyone else over there. We are so sorry man.
Mike: Thanks man. Everyone is keeping it together slowly over here but we will gradually have to move on. His locker is still the way he left it and we don't want to touch any of his things in here. It feels so weird walking into this locker room now. We are like a family bro! How did I just lose a brother?!?
Gian: Mikey. It's G!
Mike: Hey G.
Gian: Listen things are going to get better as time passes but what you need to do now is cry every single tear out and you guys need to be strong for his other loved ones. They are going to need you the most right now.
Mike: Yeah man. Thank you. I also read your post on Instagram. Thank you. All of us needed to hear that.
Gian: From family to family dude. We will always care about family. All of us are one big family. When a lot of us fall we gotta get back up and try again. When we lose so much we gain it back over the years. Rome wasn't built in a day dude. We have to mourn and move on. That's what I did for José and you are going to do that with Tyler. Tyler loved you guys! He loved a lot of people. He's an Angel forever dude.
Me: Angels in the Outfield. 👼
Mike: The team and I were watching clips of that just now.
Me: I thought so Mike. I would love to meet you one day.
Mike: Same to you. I didn't catch your name.
Me: It's Sarah. I'm Aaron's girlfriend.
Mike: Nice to meet you.
Me: You too. :)
Gian: Anyways Mike, let us know if you want us to do anything from my team to yours.
Mike: Thanks G. That means a lot. I am going to send you guys the contact information for his family if you guys wish to call or send out something for them.
Gian: Thanks dude. We definitely will give a call and we will send flowers out.
Mike: Thanks guys. Love you all.
Jessica: We love you too! I'm G's fiancé Jessica. ❤️
Mike: Nice meeting you also! See you guys soon!! ❤️
Me: See you Mikey.

When we hung up the phone with him it was like we knew what he was feeling right away. We just wanted to make sure everyone on that end was okay.

Gian: Guys I want all of us to pitch in and send as much flowers as we can to this family.
Aaron: Sarah and I are in man.
Jessica: I'm in. My dad knows a florist. We can send out flowers.
Gian: Thanks babe.

As the day went on I was on social media just scrolling through and I saw this picture of Tyler and his wife and to be honest I wanted to do the same backdrop for my wedding.

Aaron: That is beautiful

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Aaron: That is beautiful.
Me: I know. In honor of him in the future we should do a backdrop like that.
Aaron: I was thinking that also.
Me: Aren't I smart?
Aaron: Yes you are babe. ;) One in a million reasons why I love you. 💜
Me: I know.

Aaron and I headed to the airport later that day. When we would get back to NY We would call the family and then send as much as we can to them from NY.

Me: Honey do you think we should pay the family a visit or do you think that would be weird?
Aaron: We could but I think that would be too overwhelming right now honey.
Me: Yeah I was thinking that also. Definitely in the future right?
Aaron: Yeah definitely we can. :)

As we sat on the plane most of the players were quiet since we all knew about Tyler.

Didi came over to us and asked us if we were going to do anything.

Me: All of us are sending flowers.
Didi: I want to help.
Aaron: Thanks D! We could use your help man! :) The more the better! :)
Didi: Always bro. See you guys when we land.

As the flight continued to run smoothly I kept running my hands over Aaron's and he would keep looking into my eyes to make sure I was okay. I would nod my head so he would know. I looked down at his hands and saw nothing but love in them. It was like this man was my future and I wanted it to be with him. We always thought about others and how their lives would be right now. The person that came to mind was Tyler's wife. I knew something's about her from G and the team but I didn't know everything. Heard she was a wonderful soul and everything about her lit up a room. Just like Tyler. 😢

I was going to ask G for the family's number and I wanted to call them myself. Hearing from one voice to another is always something special.

Hey Guys!

Thank you for keeping up with me! I really appreciate it!

This chapter was dedicated to Tyler and the fallen in baseball. 👼⚾️ We will always miss them no matter the day.

RIP to all! 🙏🏻👼❤️

Thanks for reading!
Sarah xoxo

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