Flying to Tampa.....

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The next morning I woke up on the couch at G's place and I looked over and Aaron was next to me with his arm on my stomach. I looked over and saw Jessica with G cuddled up into him and they were cute together. I knew we had to get ready to leave soon. Our flight was tonight and we had to go home and pack.

As I was in my movement Aaron woke up and smiled at me. I gave him a kiss on the nose and he decided to get breakfast on the road and go.

G: Thanks for coming guys. We will see you at the airport later.
Jessica: See you guys.
Aaron: Jess take care of him.
Jessica: You bet I will. :)
Me: Bye guys.

We walked out and I smiled and knew things were going to be okay.

When we got back to my place we started packing and you know putting things back where they belonged. I decided on making a decision to move in with him. How was I going to tell him though I don't know.

Aaron: Honey you are in the clouds. Are you okay?
Me: Yeah yeah I'm fine. Just in deep thought.
Aaron: Okay.
Me: Um actually there is something.
Aaron: What?
Me: I want to move in with you.
Aaron: Are you sure?
Me: Mhm. When I was at their place yesterday I saw Jessica with him and it made me want to just move in with you. Seeing them so happy and the way he looks at her I just knew.
Aaron: I guess she talked to you about it?
Me: Yeah she did.
Aaron: Well I'm glad. I was kinda waiting for you to say something.
Me: Oh okay. :) I guess I can leave the clothes I am bringing with me to Tampa at your place and then when I come back we can bring everything else.
Aaron: That sounds good.
Me: Okay. Well we need to be at the airport soon.
Aaron: Yeah we should get moving.

I saw Aaron's phone buzzing on the table when he went into the bathroom to get the things he brought here. I didn't bother looking at it. He came back into the room with a smile.

Aaron: You know you could have picked up my phone.
Me: I'm just your girlfriend and that is privacy. I don't want to.
Aaron: Okay. That's fine.
Me: Who is it?
Aaron: My mom. She was telling us to have a safe flight and to FaceTime her when we land.
Me: I like her. :)
Aaron: Yeah shes great. Oh I sent your mom the pictures the other day.
Me: Oh okay. :) That's good. I think my mom and dad are happy I finally found someone.
Aaron: Yeah. You know I never really had someone who cared about me like you do.
Me: That means a lot coming from you. I guess we found each other at the right time.
Aaron: Yeah I guess we did.

When we got to the airport later on we sat down by the team but on the opposite end.

Aaron: Honey what is it?
Me: Torres and his wife.
Aaron: Isn't it rude to stare? ;)
Me: I can't stop. They are so sweet. I always wanted that.
Aaron: Well you might get it sooner than you think.
Me: What do you mean?
Aaron: Nothing. God works in mysterious ways.
Me: Oh okay.

We saw the rest of the players just sitting in the airport and then most of them were moving towards the plane. I got up to throw something in the garbage and I felt a hand on me. I looked at who it was and it was Gio.

Gio: Hey.
Me: Hi.
Gio: So you are one of the newbies?
Me: Yes you could say that.
Gio: I'm sorry my English isn't wonderful.
Me: No you are improving which is good.
Gio: I was wondering.
Me: What? :)
Gio: Do you have anyone for me?
Me: Like a girlfriend a friend what? Lol.
Gio: Girlfriend.
Me: Not at the moment but if I find anyone I will let you know. :)
Gio: Thank you because I'm kind of tired being alone.
Me: Trust me I understand. I was in your position before.
Gio: Gracias.
Me: De nada.

As he walked off I smiled and walked back to my seat before we had to get on the plane.

Aaron: What was that about?
Me: He asked me if I had a girlfriend for him.
Aaron: Awe. What did you say?
Me: I said no not at the moment but I will look and get back to him. Trust me I completely understand where he is coming from. I was struggling not only to find a good job but to find someone.
Aaron: Hm I know that feeling. I'm sure we can find someone.
Me: I am thinking Jessica has friends.
Aaron: Didn't she live in Florida?
Me: That's what she said to me.
Aaron: We should ask her.
Me: I was thinking about that.

As we got on the plane a couple of seconds later I went to sit next to Jessica and G switched seats with me for the time being.

Jessica: Hey girl.
Me: Hey.
Jessica: What's up?
Me: I was wondering if you had someone for Gio over there.
Jessica: My sister.
Me: What's her name?
Jessica: Christina.
Me: Does she have a boyfriend?
Jessica: Nope. She really hasn't had anyone since like seven years ago.
Me: Perfect. Does she live in Tampa?
Jessica: Orlando actually but I can ask her to come up to Tampa.
Me: That would be nice.
Jessica: Yeah. I can text her now asking her to drive up and stay with us for a couple of days. She doesn't know I'm back with G yet though. She always liked him. My parents did also. I guess over the years things happen.
Me: That makes sense. What is meant to be will be.
Jessica: Yes.

As we continued talking the guys were walking around and smiling at us being the nosy ones.

Me: Why do they keep smiling?
Jessica: Look around we are the only girls in the plane.
Me: And? They act like they never saw women before.
Jessica: A. We are pretty. B. We mind our own business. C. Because we just know how to be civil.
Me: Hm okay.

I saw a guy sit in front of us and it was the manager.

Jessica: Hi.
Me: Hi.
Manager: Hello ladies.
Me: Can we help you?
Manager: Well I see how well you have been with the team and you seem to be getting along with the others besides your boyfriends so I was wondering if you girls wanted to work the book?
Jessica: You mean the ones with runs and such?
Manager: Yup.
Jessica: Sure. Sarah and I can do it.
Me: When I played I was book girl a couple of times but I'm rusty. Unless someone can help us.
Manager: I can help.
Me: Okay good. You have your book girls then. :)
Manager: Good. :)
Me: Have a safe flight.
Manager: You too. :)

Jessica and I looked at each other and smiled. :)

Jessica: Oh my sister texted me back.
Me: What did she say?
Jessica: She said she is getting in the car now.
Me: Did you show her a picture?
Jessica: Mhm. She thinks he's a hottie.
Me: Oh well. ;) That was solved. :)

As the flight went on I caught Torres and his wife talking in the corner and I smiled and waved and they did the same back. :)

Jessica: They are so cute. :)
Me: I love them. :)
Jessica: Same.
Me: What's her name?
Jessica: He said Maria.
Me: Oh okay.

I saw Gio as I walked back to the bathroom and he was sitting near Aaron and G. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Me: Gio. Jessica and I found you a girl. She thinks your a hottie.
Gio: Who is she?
Me: Jessica's sister Christina.
Gio: Is she pretty?

I showed him the picture above

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I showed him the picture above.

Gio: 😳
Me: So?
Gio: Um. 😳
Me: Yeah I thought so.
Gio: We are going to be off this plane in a little while I should get myself ready.
Me: Haha okay. She is driving up from Orlando.
Gio: Gracias Sarah. Thank Jessica for me also.
Me: I will. Your welcome.

Gio walked back to his seat with blush on his face.

Aaron: I have never seen him like that before babe.
Me: Well he's got a pretty girl to look at and admire so there you go. :)
G: Crazy how that girl has never really had a real boyfriend before. She was in between guys like water and then after seven years she stopped looking. The first time I met Jessica, Christina was always in the corner crying because she didn't have anyone to love her. Jessica's family always tried to find someone for her but they were giving up because she kept saying no.
Aaron: Poor girl.
Me: I guess Gio seems like the perfect guy for her. He is kept to himself and very smart minded.
G: Yup. Cool guy.

The rest of the plane ride was nice and we just were happy where we were in life. We couldn't wait to get on the ground and walk around before the guys had to play tomorrow.

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